
搭配 InkEdit 使用應用程式字典

若要建立應用程式字典,必須設定RecognizerCoNtext物件的WordList屬性。 InkEdit控制項不會公開RecognizerCoNtext物件,因此無法直接設定 InkEdit 控制項RecognizerCoNtext物件的WordList屬性。

若要搭配 InkEdit 控制項使用應用程式字典,您必須將筆劃從InkEdit控制項取出、將它們傳遞至新的 RecognizerCoNtext 物件,並將WordList屬性設定為包含應用程式字典的WordList、儲存這個RecognizerCoNtext物件的結果,然後將結果傳回 InkEdit 控制項。


下列 C# 程式碼顯示這項技術的範例。

private RecognizerContext rc;
private WordList wl;
private int wlSelStart;
private int wlSelLen;
private bool isRecoPending = false;

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
  //event handlers must be attached for dictionary to work.
  inkEdit1.Recognition += new Microsoft.Ink.InkEditRecognitionEventHandler(inkEdit1_Recognition);
  inkEdit1.TextChanged += new EventHandler(inkEdit1_TextChanged);

  //create a WordList that contains the application dictionary
  wl = new WordList();
  //Add dictionary terms to the WordList

  // create a RecognizerContext for the WordList
  rc = inkEdit1.Recognizer.CreateRecognizerContext();
  rc.Factoid = Factoid.WordList;

  //set the RecognizerContext WordList to the newly created WordList
  rc.WordList = wl;

  //create a delegate for the new RecognizerContext
  rc.RecognitionWithAlternates += new


void inkEdit1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
  if (isRecoPending)
    isRecoPending = false;

private void inkEdit1_Recognition(object sender,
Microsoft.Ink.InkEditRecognitionEventArgs e)
  //store the start of the selection in wlSelStart
  wlSelStart = inkEdit1.SelectionStart;

  //store the length of the selection in wlSelLen
  wlSelLen = e.RecognitionResult.TopString.Length;

  //copy the strokes from the InkEdit control into the new
  // RecognizerContext
  rc.Strokes = e.RecognitionResult.Strokes.Ink.Clone().Strokes;
  isRecoPending = true;

private void rc_Recognition(object sender,
Microsoft.Ink.RecognizerContextRecognitionWithAlternatesEventArgs e)
  if (inkEdit1.InvokeRequired)
    inkEdit1.Invoke(new RecognizerContextRecognitionWithAlternatesEventHandler(rc_Recognition),
      new object[] { sender, e });

  //set the insertion point in the InkEdit control
  inkEdit1.SelectionStart = wlSelStart;
  inkEdit1.SelectionLength = wlSelLen;
  //insert the result from the new RecognizerContext 
  //into the InkEdit control
  inkEdit1.SelectedText = e.Result.TopString;
  inkEdit1.SelectionStart = inkEdit1.SelectionStart +

// Event handler for the form's closed event
private void Form1_Closed(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
  inkEdit1 = null;
  rc = null;

InkEdit 控制項

Microsoft.Ink.RecognizerCoNtext 類別

Microsoft.Ink.Wordlist 類別