
設定 COM+ 應用程式共用值

您可以使用下列指示來設定 COM+ 應用程式的 COM+ 應用程式共用值。




元件服務 管理員 工具

若要設定 COM+ 應用程式的 COM+ 應用程式共用,請使用下列步驟:

  1. 在元件服務系統管理工具的控制台樹中,以滑鼠右鍵按下您要共用的 COM+ 應用程式,然後按兩下 [ 屬性]。

  2. 在 [集區與回收] 索引卷標的 [應用程式共用] 底下,輸入集區大小的,視您想要執行的應用程式實例數目而定。

  3. 按一下 [確定]

Visual Basic

Visual Basic 中的下列函式示範如何為您選擇的任何 COM+ 伺服器應用程式設定 COM+ 應用程式共用值(以其 ConcurrentApps 屬性表示)。 若要從 Visual Basic 使用它,請新增 COM+ 管理員 類型庫的參考。

Function SetMyApplicationPooling( _
  strApplicationName As String, _
  lngPoolValue As Long _
) As Boolean  ' Return False if any errors occur.

    SetMyApplicationPooling = False  ' Initialize the function.
    On Error GoTo My_Error_Handler  ' Initialize error handling.

    Dim objCatalog As COMAdmin.COMAdminCatalog
    Dim objAppCollection As COMAdmin.COMAdminCatalogCollection
    Dim objApplication As COMAdmin.COMAdminCatalogObject
    Set objCatalog = CreateObject("COMAdmin.COMAdminCatalog")
    Set objAppCollection = objCatalog.GetCollection("Applications")
    For Each objApplication in objAppCollection
        If objApplication.Name = strApplicationName Then
            objApplication.Value("ConcurrentApps") = lngPoolValue
            MsgBox strApplicationName & _
              " pooling value set to " & lngPoolValue
            Exit For
        End If

    Set objApplication = Nothing
    Set objAppCollection = Nothing
    Set objCatalog = Nothing
    SetMyApplicationPooling = True  ' Successful end to procedure
    Exit Function

My_Error_Handler:  ' Replace with specific error handling.
    MsgBox "Error # " & Err.Number & " (Hex: " & Hex(Err.Number) _
      & ")" & vbNewLine & Err.Description
    Set objApplication = Nothing
    Set objAppCollection = Nothing
    Set objCatalog = Nothing
End Function

若要使用 函式,請提供 COM+ 伺服器應用程式名稱的字串值,以及所需應用程式共用設定的整數值。 下列 Visual Basic 程式代碼示範如何將名為 「MyApplication」 的應用程式集區值設定為 15:

Sub Main()
    If Not SetMyApplicationPooling("MyApplication", 15) Then
        MsgBox "SetMyApplicationPooling failed."
    End If
End Sub


C++ 中的下列函式示範如何為您選擇的任何 COM+ 伺服器應用程式設定 COM+ 應用程式共用值(以其 ConcurrentApps 屬性表示)。 ErrorDescription 方法描述於 解譯錯誤碼

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#import "C:\WINDOWS\system32\Com\ComAdmin.dll"
#include "ComAdmin.h"
#include "StrSafe.h"  // For the StringCchLengthW function

BOOL SetMyApplicationPooling (OLECHAR* szMyApp, LONG lPool) {
    IUnknown * pUnknown = NULL;
    ICOMAdminCatalog * pCatalog = NULL;
    ICatalogCollection * pAppColl = NULL;
    ICatalogObject * pApplication = NULL;
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    BSTR bstrMyApp = NULL;
    unsigned int uMaxLen = 255;  // Maximum length of szMyApp
    LCID lLan = 1024;// Use the default language for comparing strings.

try {
    // Test the input pool value.
    if ((lPool < 1) || (lPool > 1048576)) throw(E_INVALIDARG);
    // Test the input szMyApp to make sure it's OK to use.
    hr = StringCchLengthW(szMyApp, uMaxLen, NULL);
    if (FAILED (hr)) throw(hr);
    // Convert szMyApp to a BSTR.
    bstrMyApp = SysAllocString(szMyApp);

    // Create a COMAdminCatalog object and get its IUnknown.
    hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_COMAdminCatalog, NULL, 
      CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IUnknown, (void**)&pUnknown);
    if (FAILED (hr)) throw(hr);

    // Get the ICOMAdminCatalog interface.
   hr = pUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_ICOMAdminCatalog, 
    if (FAILED (hr)) throw(hr);

    // Get an interface to the Applications collection.
    hr = pCatalog->GetCollection(L"Applications", (IDispatch**)&pAppColl);
    if (FAILED (hr)) throw(hr);

    // Populate all of the Applications collection.
    hr = pAppColl->Populate();
    if (FAILED (hr)) throw(hr);

    // Get the number of applications in the collection.
    LONG lCount = -1;
    hr = pAppColl->get_Count(&lCount);
    if (FAILED (hr)) throw(hr);

    // Iterate through each application in the collection.
    VARIANT varName;
    for (LONG lIdx = 0; lIdx < lCount; lIdx++) {
        hr = pAppColl->get_Item(lIdx, (IDispatch**)&pApplication);
        if (FAILED (hr)) throw(hr);

        // Get the Name value of each application.
       hr = pApplication->get_Name(&varName);
        if (FAILED (hr)) throw(hr);

        // Compare the application name to bstrMyApp.
        hr = VarBstrCmp(varName.bstrVal, bstrMyApp, lLan, NULL);
        if (FAILED (hr)) throw(hr);
        if (VARCMP_EQ == hr) {  // The strings are equal.
            // Set the new pooling value.
            VARIANT varPool;
            varPool.vt = VT_I4;  // Tell the VARIANT it's holding a LONG.
            varPool.lVal = lPool;
            hr = pApplication->put_Value(L"ConcurrentApps", varPool);
            if (FAILED (hr)) throw(hr);
            printf("%S pooling value set to %ld.\n", bstrMyApp, lPool);
    LONG lNum;
    hr = pAppColl->SaveChanges(&lNum);
    if (FAILED (hr)) throw(hr);

    // Clean up.
    pUnknown = NULL;
    pApplication = NULL;
    pAppColl = NULL;
    pCatalog = NULL;
    return (TRUE);
}  // Try

catch(HRESULT hr) {  // Replace with specific error handling.
    printf("Error # %#x: ", hr);
    if (NULL != pUnknown) pUnknown>Release();
    pUnknown = NULL;
    if (NULL != pApplication) pApplication->Release();
    pApplication = NULL;
    if (NULL != pAppColl) pAppColl->Release();
    pAppColl = NULL;
    if (NULL != pCatalog) pCatalog->Release();
    pCatalog = NULL;
    return (FALSE);
}catch(...) {
    printf("An unexpected exception occurred.\n");
}  // SetMyApplicationPooling

若要使用 函式,請提供 COM+ 伺服器應用程式名稱的字串值,以及所需應用程式共用設定的整數值。 下列 C++ 程式代碼示範如何將名為 「MyApplication」 的應用程式集區值設定為 15:

#define _WIN32_DCOM  // To use CoInitializeEx()
void main() {
    if (FAILED (hr)) {
        printf("CoInitializeEx failed: Error # %#x\n", hr);
        exit(0);  // Replace with specific error handling.
    if (! SetMyApplicationPooling (L"MyApplication", 15))
        printf("SetMyApplicationPooling failed.\n");

COM+ 應用程式共用概念