此範例是以 Ink 集合範例為基礎。 它示範如何使用 Divider 物件來分析筆跡輸入。
更新表單時,範例會在每個分析單位周圍繪製周框,並分成字組、線條、段落和繪圖。 除了使用不同的色彩之外,這些矩形會以不同的數量放大,以確保其他人不會遮蔽任何矩形。 下表指定每個分析單位的色彩和放大。
分析單位 | 色彩 | 圖元放大 |
Word |
綠色 |
1 |
折線圖 |
桃紅色 |
3 |
Paragraph |
藍色 |
5 |
繪圖 |
紅色 |
1 |
當表單載入時,會建立 Divider 物件。 會建立 InkOverlay物件,並與表單上的面板相關聯。 然後事件處理常式會附加至 InkOverlay 物件,以追蹤何時新增和刪除筆劃。 然後,如果辨識器可供使用,則會將預設辨識器的 RecognizerCoNtext 物件指派給 Divider。 然後會設定 Divider 物件的 LineHeight 屬性,並將 InkOverlay 物件的 Strokes 集合指派給 Divider。 最後,已啟用 InkOverlay 物件。
// Create the ink overlay and associate it with the form
myInkOverlay = new Microsoft.Ink.InkOverlay(DrawArea.Handle);
// Set the erasing mode to stroke erase.
myInkOverlay.EraserMode = InkOverlayEraserMode.StrokeErase;
// Hook event handler for the Stroke event to myInkOverlay_Stroke.
// This is necessary since the application needs to pass the strokes
// to the ink divider.
myInkOverlay.Stroke += new InkCollectorStrokeEventHandler(myInkOverlay_Stroke);
// Hook the event handler for StrokeDeleting event to myInkOverlay_StrokeDeleting.
// This is necessary as the application needs to remove the strokes from
// ink divider object as well.
myInkOverlay.StrokesDeleting += new InkOverlayStrokesDeletingEventHandler(myInkOverlay_StrokeDeleting);
// Hook the event handler for StrokeDeleted event to myInkOverlay_StrokeDeleted.
// This is necessary to update the layout analysis result when automatic layout analysis
// option is selected.
myInkOverlay.StrokesDeleted += new InkOverlayStrokesDeletedEventHandler(myInkOverlay_StrokeDeleted);
// Create the ink divider object
myInkDivider = new Divider();
// Add a default recognizer context to the divider object
// without adding the recognizer context, the divider would
// not use a recognizer to do its word segmentation and would
// have less accurate results.
// Adding the recognizer context slows down the call to
// myInkDivider.Divide though.
// It is possible that there is no recognizer installed on the
// machine for this language. In that case the divider does
// not use a recognizer to improve its accuracy.
// Get the default recognizer if any
Recognizers recognizers = new Recognizers();
myInkDivider.RecognizerContext = recognizers.GetDefaultRecognizer().CreateRecognizerContext();
catch (InvalidOperationException)
//We are in the case where no default recognizers can be found
// The LineHeight property helps the InkDivider distinguish between
// drawing and handwriting. The value should be the expected height
// of the user's handwriting in ink space units (0.01mm).
// Here we set the LineHeight to 840, which is about 1/3 of an inch.
myInkDivider.LineHeight = 840;
// Assign ink overlay's strokes collection to the ink divider
// This strokes collection is updated in the event handler
myInkDivider.Strokes = myInkOverlay.Ink.Strokes;
// Enable ink collection
myInkOverlay.Enabled = true;
Divider物件的Strokes集合必須與InkOverlay物件的Strokes集合保持同步, (透過InkOverlay 物件的 Ink屬性) 存取。 為了確保發生這種情況,InkOverlay 物件的 Stroke 事件處理常式會撰寫如下。 請注意,事件處理常式會先測試 EditingMode 是否設定為 Ink 以篩選掉橡皮擦筆劃。 如果使用者已要求自動設定分析,則應用程式會呼叫表單的 DivideInk 方法,並重新整理繪圖區域。
private void myInkOverlay_Stroke(object sender, InkCollectorStrokeEventArgs e )
// Filter out the eraser stroke.
if(InkOverlayEditingMode.Ink == myInkOverlay.EditingMode)
// Add the new stroke to the ink divider's strokes collection
// Call DivideInk
// Repaint the screen to reflect the change
當使用者按一下 [檔案] 功能表上的 [Divide] 時, Divide 方法會在 Divideer 物件上呼叫。 如果有的話,會使用預設辨識器。
DivisionResult divResult = myInkDivider.Divide();
變數 divResult
所參考的結果DivisionResult物件會傳遞至公用程式函式 getUnitBBBoxes()
。 公用程式函式會針對要求的任何除法類型傳回矩形陣列:區段、線條、段落或繪圖。
myWordBoundingBoxes = getUnitBBoxes(divResult, InkDivisionType.Segment, 1);
myLineBoundingBoxes = getUnitBBoxes(divResult, InkDivisionType.Line, 3);
myParagraphBoundingBoxes = getUnitBBoxes(divResult, InkDivisionType.Paragraph, 5);
myDrawingBoundingBoxes = getUnitBBoxes(divResult, InkDivisionType.Drawing, 1);
在公用程式函式中,會根據呼叫端所要求的除法類型,使用ResultByType方法來查詢DivisionResult物件的結果。 ResultByType 方法會傳回 DivisionUnits 集合。 集合中的每個 DivisionUnit 代表繪圖、手寫的單一辨識區段、手寫線條或手寫區塊,視呼叫公用程式函式時所指定的專案而定。
DivisionUnits units = divResult.ResultByType(divType);
如果至少有一個 DivisionUnit,則會建立包含每個單位一個周框的矩形陣列。 (矩形會因在擴充變數中保留的每個單位類型不同數量而擴充,以避免重迭。)
// If there is at least one unit, we construct the rectangles
if((null != units) && (0 < units.Count))
// We need to convert rectangles from ink units to
// pixel units. For that, we need Graphics object
// to pass to InkRenderer.InkSpaceToPixel method
using (Graphics g = DrawArea.CreateGraphics())
// InkSpace to Pixel Space conversion setup done here.
// Not shown for brevity.
// Iterate through the collection of division units to obtain the bounding boxes
foreach(DivisionUnit unit in units)
// Get the bounding box of the strokes of the division unit
divRects[i] = unit.Strokes.GetBoundingBox();
// Div unit rect Ink space to Pixel space conversion done here.
// Not shown for brevity.
// Inflate the rectangle by inflate pixels in both directions
divRects[i].Inflate(inflate, inflate);
// Increment the index
} // Relinquish the Graphics object
在上方強制重繪時,下列程式碼會執行 ,在筆跡周圍表單上繪製每個 DivisionUnit 的周框方塊。
private void DrawArea_Paint(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e)
// Create the Pen used to draw bounding boxes.
// First set of bounding boxes drawn here are
// the bounding boxes of paragraphs.
// These boxes are drawn with Blue pen.
Pen penBox = new Pen(Color.Blue, 2);
// First, draw the bounding boxes for Paragraphs
if(null != myParagraphBoundingBoxes)
// Draw bounding boxes for Paragraphs
e.Graphics.DrawRectangles(penBox, myParagraphBoundingBoxes);
// Next, draw the bounding boxes for Lines
if(null != myLineBoundingBoxes)
// Color is Magenta pen
penBox.Color = Color.Magenta;
// Draw the bounding boxes for Lines
e.Graphics.DrawRectangles(penBox, myLineBoundingBoxes);
// Then, draw the bounding boxes for Words
if(null != myWordBoundingBoxes)
// Color is Green
penBox.Color = Color.Green;
// Draw bounding boxes for Words
e.Graphics.DrawRectangles(penBox, myWordBoundingBoxes);
// Finally, draw the boxes for Drawings
if(null != myDrawingBoundingBoxes)
// Color is Red pen
penBox.Color = Color.Red;
// Draw bounding boxes for Drawings
e.Graphics.DrawRectangles(penBox, myDrawingBoundingBoxes);
表單的 Dispose 方法會處置範例中使用的 InkOverlay、 Divider、 RecognizerCoNtext 物件和 Strokes 集合。