


The RemoteDevicePicker gives you a list of Remote Systems. All the systems must be signed in with the same Microsoft Account (MSA)


Make sure you enable the RemoteSystem capability in your app's package.appxmanifest to access remote system information.


RemoteDevicePicker remoteDevicePicker = new RemoteDevicePicker()
    Title = "Pick Remote Device",
    SelectionMode = RemoteDevicesSelectionMode.Multiple
var result = await remoteDevicePicker.PickDeviceAsync();
await new MessageDialog($"You picked {result.Count.ToString()} Device(s)" + Environment.NewLine + string.Join(",", result.Select(x => x.DisplayName.ToString()).ToList())).ShowAsync();

You can also use default filter types for initializing. Like Below.

RemoteDevicePicker remoteDevicePicker = new RemoteDevicePicker(RemoteSystemDiscoveryType.Proximal, RemoteSystemAuthorizationKind.Anonymous, RemoteSystemStatusType.Any)
    Title = "Pick Remote Device",
    SelectionMode = RemoteDevicesSelectionMode.Multiple

var remoteSystems = await remoteDevicePicker.PickDeviceAsync();
await new MessageDialog($"You picked {remoteSystems.Count().ToString()} Device(s)" + Environment.NewLine + string.Join(",", remoteSystems.Select(x => x.DisplayName.ToString()).ToList())).ShowAsync();


Property Type Description
SelectionMode RemoteDevicesSelectionMode Gets or sets the DeviceList Selection Mode. Defaults to RemoteDevicesSelectionMode.Single
ShowAdvancedFilters Boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether Advanced Filters are visible or not. Defaults to false

Sample Project

RemoteDevicePicker Sample Page Source. You can see this in action in the Windows Community Toolkit Sample App.

Default Template

RemoteDevicePicker XAML File is the XAML template used in the toolkit for the default styling.


Device family Universal, 10.0.16299.0 or higher
Namespace Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls
NuGet package Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls