



在此範例中 g_InitOnce ,全域變數是一次性初始化結構。 它會使用 INIT_ONCE_STATIC_INIT以靜態方式初始化。

函式 OpenEventHandleSync 會傳回只建立一次事件的控制碼。 它會呼叫 InitOnceExecuteOnce 函式,以執行回呼函式中包含的 InitHandleFunction 初始化程式碼。 如果回呼函式成功, OpenEventHandleSync 則會傳回 以 lpCoNtext傳回的事件控制碼,否則會傳回 INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE

InitHandleFunction 式是 一次性初始化回呼函式InitHandleFunction 會呼叫 CreateEvent 函式來建立事件,並在 lpCoNtext 參數中傳回事件控制碼。

#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0600
#include <windows.h>

// Global variable for one-time initialization structure
INIT_ONCE g_InitOnce = INIT_ONCE_STATIC_INIT; // Static initialization

// Initialization callback function 
BOOL CALLBACK InitHandleFunction (
    PINIT_ONCE InitOnce,        
    PVOID Parameter,            
    PVOID *lpContext);           

// Returns a handle to an event object that is created only once
HANDLE OpenEventHandleSync()
  PVOID lpContext;
  BOOL  bStatus;
  // Execute the initialization callback function 
  bStatus = InitOnceExecuteOnce(&g_InitOnce,          // One-time initialization structure
                                InitHandleFunction,   // Pointer to initialization callback function
                                NULL,                 // Optional parameter to callback function (not used)
                                &lpContext);          // Receives pointer to event object stored in g_InitOnce

  // InitOnceExecuteOnce function succeeded. Return event object.
  if (bStatus)
    return (HANDLE)lpContext;

// Initialization callback function that creates the event object 
BOOL CALLBACK InitHandleFunction (
    PINIT_ONCE InitOnce,        // Pointer to one-time initialization structure        
    PVOID Parameter,            // Optional parameter passed by InitOnceExecuteOnce            
    PVOID *lpContext)           // Receives pointer to event object           
  HANDLE hEvent;

  // Create event object
  hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL,    // Default security descriptor
                       TRUE,    // Manual-reset event object
                       TRUE,    // Initial state of object is signaled 
                       NULL);   // Object is unnamed

  // Event object creation failed.
  if (NULL == hEvent)
    return FALSE;
  // Event object creation succeeded.
    *lpContext = hEvent;
    return TRUE;


在此範例中 g_InitOnce ,全域變數是一次性初始化結構。 它會使用 INIT_ONCE_STATIC_INIT以靜態方式初始化。

函式 OpenEventHandleAsync 會傳回只建立一次事件的控制碼。 OpenEventHandleAsync 呼叫 InitOnceBeginInitialize 函式以進入初始化狀態。

如果呼叫成功,程式碼會檢查 fPending 參數的值,以判斷是否要建立事件,或只是將控制碼傳回給另一個執行緒所建立的事件。 如果 fPendingFALSE,則初始化已經完成,因此會 OpenEventHandleAsync 傳回 在 lpCoNtext 參數中傳回的事件控制碼。 否則,它會呼叫 CreateEvent 函式來建立事件和 InitOnceComplete 函式以完成初始化。

如果 呼叫 InitOnceComplete 成功,則 OpenEventHandleAsync 傳回新的事件控制碼。 否則,它會關閉事件控制碼,並使用INIT_ONCE_CHECK_ONLY呼叫InitOnceBeginInitialize,以判斷初始化失敗或由另一個執行緒完成。

如果初始化是由另一個執行緒完成,則會 OpenEventHandleAsync 傳回 以 lpCoNtext傳回的事件控制碼。 否則,它會傳回 INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE

#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0600
#include <windows.h>

// Global variable for one-time initialization structure
INIT_ONCE g_InitOnce = INIT_ONCE_STATIC_INIT; // Static initialization

// Returns a handle to an event object that is created only once
HANDLE OpenEventHandleAsync()
  PVOID  lpContext;
  BOOL   fStatus;
  BOOL   fPending;
  HANDLE hEvent;
  // Begin one-time initialization
  fStatus = InitOnceBeginInitialize(&g_InitOnce,       // Pointer to one-time initialization structure
                                    INIT_ONCE_ASYNC,   // Asynchronous one-time initialization
                                    &fPending,         // Receives initialization status
                                    &lpContext);       // Receives pointer to data in g_InitOnce  

  // InitOnceBeginInitialize function failed.
  if (!fStatus)

  // Initialization has already completed and lpContext contains event object.
  if (!fPending)
    return (HANDLE)lpContext;

  // Create event object for one-time initialization.
  hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL,    // Default security descriptor
                       TRUE,    // Manual-reset event object
                       TRUE,    // Initial state of object is signaled 
                       NULL);   // Object is unnamed

  // Event object creation failed.
  if (NULL == hEvent)

  // Complete one-time initialization.
  fStatus = InitOnceComplete(&g_InitOnce,             // Pointer to one-time initialization structure
                             INIT_ONCE_ASYNC,         // Asynchronous initialization
                             (PVOID)hEvent);          // Pointer to event object to be stored in g_InitOnce

  // InitOnceComplete function succeeded. Return event object.
  if (fStatus)
    return hEvent;
  // Initialization has already completed. Free the local event.

  // Retrieve the final context data.
  fStatus = InitOnceBeginInitialize(&g_InitOnce,            // Pointer to one-time initialization structure
                                    INIT_ONCE_CHECK_ONLY,   // Check whether initialization is complete
                                    &fPending,              // Receives initialization status
                                    &lpContext);            // Receives pointer to event object in g_InitOnce
  // Initialization is complete. Return handle.
  if (fStatus && !fPending)
    return (HANDLE)lpContext;
