
開啟 Active Directory 存放區和擷取憑證

[CAPICOM 是 32 位的僅限元件,可用於下列作業系統:Windows Server 2008、Windows Vista 和 Windows XP。 請改用.NET Framework來實作安全性功能。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 使用 CAPICOM 的替代方案。]

您可以從儲存 網域之使用者的憑證的 Active Directory 存放區擷取憑證。 Active Directory 存放區只能以唯讀模式開啟,而應用程式無法使用 CAPICOM 將憑證新增至 Active Directory 存放區或從 Active Directory 存放區中移除憑證。

在任何 CAPICOM 錯誤上,會傳回負數十進位值為 Err.Number 。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 CAPICOM_ERROR_CODE。 如需 Err.Number的正十進位值相關資訊,請參閱 Winerror.h。

下列範例顯示開啟 Active Directory 存放區,並從該存放區擷取憑證。

Sub OpenADStore()
        On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
        Dim mystore As Store
        Set mystore = New Store
        ' Put a string that represents the name of a certificate 
        ' subject in SubjectNameCn. In the following example, 
        ' the * wildcard character is used in the string so that
        ' the Active Directory store will be searched for all 
        ' certificates with a subject name beginning with 'S.'
        Dim SubjectNameCn As String
        ' The following uses 'cn=' and the * wildcard character.
        ' Using this string, all certificates in the Active Directory
        ' store with a subject name beginning with an 'S' would
        ' be returned.

        SubjectNameCn = "CN=S*"
        ' Active Directory stores can only be opened with read-only
        ' access.
              SubjectNameCn, CAPICOM_STORE_OPEN_READ_ONLY
        If mystore.Certificates.Count < 1 Then
               MsgBox "A certificate for " & SubjectNameCn & _
                      " was not found "
               MsgBox "The certificate has been retrieved."
        End If
        Set mystore = Nothing
        Exit Sub

         If Err.Number > 0 Then
               MsgBox "Visual Basic error found:" & Err.Description
               MsgBox "CAPICOM error found : " & Err.Number
         End If
End Sub