
Cavolini font family


Although made for small screen imaging, the Cavolini™ typeface has the personality and strength to be practical for everything from small hard-copy text to digital banners. Drawn by Carl Crossgrove, Cavolini has the charm and immediacy of handwriting, and adds to this the design traits necessary for high levels of typographic clarity.

Cavolini’s large x-height, open character spacing, clearly defined apertures, and easily differentiated forms enable high levels of legibility and readability at small sizes. The family’s multiple designs of roman, bold and italic in regular and condensed proportions also enable breadth of choice for creating emphasis, hierarchy, and typographic diversity in a wide variety of environments. The design enjoys a generous x-height, while informal strokes, a natural finish, and wide proportions, give Cavolini a casual and relaxed affability. Small screen legibility is also enhanced through generous character spacing. Cavolini takes advantage of a quality in handwriting that is not normally obvious: a meandering, unstructured stress. Diagonals, verticals, crossbars (whichever letterform component is likely to be written emphatically in an organic and fast way) is likely to be slightly thicker, while there is very little stroke contrast overall.

Obsessed with letters since he learned to read at the age of two, Crossgrove’s early fascination showed up as chalk drawn alphabets on his parent’s driveway and giant letters cut from paper. During his youth, Crossgrove dabbled in display lettering and was influenced by comic books, record album covers and the Art Nouveau resurgence of the 1970s. As he grew older, he discovered classical type designs and lettering, deepening his typographic interests. Today, Crossgrove is a senior designer in the Monotype Studio. A variety of typefaces, ranging from the Reliq™, Origami™ and Beorcana designs, to the Mundo Sans™ and Burlingame™ families are the result of Crossgrove’s talent and skill. His work for Monotype also often takes him into the realm of non-Latin scripts and font production

While Cavolini was developed for low resolution use, it has the personality and strength to be an excellent choice for everything from packaging to correspondence – just about anywhere a casual mien is desired. Cavolini will also thrive at small sizes in digital environments as far ranging as vehicle interfaces and wearables. – fonts.com

In 2019 we reviewed the set of fonts provided with Office identifying stylistic gaps. The result of that effort was the addition of over a hundred new fonts, including classics like Avenir Next LT Pro and Walbaum along with contemporary designs like The Hand, Sagona and Modern Love. These new fonts are available in most Office applications and have been used in a range of new templates.

File name Cavolini.ttf
Styles & Weights Cavolini
Cavolini Bold
Cavolini Bold Italic
Cavolini Italic
Copyright Copyright © 2015, 2016 Monotype Imaging Inc. All rights reserved
Designers Carl Crossgrove
Font vendor Monotype Corporation
Script Tags dlng:'Latn'
Code pages 1252 Latin 1
1250 Latin 2: Eastern Europe
1254 Turkish
1257 Windows Baltic
Fixed pitch False

Licensing and redistribution info

  • Font redistribution FAQ for Windows
  • License Microsoft fonts for enterprises, web developers, for hardware & software redistribution or server installations

Products that supply this font

This typeface is also available within Office applications. For more information visit this page.

Style & weight examples



Cavolini Bold

Cavolini Bold

Cavolini Bold Italic

Cavolini Bold Italic

Cavolini Italic

Cavolini Italic