
從 NUMA 節點配置記憶體

下列範例程式代碼示範如何使用 NUMA 函式 GetNumaHighestNodeNumberGetNumaProcessorNodeVirtualAllocExNuma。 它也示範如何使用 QueryWorkingSetEx 函式來擷取配置頁面的 NUMA 節點。

#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0600

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <psapi.h>
#include <tchar.h>

SIZE_T AllocationSize;
DWORD  PageSize;

void DumpNumaNodeInfo (PVOID Buffer, SIZE_T Size);

void __cdecl wmain (int argc, const wchar_t* argv[])
    ULONG HighestNodeNumber;
    ULONG NumberOfProcessors;
    PVOID* Buffers = NULL;

    if (argc > 1)
        (void)swscanf_s (argv[1], L"%Ix", &AllocationSize);

    if (AllocationSize == 0)
        AllocationSize = 16*1024*1024;

    // Get the number of processors and system page size.

    SYSTEM_INFO SystemInfo;
    GetSystemInfo (&SystemInfo);
    NumberOfProcessors = SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
    PageSize = SystemInfo.dwPageSize;

    // Get the highest node number.

    if (!GetNumaHighestNodeNumber (&HighestNodeNumber))
        _tprintf (_T("GetNumaHighestNodeNumber failed: %d\n"), GetLastError());
        goto Exit;

    if (HighestNodeNumber == 0)
        _putts (_T("Not a NUMA system - exiting"));
        goto Exit;

    // Allocate array of pointers to memory blocks.

    Buffers = (PVOID*) malloc (sizeof(PVOID)*NumberOfProcessors);

    if (Buffers == NULL)
        _putts (_T("Allocating array of buffers failed"));
        goto Exit;

    ZeroMemory (Buffers, sizeof(PVOID)*NumberOfProcessors);

    // For each processor, get its associated NUMA node and allocate some memory from it.

    for (UCHAR i = 0; i < NumberOfProcessors; i++)
        UCHAR NodeNumber;

        if (!GetNumaProcessorNode (i, &NodeNumber))
            _tprintf (_T("GetNumaProcessorNode failed: %d\n"), GetLastError());
            goto Exit;

        _tprintf (_T("CPU %u: node %u\n"), (ULONG)i, NodeNumber);

        PCHAR Buffer = (PCHAR)VirtualAllocExNuma(

        if (Buffer == NULL)
            _tprintf (_T("VirtualAllocExNuma failed: %d, node %u\n"), GetLastError(), NodeNumber);
            goto Exit;

        PCHAR BufferEnd = Buffer + AllocationSize - 1;
        SIZE_T NumPages = ((SIZE_T)BufferEnd)/PageSize - ((SIZE_T)Buffer)/PageSize + 1;

        _putts (_T("Allocated virtual memory:"));
        _tprintf (_T("%p - %p (%6Iu pages), preferred node %u\n"), Buffer, BufferEnd, NumPages, NodeNumber);

        Buffers[i] = Buffer;

        // At this point, virtual pages are allocated but no valid physical
        // pages are associated with them yet.
        // The FillMemory call below will touch every page in the buffer, faulting
        // them into our working set. When this happens physical pages will be allocated
        // from the preferred node we specified in VirtualAllocExNuma, or any node
        // if the preferred one is out of pages.

        FillMemory (Buffer, AllocationSize, 'x');

        // Check the actual node number for the physical pages that are still valid
        // (if system is low on physical memory, some pages could have been trimmed already).

        DumpNumaNodeInfo (Buffer, AllocationSize);


    if (Buffers != NULL)
        for (UINT i = 0; i < NumberOfProcessors; i++)
            if (Buffers[i] != NULL)
                VirtualFree (Buffers[i], 0, MEM_RELEASE);

        free (Buffers);

void DumpRegion (PVOID StartPtr, PVOID EndPtr, BOOL Valid, DWORD Node)
    DWORD_PTR StartPage = ((DWORD_PTR)StartPtr)/PageSize;
    DWORD_PTR EndPage   = ((DWORD_PTR)EndPtr)/PageSize;
    DWORD_PTR NumPages  = (EndPage - StartPage) + 1;

    if (!Valid)
        _tprintf (_T("%p - %p (%6Iu pages): no valid pages\n"), StartPtr, EndPtr, NumPages);
        _tprintf (_T("%p - %p (%6Iu pages): node %u\n"), StartPtr, EndPtr, NumPages, Node);

void DumpNumaNodeInfo (PVOID Buffer, SIZE_T Size)
    DWORD_PTR StartPage = ((DWORD_PTR)Buffer)/PageSize;
    DWORD_PTR EndPage   = ((DWORD_PTR)Buffer + Size - 1)/PageSize;
    DWORD_PTR NumPages  = (EndPage - StartPage) + 1;

    PCHAR StartPtr = (PCHAR)(PageSize*StartPage);

    _putts (_T("Checking NUMA node:"));

        malloc (NumPages*sizeof(PSAPI_WORKING_SET_EX_INFORMATION));

    if (WsInfo == NULL)
        _putts (_T("Could not allocate array of PSAPI_WORKING_SET_EX_INFORMATION structures"));

    for (DWORD_PTR i = 0; i < NumPages; i++)
        WsInfo[i].VirtualAddress = StartPtr + i*PageSize;

    BOOL bResult = QueryWorkingSetEx(

    if (!bResult)
        _tprintf (_T("QueryWorkingSetEx failed: %d\n"), GetLastError());
        free (WsInfo);

    PCHAR RegionStart   = NULL;
    BOOL  RegionIsValid = false;
    DWORD RegionNode    = 0;

    for (DWORD_PTR i = 0; i < NumPages; i++)
        PCHAR Address = (PCHAR)WsInfo[i].VirtualAddress;
        BOOL  IsValid = WsInfo[i].VirtualAttributes.Valid;
        DWORD Node    = WsInfo[i].VirtualAttributes.Node;

        if (i == 0)
            RegionStart   = Address;
            RegionIsValid = IsValid;
            RegionNode    = Node;

        if (IsValid != RegionIsValid || Node != RegionNode)
            DumpRegion (RegionStart, Address - 1, RegionIsValid, RegionNode);

            RegionStart   = Address;
            RegionIsValid = IsValid;
            RegionNode    = Node;

        if (i == (NumPages - 1))
            DumpRegion (RegionStart, Address + PageSize - 1, IsValid, Node);

    free (WsInfo);