
使用 GetInfoEx 優化

IADs.GetInfoEx 方法可用來從基礎目錄服務將特定屬性值載入本機快取。 這個方法只會將指定的屬性值載入本機快取。 IADs.GetInfo 方法可用來將所有屬性值載入本機快取。

IADs.GetInfoEx 方法會從基礎目錄存放區取得 Active Directory 物件屬性的特定目前值,並重新整理快取的值。

不過,如果屬性快取中已有值,則呼叫 IADs.GetIADs.GetEx 方法,而不先呼叫 IADs.GetInfoEx,該屬性會擷取快取的值,而不是基礎目錄中最新的值。 在本機快取已被修改的情況下,這可能會導致更新的屬性值遭到覆寫,但這些值尚未使用呼叫 IADs.SetInfo 方法的方式認可至基礎目錄服務。 避免快取問題的建議方法是,應該在呼叫 IADs.GetInfo之前,始終透過呼叫 IADs.SetInfo 來認可屬性值變更。

Dim usr As IADs
Dim PropArray As Variant

On Error GoTo Cleanup

' Bind to a specific user object.
Set usr = GetObject("LDAP://CN=Jeff Smith,CN=Users,DC=fabrikam,DC=com")
' The code example assumes that the property description has a single value in the directory.
' Be aware that this will implicitly call GetInfo because, at this point, GetInfo
' has not yet been called (implicitly or explicitly) on the usr object.
Debug.Print "User's common name is " + usr.Get("cn")
Debug.Print "User's title is " + usr.Get("title")
Debug.Print "User's department is " + usr.Get("department")

' Change two of the attribute values in the local cache.
usr.Put "cn", "Jeff Smith"
usr.Put "title", "Vice President"
usr.Put "department", "Head Office"
Debug.Print "User's common name is " + usr.Get("cn")
Debug.Print "User's title is " + usr.Get("title")
Debug.Print "User's department is " + usr.Get("department")

' Initialize the array of properties to pass to GetInfoEx.
PropArray = Array("department", "title")
' Get the specified attribute values.
usr.GetInfoEx PropArray, 0

' The specific attributes values were overwritten, but the attribute
' value not retrieved has not changed.
Debug.Print "User's common name is " + usr.Get("cn")
Debug.Print "User's title is " + usr.Get("title")
Debug.Print "User's department is " + usr.Get("department")

    If (Err.Number<>0) Then
        MsgBox("An error has occurred. " & Err.Number)
    End If
    Set usr = Nothing

擷取 Active Directory 建構屬性

在 Active Directory 中,當呼叫 IADs.GetInfo 方法時,會擷取和快取大部分建構的屬性(如果快取是空的,IADs.Get 會執行隱含 IADs.GetInfo 呼叫時)。 不過,某些建構的屬性不會自動擷取和快取,因此,要求明確呼叫 IADs.GetInfoEx 方法來擷取它們。 例如,在 Active Directory 中,呼叫 IADs.GetInfo 方法時,不會擷取 canonicalName 屬性,IADs.Get 會傳回 E_ADS_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND。 必須呼叫 IADs.GetInfoEx 方法來擷取 canonicalName 属性。 這些相同的建構屬性也不會使用 IADsPropertyList 介面來擷取,以列舉屬性。

如需詳細資訊和示範如何擷取所有屬性值的程式代碼範例,請參閱 讀取建構屬性的範例程式代碼