

適用於:SQL Server Azure SQL 資料庫 Azure SQL 受控執行個體

W3C XSD include 元素提供結構描述模組化的支援,在模組化中可以將 XML 結構描述分割成一個以上的實體檔案。 SQL Server目前不支援此元素。 伺服器將會拒絕包含此元素的 XML 結構描述。

作為解決方案,可預先處理包含 <xsd:include> 指示詞的 XML 結構描述,以便將任何所包含之結構描述的內容複製並合併成單一結構描述,以利上傳至伺服器。 下列 C# 程式碼可用以預先處理。 在程式碼開始部份的註解提供如何使用它的資訊。

// XSD Schema Include Normalizer
// To compile:
// csc filename.cs
// How to use:
// Arguments: [-q] input.xsd [output.xsd]
// input.xsd       - file to normalize
// output.xsd      - file to output, default is console
// -q              - quiet
// Example:
// filename.exe schema.xsd
using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
public class XsdSchemaNormalizer
    private static bool NormalizeXmlSchema( String url, TextWriter writer )
   try {
       XmlTextReader txtRead = new XmlTextReader( url );
       XmlSchema sch = XmlSchema.Read( txtRead, null );

       // Compiling Schema

       XmlSchema outSch =
      XmlSchemaIncludeNormalizer.BuildIncludeFreeXmlSchema( sch);

       outSch.Write( writer );
   } catch ( Exception e ) {
       return false;
   return true;
    public static void usage()
   Console.WriteLine("Arguments: [-q] [-v] input.xsd [output.xsd]\n");
   Console.WriteLine("input.xsd       - file to normalize");
   Console.WriteLine("output.xsd      - file to output, default is console");
   Console.WriteLine("-q              - quiet");
    public static void Main(String []args)
   if( args.GetLength(0) < 1 ) {
   int argi = 0;
   bool quiet = false;
   if( args[argi] == "-q" ) {
       quiet = true;

   if( argi == args.GetLength(0) )

   String url = args[argi];

   if( !quiet )
       Console.WriteLine("Loading Schema: " + url);

   if( argi < ( args.GetLength(0) - 1 ) )
       if( !quiet )
      Console.WriteLine("Outputing to file: " + args[argi+1]);

       StreamWriter output =
      new StreamWriter( new FileStream(args[argi+1], FileMode.Create ));

       NormalizeXmlSchema( url, output);
       NormalizeXmlSchema( url, Console.Out);


// A class to remove all <include> from a Xml Schema
public class XmlSchemaIncludeNormalizer
    // Takes as input a XmlSchema which has includes in it
    // and the schema location uri of that XmlSchema
    // Returns a "preprocessed" form of XmlSchema without any
    // includes. It still retains imports though. Also, it does
    // not propagate unhandled attributes
    // It can throw any exception
    public static XmlSchema BuildIncludeFreeXmlSchema( XmlSchema inSch )
   XmlSchema outSch = new XmlSchema();

   AddSchema( outSch, inSch );

   return outSch;

    // Adds everything in the second schema minus includes to
    // the first schema
    private static void AddSchema( XmlSchema outSch, XmlSchema add)
   outSch.AttributeFormDefault = add.AttributeFormDefault;
   outSch.BlockDefault = add.BlockDefault;
   outSch.ElementFormDefault = add.ElementFormDefault;
   outSch.FinalDefault = add.FinalDefault;
   outSch.Id = add.Id;
   outSch.TargetNamespace = add.TargetNamespace;
   outSch.Version = add.Version;

   AddTableToSchema( outSch, add.AttributeGroups );
   AddTableToSchema( outSch, add.Attributes );
   AddTableToSchema( outSch, add.Elements );
   AddTableToSchema( outSch, add.Groups );
   AddTableToSchema( outSch, add.Notations );
   AddTableToSchema( outSch, add.SchemaTypes );

   // Handle includes as a special case
   for( int i = 0; i < add.Includes.Count; i++ )
       if( ! ( add.Includes[i] is XmlSchemaInclude) )
      outSch.Includes.Add( add.Includes[i] );

    // Adds all items in the XmlSchemaObjectTable to the specified XmlSchema
    private static void AddTableToSchema( XmlSchema outSch,
                 XmlSchemaObjectTable table )
   IDictionaryEnumerator e = table.GetEnumerator();

   while( e.MoveNext() )
       outSch.Items.Add( (XmlSchemaObject)e.Value );


您可以使用下列 XSD 結構描述測試前置處理器工具:


<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
     elementFormDefault="qualified" >
  <xsd:element name="publisher" type="xsd:string"/>


<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
  <xsd:include id="books_common" schemaLocation="books_common.xsd"/>
  <xsd:element name="bookstore" type="xsd:string" />
