




  1. 主要安裝程式會呼叫 RmStartSession 函式來啟動重新啟動管理員會話,並取得會話句柄和密鑰。

  2. 主要安裝程式會啟動或連絡次要安裝程式,並提供它在上一個步驟中取得的會話密鑰。

  3. 次要安裝程式會使用會話密鑰呼叫 RmJoinSession 函式,以加入重新啟動管理員會話。 只有當主要安裝程式和次要安裝程式在同一使用者內容中執行時,次要安裝程式才能加入由主要安裝程式啟動的會話。

  4. 主要和次要安裝程式會呼叫 RmRegisterResources 函式來註冊資源。 重新啟動管理員只能使用已註冊的資源來判斷哪些應用程式和服務必須關閉並重新啟動。 所有可能受安裝影響的資源都應該向安裝會話註冊。 資源可以透過檔名、服務簡短名稱或 RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS 結構來識別。

  5. 主要安裝程式會呼叫 RmGetList 函式,以取得 RM_PROCESS_INFO 結構的陣列,其中列出必須關閉和重新啟動的所有應用程式和服務。

    如果由 RmGetList 函式所傳回的 lpdwRebootReason 參數值為非零,則重新啟動管理員無法藉由關閉應用程式或服務來釋放已註冊的資源。 在此情況下,需要系統關機並重新啟動,才能繼續安裝。 主要安裝程式應提示使用者執行動作、停止程式或服務,或排程系統關機並重新啟動。

    如果 RmGetList 函式所傳回 lpdwRebootReason 參數的值為零,安裝程式應該呼叫 RmShutdown 函式。 這會關閉使用已註冊資源的服務和應用程式。 然後,主要和次要安裝程序應該執行完成安裝所需的系統修改。 最後,主要安裝程式應該呼叫 RmRestart 函式,讓重新啟動管理員可以重新啟動它已關閉且已註冊重新啟動的應用程式。

  6. 主要和次要安裝程式會呼叫 RmEndSession 函式來關閉重新啟動管理員會話。

下列代碼段顯示啟動和使用重新啟動管理員會話的主要安裝程式範例。 此範例需要 Windows 7 或 Windows Server 2008 R2。 在 Windows Vista 或 Windows Server 2008 上,計算機應用程式會關閉,但不會重新啟動。 此範例示範主要安裝程式如何使用重新啟動管理員來關閉和重新啟動進程。 此範例假設在開始重新啟動管理員會話之前,計算器已經在運行。

#include <windows.h>
#include <restartmanager.h>

#pragma comment(lib, "rstrtmgr.lib")

int _cdecl wmain()
    DWORD dwErrCode         = ERROR_SUCCESS;
    DWORD dwSessionHandle   = 0xFFFFFFFF; // Invalid handle value

    // CCH_RM_SESSION_KEY: Character count of the  
    // Text-Encoded session key,defined in RestartManager.h
    // Number of calc files to be registered.
    DWORD dwFiles           = 2;   

    // NOTE:We register two calc executable files. 
    // The second one is for the redirection of 32 bit calc on 
    // 64 bit machines. Even if you are using a 32 bit machine,  
    // you don't need to comment out the second line. 
    LPCWSTR rgsFiles[]      = 

    UINT nRetry             = 0; 
    UINT nAffectedApps      = 0;
    UINT nProcInfoNeeded    = 0;
    RM_REBOOT_REASON dwRebootReasons    = RmRebootReasonNone;
    RM_PROCESS_INFO *rgAffectedApps     = NULL;
    // Start a Restart Manager Session
    dwErrCode = RmStartSession(&dwSessionHandle, 0, sessKey);
    if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErrCode)
        goto RM_CLEANUP;

    // Register items with Restart Manager
    // NOTE: we only register two calc executable files 
    // in this sample. You can register files, processes 
    // (in the form of process ID), and services (in the   
    // form of service short names) with Restart Manager.
    dwErrCode = RmRegisterResources(dwSessionHandle,
                                    rgsFiles,       // Files
                                    NULL,           // Processes
                                    NULL);          // Services 
    if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErrCode)
        goto RM_CLEANUP;

    // Obtain the list of affected applications/services.
    // NOTE: Restart Manager returns the results into the  
    // buffer allocated by the caller. The first call to 
    // RmGetList() will return the size of the buffer  
    // (i.e. nProcInfoNeeded) the caller needs to allocate. 
    // The caller then needs to allocate the buffer  
    // (i.e. rgAffectedApps) and make another RmGetList() 
    // call to ask Restart Manager to write the results 
    // into the buffer. However, since Restart Manager 
    // refreshes the list every time RmGetList()is called, 
    // it is possible that the size returned by the first 
    // RmGetList()call is not sufficient to hold the results  
    // discovered by the second RmGetList() call. Therefore, 
    // it is recommended that the caller follows the 
    // following practice to handle this race condition:
    //    Use a loop to call RmGetList() in case the buffer 
    //    allocated according to the size returned in previous 
    //    call is not enough.      
    // In this example, we use a do-while loop trying to make 
    // 3 RmGetList() calls (including the first attempt to get 
    // buffer size) and if we still cannot succeed, we give up. 
        dwErrCode = RmGetList(dwSessionHandle,
                              (LPDWORD) &dwRebootReasons);
        if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErrCode)
            // RmGetList() succeeded

        if (ERROR_MORE_DATA != dwErrCode)
            // RmGetList() failed, with errors 
            // other than ERROR_MORE_DATA
            goto RM_CLEANUP;

        // RmGetList() is asking for more data
        nAffectedApps = nProcInfoNeeded;
        if (NULL != rgAffectedApps)
            delete []rgAffectedApps;
            rgAffectedApps = NULL;

        rgAffectedApps = new RM_PROCESS_INFO[nAffectedApps];
    } while ((ERROR_MORE_DATA == dwErrCode) && (nRetry ++ < 3));

    if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErrCode)
        goto RM_CLEANUP;

    if (RmRebootReasonNone != dwRebootReasons)
        // Restart Manager cannot mitigate a reboot. 
        // We goes to the clean up. The caller may want   
        // to add additional code to handle this scenario.
        goto RM_CLEANUP;
    // Now rgAffectedApps contains the affected applications 
    // and services. The number of applications and services
    // returned is nAffectedApps. The result of RmGetList can 
    // be interpreted by the user to determine subsequent  
    // action (e.g. ask user's permission to shutdown).
    // Shut down all running instances of affected 
    // applications and services.
    dwErrCode = RmShutdown(dwSessionHandle, 0, NULL);
    if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErrCode)
        goto RM_CLEANUP;

    // An installer can now replace or update
    // the calc executable file.

    // Restart applications and services, after the 
    // files have been replaced or updated.
    dwErrCode = RmRestart(dwSessionHandle, 0, NULL);
    if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErrCode)
        goto RM_CLEANUP;

    if (NULL != rgAffectedApps)
        delete [] rgAffectedApps;
        rgAffectedApps = NULL;

    if (0xFFFFFFFF != dwSessionHandle)
        // Clean up the Restart Manager session.
        dwSessionHandle = 0xFFFFFFFF;

    return 0;

下列代碼段顯示將次要安裝程序聯結至現有重新啟動管理員會話的範例。 此範例需要 Windows Vista 或 Windows Server 2008。 次要安裝程式會從主要安裝程式取得會話密鑰,並使用此密鑰來加入會話。

#include <windows.h>
#include <restartmanager.h>

#pragma comment(lib, "rstrtmgr.lib")

int _cdecl wmain()
    DWORD dwErrCode         = ERROR_SUCCESS;
    DWORD dwSessionHandle   = 0xFFFFFFFF; // Invalid handle value

    // CCH_RM_SESSION_KEY: Character count of the 
    // Text-Encoded session key, defined in RestartManager.h
    // Number of files to be registered.
    DWORD dwFiles           = 1;   
    // We register oleaut32.dll with Restart Manager.
    LPCWSTR rgsFiles[]      = 

    // Secondary installer needs to obtain the session key from  
    // the primary installer and uses it to join the session.

    // We assume the session key obtained is stored in sessKey
    dwErrCode = RmJoinSession(&dwSessionHandle, sessKey);
    if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErrCode)
        goto RM_CLEANUP;

    // Register items with Restart Manager
    // NOTE: In Vista, the subordinate is only allowed to 
    // register resources and cannot perform any other 
    // getlist, shutdown, restart or filter operations.
    dwErrCode = RmRegisterResources(dwSessionHandle,
                                    rgsFiles,     // Files
                                    NULL,         // Processes
                                    NULL);        // Services 
    if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErrCode)
        goto RM_CLEANUP;


    if (0xFFFFFFFF != dwSessionHandle)
        // The subordinate leaves the conductor's session 
        // by calling RmEndSession(). The session itself 
        // won't be destroyed until the primary installer 
        // calls RmEndSession()
        dwSessionHandle = 0xFFFFFFFF;

    return 0;