

此檢查清單包含規劃、設計及部署與 Active Directory 同盟服務 (AD FS) 中信賴憑證者信任相關聯的宣告規則所需的工作。


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Icon for Creating a claim rule set for a relying party trust check list.檢查清單:為信賴憑證者信任建立宣告規則集

Task 參考
檢閱宣告、宣告規則、宣告規則集和宣告規則範本的概念,以及它們與同盟信任的關聯方式。 Icon for the The Role of Claims link you can use in reference to creating claims rules for a relying party trust.宣告的角色

Icon for the The Role of Claim Rules link you can use in reference to creating claims rules for a relying party trust.宣告規則的角色

檢閱宣告如何流經宣告發行管線中所有階段的概念,以及宣告發行引擎如何處理規則。 Icon for the The Role of the Claims Pipeline link you can use in reference to creating claims rules for a relying party trust.宣告管線的角色

Icon for the The Role of the Claims Engine link you can use in reference to creating claims rules for a relying party trust.宣告引擎的角色

若要有效規劃和實作將透過此信賴憑證者信任發行的輸出宣告,請判斷是否需要一或多個宣告規則,以及您應該搭配此信賴憑證者信任使用的宣告規則。 Icon for the Determine the Type of Claim Rule Template to Use link you can use in reference to creating claims rules for a relying party trust.決定要使用的宣告規則範本類型
檢閱何時建立一個宣告規則,以及如何使用宣告規則語言提供比標準規則更複雜的邏輯,以提供理想的輸出宣告集所需的結果的概念。 Icon for the When to Use a Pass Through or Filter Claim Rule link you can use in reference to creating claims rules for a relying party trust.使用傳遞或篩選宣告規則的時機

Icon for the When to Use a Transform Claim Rule link you can use in reference to creating claims rules for a relying party trust.使用轉換宣告規則的時機

Icon for the When to Use a Send LDAP Attributes as Claims Rule link you can use in reference to creating claims rules for a relying party trust.使用「以宣告方式傳送 LDAP 屬性」規則的時機

Icon for the When to Use a Send Group Membership as a Claim Rule link you can use in reference to creating claims rules for a relying party trust.使用「以宣告方式傳送群組成員資格」規則的時機

Icon for the When to Use an Authorization Claim Rule link you can use in reference to creating claims rules for a relying party trust.使用授權宣告規則的時機

Icon for the When to Use a Custom Claim Rule link you can use in reference to creating claims rules for a relying party trust.使用自訂宣告規則的時機

Icon for the The Role of the Claim Rule Language link you can use in reference to creating claims rules for a relying party trust.宣告規則語言的角色

如果尚未建立符合您組織需求的宣告描述。 AD FS 隨附於 AD FS 管理嵌入式管理單元中公開的預設宣告描述集。 Icon for the Add a Claim Description link you can use in reference to creating claims rules for a relying party trust.新增宣告描述
根據您的組織需求,為與此信賴憑證者信任相關聯的規則集建立一或多個宣告規則,以便適當地發出宣告。 Icon for the Create a Rule to Pass Through or Filter an Incoming Claim link you can use in reference to creating claims rules for a relying party trust.建立用以傳遞或篩選傳入宣告的規則

Icon for the Create a Rule to Send LDAP Attributes as Claims link you can use in reference to creating claims rules for a relying party trust.建立規則以宣告方式傳送 LDAP 屬性

Icon for the Create a Rule to Send Group Membership as a Claim link you can use in reference to creating claims rules for a relying party trust.建立規則以宣告方式傳送群組成員資格

Icon for the Create a Rule to Transform an Incoming Claim link you can use in reference to creating claims rules for a relying party trust.建立規則轉換傳入宣告

Icon for the Create a Rule to Send an Authentication Method Claim link you can use in reference to creating claims rules for a relying party trust.建立規則傳送驗證方法相容宣告

Icon for the Create a Rule to Send an AD FS 1.x Compatible Claim link you can use in reference to creating claims rules for a relying party trust.建立規則以傳送 AD FS 1.x 相容宣告

Icon for the Create a Rule to Send Claims Using a Custom Rule link you can use in reference to creating claims rules for a relying party trust.建立規則使用自訂規則傳送宣告

根據您的組織需求,為發行授權規則集或與此信賴憑證者信任相關聯的委派授權規則集建立一或多個宣告規則,讓使用者能夠存取信賴憑證者。 Icon for the Create a Rule to Permit or Deny Users Based on an Incoming Claim link you can use in reference to creating claims rules for a relying party trust.建立規則允許所有使用者

creating claim rules建立規則依據傳入宣告允許或拒絕使用者