

檔案系統的一個特別考慮領域是正確處理重新命名作業。 類似的問題區域是針對支援硬式連結的檔案系統建立硬式連結。 針對重新命名作業,檔案系統可以刪除檔案 (重新命名作業的目標) ,這需要檔案系統進行額外的安全性檢查。

查看重新命名作業的控制結構時,其中一個結構欄位是 ReplaceIfExists 選項:

    BOOLEAN ReplaceIfExists;
    HANDLE RootDirectory;
    ULONG FileNameLength;
    WCHAR FileName[1];

同樣地,在硬式連結作業的控制結構中,其中一個結構欄位是 ReplaceIfExists 選項:

typedef struct _FILE_LINK_INFORMATION {
    BOOLEAN ReplaceIfExists;
    HANDLE RootDirectory;
    ULONG FileNameLength;
    WCHAR FileName[1];

在這兩種情況下,如果作業存在,選項就是取代作業的目標。 雖然 FASTFAT 檔案系統不支援硬式連結,但它支援重新命名作業。 這些語意和行為可以在 FatSetRenameInfo 函式的 FASTFAT 檔案系統原始程式碼中看到, (WDK 包含) 的 fastfat 範例中看到 Fileinfo.c 原始程式檔。

下列程式碼範例可處理模擬檔案系統檢查以刪除檔案的重新命名作業。 例如,對於具有更健全安全性模型 (NTFS 的檔案系統,例如) ,這項檢查也需要安全性檢查,以確保呼叫者能夠刪除指定的檔案, (呼叫者具有刪除) 所需的適當許可權。

    //  The name already exists. Check if the user wants
    //  to overwrite the name and has access to do the overwrite.
    //  We cannot overwrite a directory.

    if ((!ReplaceIfExists) ||
        (FlagOn(TargetDirent->Attributes, FAT_DIRENT_ATTR_DIRECTORY)) || 
        (FlagOn(TargetDirent->Attributes, FAT_DIRENT_ATTR_READ_ONLY))) {

        try_return( Status = STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION );

    //  Check that the file has no open user handles; otherwise, 
    //  access will be denied. To do the check, search
    //  the list of FCBs opened under the parent Dcb, and make
    //  sure that none of the matching FCBs have a nonzero unclean count or
    //  outstanding image sections.

    for (Links = TargetDcb->Specific.Dcb.ParentDcbQueue.Flink;
            Links != &TargetDcb->Specific.Dcb.ParentDcbQueue; ) {

        TempFcb = CONTAINING_RECORD( Links, FCB, ParentDcbLinks );

        //  Advance now. The image section flush may cause the final
        //  close, which will recursively happen underneath of us here.
        //  It would be unfortunate if we looked through free memory.

        Links = Links->Flink;

        if ((TempFcb->DirentOffsetWithinDirectory == TargetDirentOffset) &&
                ((TempFcb->UncleanCount != 0) ||
                !MmFlushImageSection( &TempFcb->NonPaged->SectionObjectPointers,
                MmFlushForDelete))) {

            //  If there are batch oplocks on this file, then break the
            //  oplocks before failing the rename.

            Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED;

            if ((NodeType(TempFcb) == FAT_NTC_FCB) &&
                    FsRtlCurrentBatchOplock( &TempFcb->Specific.Fcb.Oplock )) {

                //  Do all of the cleanup now since the IrpContext
                //  could go away when this request is posted.

                FatUnpinBcb( IrpContext, TargetDirentBcb );

                Status = FsRtlCheckOplock( &TempFcb->Specific.Fcb.Oplock,
                    NULL );

                if (Status != STATUS_PENDING) {

                    Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED;

            try_return( NOTHING );

    //  OK, this target is finished. Remember the Lfn offset.

    TargetLfnOffset = TargetDirentOffset -
        FAT_LFN_DIRENTS_NEEDED(&TargetLfn) * sizeof(DIRENT);

    DeleteTarget = TRUE;