
資源傳播失敗:ClusterResourcePlacementApplied 為 False

本文討論如何在 Microsoft azure Kubernetes Fleet Manager 中使用ClusterResourcePlacement物件 API 來傳播資源時,針對問題進行疑難解答ClusterResourcePlacementApplied


當您在 Azure Kubernetes Fleet Manager 中使用 ClusterResourcePlacement API 對象傳播資源時,部署會失敗。 狀態 ClusterResourcePlacementApplied 會顯示為 False



  • 資源已存在於叢集上,而且不是由車隊控制器所管理。 若要解決此問題,請更新ClusterResourcePlacement指令清單 YAML 檔案以在 內ApplyStrategy使用AllowCoOwnership,以允許艦隊控制器管理資源。
  • 另一個 ClusterResourcePlacement 部署已使用不同的套用策略來管理所選叢集的資源。
  • ClusterResourcePlacement部署不會套用指令清單,因為語法錯誤或資源設定無效。 如果資源透過信封對象傳播,也可能會發生此情況。


  1. 檢視 ClusterResourcePlacement 狀態並找出區 placementStatuses 段。 placementStatuses檢查值,以識別哪些叢集已ResourceApplied將條件設定為 False,並記下其clusterName值。
  2. Work找出中樞叢集中的物件。 使用識別 clusterName 的 來找出 Work 與成員叢集相關聯的物件。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 如何尋找與 ClusterResourcePlacement相關聯的正確工作資源。
  3. 檢查物件的狀態 Work ,以瞭解防止成功資源應用程式的特定問題。


在下列範例中, ClusterResourcePlacement 嘗試將包含部署的命名空間傳播至兩個成員叢集。 不過,命名空間已存在於一個成員叢集上,特別是 kind-cluster-1

ClusterResourcePlacement 規格

apiVersion: placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/v1beta1
kind: ClusterResourcePlacement
  name: crp
    - kind-cluster-1
    - kind-cluster-2
    placementType: PickFixed
  - group: ""
    kind: Namespace
    name: test-ns
    version: v1
  revisionHistoryLimit: 10
    type: RollingUpdate

ClusterResourcePlacement 狀態

  - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-07T23:32:40Z"
    message:couldn't find all the clusters needed as specified by the scheduling
    observedGeneration: 1
    reason: SchedulingPolicyUnfulfilled
    status: "False"
    type: ClusterResourcePlacementScheduled
  - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-07T23:32:40Z"
    message: All 2 cluster(s) start rolling out the latest resource
    observedGeneration: 1
    reason: RolloutStarted
    status: "True"
    type: ClusterResourcePlacementRolloutStarted
  - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-07T23:32:40Z"
    message: No override rules are configured for the selected resources
    observedGeneration: 1
    reason: NoOverrideSpecified
    status: "True"
    type: ClusterResourcePlacementOverridden
  - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-07T23:32:40Z"
    message: Works(s) are succcesfully created or updated in the 2 target clusters'
    observedGeneration: 1
    reason: WorkSynchronized
    status: "True"
    type: ClusterResourcePlacementWorkSynchronized
  - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-07T23:32:40Z"
    message: Failed to apply resources to 1 clusters, please check the `failedPlacements`
    observedGeneration: 1
    reason: ApplyFailed
    status: "False"
    type: ClusterResourcePlacementApplied
  observedResourceIndex: "0"
  - clusterName: kind-cluster-2
    - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-07T23:32:40Z"
      message: 'Successfully scheduled resources for placement in kind-cluster-2 (affinity
        score: 0, topology spread score: 0): picked by scheduling policy'
      observedGeneration: 1
      reason: Scheduled
      status: "True"
      type: Scheduled
    - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-07T23:32:40Z"
      message: Detected the new changes on the resources and started the rollout process
      observedGeneration: 1
      reason: RolloutStarted
      status: "True"
      type: RolloutStarted
    - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-07T23:32:40Z"
      message: No override rules are configured for the selected resources
      observedGeneration: 1
      reason: NoOverrideSpecified
      status: "True"
      type: Overridden
    - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-07T23:32:40Z"
      message: All of the works are synchronized to the latest
      observedGeneration: 1
      reason: AllWorkSynced
      status: "True"
      type: WorkSynchronized
    - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-07T23:32:40Z"
      message: All corresponding work objects are applied
      observedGeneration: 1
      reason: AllWorkHaveBeenApplied
      status: "True"
      type: Applied
    - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-07T23:32:49Z"
      message: The availability of work object crp-4-work isn't trackable
      observedGeneration: 1
      reason: WorkNotTrackable
      status: "True"
      type: Available
  - clusterName: kind-cluster-1
    - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-07T23:32:40Z"
      message: 'Successfully scheduled resources for placement in kind-cluster-1 (affinity
        score: 0, topology spread score: 0): picked by scheduling policy'
      observedGeneration: 1
      reason: Scheduled
      status: "True"
      type: Scheduled
    - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-07T23:32:40Z"
      message: Detected the new changes on the resources and started the rollout process
      observedGeneration: 1
      reason: RolloutStarted
      status: "True"
      type: RolloutStarted
    - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-07T23:32:40Z"
      message: No override rules are configured for the selected resources
      observedGeneration: 1
      reason: NoOverrideSpecified
      status: "True"
      type: Overridden
    - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-07T23:32:40Z"
      message: All of the works are synchronized to the latest
      observedGeneration: 1
      reason: AllWorkSynced
      status: "True"
      type: WorkSynchronized
    - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-07T23:32:40Z"
      message: Work object crp-4-work isn't applied
      observedGeneration: 1
      reason: NotAllWorkHaveBeenApplied
      status: "False"
      type: Applied
    - condition:
        lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-07T23:32:40Z"
        message: 'Failed to apply manifest: failed to process the request due to a
          client error: resource exists and isn't managed by the fleet controller
          and co-ownernship is disallowed'
        reason: ManifestsAlreadyOwnedByOthers
        status: "False"
        type: Applied
      kind: Namespace
      name: test-ns
      version: v1
  - kind: Namespace
    name: test-ns
    version: v1
  - group: apps
    kind: Deployment
    name: test-nginx
    namespace: test-ns
    version: v1

在 的 kind-cluster-1failedPlacements段中,message欄位會說明為何資源未套用在成員叢集上。 在上 conditions 一節中 Applied ,的 kind-cluster-1 條件會標示為 false ,並顯示 NotAllWorkHaveBeenApplied 原因。 這表示 Work 未套用適用於成員叢集 kind-cluster-1 的物件。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 如何尋找與 ClusterResourcePlacement相關聯的正確工作資源。

kind-cluster-1 的工作狀態

  - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-07T23:32:40Z"
    message: 'Apply manifest {Ordinal:0 Group: Version:v1 Kind:Namespace Resource:namespaces
      Namespace: Name:test-ns} failed'
    observedGeneration: 1
    reason: WorkAppliedFailed
    status: "False"
    type: Applied
  - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-07T23:32:40Z"
    message: ""
    observedGeneration: 1
    reason: WorkAppliedFailed
    status: Unknown
    type: Available
  - conditions:
    - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-07T23:32:40Z"
      message: 'Failed to apply manifest: failed to process the request due to a client
        error: resource exists and isn't managed by the fleet controller and co-ownernship
        is disallowed'
      reason: ManifestsAlreadyOwnedByOthers
      status: "False"
      type: Applied
    - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-07T23:32:40Z"
      message: Manifest isn't applied yet
      reason: ManifestApplyFailed
      status: Unknown
      type: Available
      kind: Namespace
      name: test-ns
      ordinal: 0
      resource: namespaces
      version: v1
  - conditions:
    - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-07T23:32:40Z"
      message: Manifest is already up to date
      observedGeneration: 1
      reason: ManifestAlreadyUpToDate
      status: "True"
      type: Applied
    - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-07T23:32:51Z"
      message: Manifest is trackable and available now
      observedGeneration: 1
      reason: ManifestAvailable
      status: "True"
      type: Available
      group: apps
      kind: Deployment
      name: test-nginx
      namespace: test-ns
      ordinal: 1
      resource: deployments
      version: v1

Work檢查狀態,特別是區manifestConditions段。 您可以看到無法套用命名空間,但命名空間內的部署已從中樞傳播到成員叢集。


在這裡情況下,潛在的解決方案是在 ApplyStrategy 原則中將 設定AllowCoOwnershiptrue為 。 不過,請務必注意,用戶應該做出此決策,因為資源可能不會共用。

此外,您可以檢閱 Apply Work Controller記錄,以深入瞭解資源無法使用的原因。


如果您有問題或需要相關協助,請建立支援要求,或詢問 Azure community 支援。 您也可以向 Azure 意見反應社群提交產品意見反應。