
SQL Server 連接器維護 & 疑難排解

適用於:SQL Server

本文提供 SQL Server 連接器的補充資訊。 如需 SQL Server 連接器的詳細資訊,請參閱使用 Azure Key Vault可延伸金鑰管理、使用 Azure Key Vault設定 SQL Server TDE 可延伸密鑰管理,以及 使用 SQL Server 連接器搭配 SQL 加密功能


雖然 Microsoft Entra ID 是 Azure Active Directory(Azure AD)的新名稱,但為了防止破壞現有的環境,Azure AD 仍會保留在某些硬式編碼元素中,例如 UI 字段、連線提供者、錯誤碼和 Cmdlet。 在本文中,這兩個名稱是可互換的。

A. SQL Server Connector 的維護指示


Azure Key Vault 支援鑰匙旋轉,這是建立全新金鑰並更新應用程式以使用新金鑰的程式。 鑰匙旋轉是安全性最佳做法,可協助保護密鑰遭入侵時的資料。 SQL Server 連接器支援金鑰匙旋轉。 不應該刪除舊鑰匙,因為可能需要使用舊鑰匙來還原資料庫。 若要旋轉鑰匙,請遵循使用新的 AKV 鑰匙或新的 AKV 鑰匙版本旋轉非對稱鑰匙中的步驟。

升級 SQL Server 連接器

1\.0.0.440 版和較舊版本皆已被取代,而且生產環境也不再支援。 生產環境支援 版及更新版本。 請使用下列指示升級至可在 Microsoft 下載中心上取得的最新版本。


  1. 使用 SQL Server 組態管理員來停止SQL Server 服務。
  2. 使用 [控制面板]>[程式>程式和功能卸載舊版。
    1. 應用程式名稱:適用於 Microsoft Azure Key Vault 的 SQL Server 連接器
    2. 版本:15.0.300.96 (或更舊版本)
    3. DLL 檔案日期:2018 年 1 月 30 日(或更舊版)
  3. 安裝(升級)新的 SQL Server 連接器以用於 Microsoft Azure Key Vault。
    1. 版本:15.0.2000.440
    2. DLL 檔案日期:2024 年 11 月 9 日
  4. 啟動 SQL Server 服務。
  5. 測試加密的資料庫可供存取。


  1. 透過 SQL Server 組態管理員 停止 SQL Server 服務

  2. 使用 控制面板>程式>程式和功能卸載新版本。

    1. 應用程式名稱:適用於 Microsoft Azure Key Vault 的 SQL Server 連接器
    2. 版本:15.0.2000.440
    3. DLL 檔案日期:2024 年 11 月 9 日
  3. 安裝舊版 SQL Server Connector for Microsoft Azure Key Vault。

    1. 版本:15.0.300.96
    2. DLL 檔案日期:2018 年 1 月 30 日
  4. 啟動 SQL Server 服務。

  5. 檢查使用 TDE 的資料庫是否可供存取。

  6. 驗證更新運作之後,您可以刪除舊的 SQL Server Connector 資料夾(如果您選擇重新命名它,而不是在步驟 3 中卸載)。

較舊版本的 SQL Server 連接器

較舊版 SQL Server 連接器的深層連結

輪替 SQL Server 服務主體

SQL Server 會使用在 Microsoft Entra ID (先前稱為 Azure Active Directory) 中建立的服務主體作為存取金鑰保存庫的認證。 服務主體擁有用戶端識別碼和驗證金鑰。 SQL Server 認證是使用 VaultName用戶端識別碼驗證金鑰進行設定。 驗證金鑰 將於一段時間內有效 (一或兩年)。 在時間週期到期之前,必須在 Microsoft Entra ID 中為服務主體產生新的密鑰。 然後必須在 SQL Server 中變更認證。 Management Studio 會在目前的工作階段中為認證維持一份快取,因此認證變更時,應該重新啟動 Management Studio。

Azure VM 上 SQL Server 的受控識別支援

從 SQL Server 2022 累積更新 17 (CU17) 開始,對於可延伸金鑰管理 (EKM),Microsoft Entra 受控識別已支援在 Azure 金鑰保存庫 (AKV) 和 Azure 虛擬機器上的受控硬體安全模組 (HSM)(僅限 Windows)。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 受控識別對 Azure Key Vault可延伸密鑰管理的支援。 若要搭配 SQL Server 連接器使用受控識別,連接器版本必須是 2024 年 11 月 或更新版本。 請從 Microsoft 下載中心 下載最新版本


金鑰保存庫應該要定期備份。 如果遺失保存庫中的非對稱金鑰,便可以從備份還原它。 必須使用與以前相同的名稱來還原金鑰,作用與 [還原 PowerShell] 命令相同 (請參閱下面的步驟)。

如果保存庫遺失,請重新建立保存庫,並使用與之前相同的名稱將非對稱密鑰還原至保存庫。 保存庫名稱可以不同 (或是和先前相同)。 請在新的保存庫上設定存取權限,將 SQL Server 加密案例所需的存取權限授與 SQL Server 服務主體,然後調整 SQL Server 認證以反映新的保存庫名稱。


  • 備份保存庫金鑰 (使用 Backup-AzureKeyVaultKey PowerShell Cmdlet)。
  • 如果保存庫失敗,請在相同的地理區域建立新的保存庫。 建立此保存庫的使用者應該和 SQL Server 的服務主體設定位於相同的預設目錄中。
  • 使用 Restore-AzureKeyVaultKey PowerShell Cmdlet 將金鑰還原至新的保存庫,這會用和以前一樣的名稱還原金鑰。 如果已有相同名稱的金鑰,還原就會失敗。
  • 授與 SQL Server 服務主體使用新保存庫的權限。
  • 修改 Database Engine 所使用的 SQL Server 認證,以反映新的保存庫名稱 (如果需要)。

金鑰備份可以跨 Azure 區域還原,只要它們仍存在於相同的地理區域或下列國家/地區雲端內:美國、加拿大、日本、澳洲、印度、亞太地區、 歐洲巴西、中國、美國政府或德國。

B. 常見問題集

在 Azure 金鑰保存庫上

金鑰作業如何與 Azure 金鑰保存庫搭配運作?

金鑰保存庫中的非對稱金鑰可用來保護 SQL Server 加密金鑰。 只有非對稱金鑰的公開部分可離開保存庫,保存庫絕不會匯出私用部分。 所有使用非對稱金鑰的密碼編譯作業都是在 Azure Key Vault 服務內完成,並受到服務安全性的保護。

什麼是金鑰 URI?

Azure 金鑰保存庫中的每個金鑰都有統一資源識別碼 (URI),可用來在您的應用程式中參考該金鑰。 使用 https://ContosoKeyVault.vault.azure.net/keys/ContosoFirstKey 的格式來取得目前的版本,並使用 https://ContosoKeyVault.vault.azure.net/keys/ContosoFirstKey/cgacf4f763ar42ffb0a1gca546aygd87 的格式來取得特定版本。

設定 SQL Server

SQL Server 連接器需要存取哪些端點?

連接器會與兩個需要設為允許的端點通訊。 對其他服務進行輸出通訊所需的唯一埠是 HTTPS 的 443:

  • login.microsoftonline.com/*:443
  • *.vault.azure.net/*:443

此外,檢查憑證撤銷清單可能會在連接埠 80 上產生 HTTP 流量。


在防火牆或 Proxy 伺服器後方使用適用於 Microsoft Azure Key Vault 的 SQL Server 連接器時,如果流量延遲或遭封鎖,可能會影響效能。 熟悉在防火牆後存取 Azure Key Vault,以便確保正確規則已就緒。

如何透過 HTTP(S) Proxy 伺服器連線至 Azure Key Vault? 連接器會使用 Internet Explorer 的 Proxy 組態設定。 這些設定可以透過群組原則或登錄來控制,但請務必注意,其非全系統的設定,必須以執行 SQL Server 執行個體的服務帳戶為目標。 如果資料庫管理員在 Internet Explorer 中檢視或編輯這些設定,其只會影響該資料庫管理員的帳戶,不會影響 SQL Server 引擎。 不建議使用服務帳戶以互動方式登入伺服器,而且許多安全環境都會禁止此做法。 對已設定的 Proxy 設定所做的變更,需要重新啟動 SQL Server 執行個體才會生效,因為系統會在連接器首次嘗試連線至金鑰保存庫時快取這些變更。

SQL Server 連接器支援 Azure Key Vault 中的哪些金鑰大小? 最新組建的 SQL Server 連接器支援大小為 2048 和 3072 的 Azure Key Vault 金鑰。


sys.asymmetric_keys 系統檢視會傳回密鑰大小為 2048,即使使用金鑰大小 3072 也一樣。

什麼是 SQL Server 中每個設定步驟所需的最低權限等級?

雖然您能以 sysadmin 固定伺服器角色的成員身分執行所有設定步驟,但是 Microsoft 鼓勵您將自己所使用的權限降至最低。 下列清單定義每個動作的最小權限層級。

  • 若要建立密碼編譯提供者,需要 CONTROL SERVER 權限或 sysadmin 固定伺服器角色中的成員資格。

  • 若要變更組態選項並執行 RECONFIGURE 陳述式,您必須獲授與 ALTER SETTINGS 伺服器層級權限。 sysadmin 和 ALTER SETTINGS serveradmin 固定伺服器角色會隱含 權限。

  • 若要建立認證,需要 ALTER ANY CREDENTIAL 權限。

  • 若要新增登入的認證,需要 ALTER ANY LOGIN 權限。

  • 若要建立非對稱金鑰,需要 CREATE ASYMMETRIC KEY 權限。

如何變更預設的 Microsoft Entra 目錄,在相同的訂用帳戶中建立金鑰保存庫,讓該目錄變成我為 SQL Server 連接器建立的服務主體?

顯示 Microsoft Entra ID 變更預設目錄說明步驟的螢幕擷取畫面。

  1. 移至 Azure 入口網站

  2. 在頁面右上角,選取設定圖示或使用者設定檔。

  3. 在 [目錄 + 訂用帳戶] 頁面上,選取 [所有目錄] 以查看您所屬的所有 Microsoft Entra 目錄。

  4. 如果您有多個目錄,您可以變更啟動目錄,或切換至不同的目錄。


    您可能沒有實際變更 Azure 訂用帳戶上預設目錄的許可權。 在此情況下,請在您的預設目錄中建立 Microsoft Entra 服務主體,讓它和稍後要用的 Azure Key Vault 位於相同的目錄。

若要深入了解 Microsoft Entra ID,請參閱 Azure 訂用帳戶與 Microsoft Entra ID 的關聯方式

C. SQL Server Connector 的錯誤碼說明


雖然 Microsoft Entra ID 是 Azure Active Directory(Azure AD)的新名稱,但為了防止破壞現有的環境,Azure AD 仍會保留在某些硬式編碼元素中,例如 UI 字段、連線提供者、錯誤碼和 Cmdlet。 在本文中,這兩個名稱是可互換的。


錯誤碼 符號 描述
0 scp_err_Success The operation has succeeded.
1 scp_err_Failure The operation has failed.
2 scp_err_InsufficientBuffer This error tells engine to allocate more memory for the buffer.
3 scp_err_NotSupported The operation is not supported. For example, the key type or algorithm specified isn't supported by the EKM provider.
4 scp_err_NotFound The specified key or algorithm couldn't be found by the EKM provider.
5 scp_err_AuthFailure The authentication has failed with EKM provider.
6 scp_err_InvalidArgument The provided argument is invalid.
7 scp_err_ProviderError There is an unspecified error happened in EKM provider that is caught by SQL engine.
401 acquireToken Server responded 401 for the request. Make sure the client ID and secret are correct, and the credential string is a concatenation of AAD client ID and secret without hyphens.
404 getKeyByName The server responded 404, because the key name was not found. Please make sure the key name exists in your vault.
2049 scp_err_KeyNameDoesNotFitThumbprint The key name is too long to fit into SQL engine's thumbprint. The key name must not exceed 26 characters.
2050 scp_err_PasswordTooShort The secret string that is the concatenation of AAD client ID and secret is shorter than 32 characters.
2051 scp_err_OutOfMemory SQL engine has run out of memory and failed to allocate memory for EKM provider.
2052 scp_err_ConvertKeyNameToThumbprint Failed to convert key name to thumbprint.
2053 scp_err_ConvertThumbprintToKeyName| Failed to convert thumbprint to key name.
2057 scp_err_ThumbprintExistedInRegistry The key thumbprint already exists in Windows registry mapped to a different key URI.
2058 scp_err_FailureInRegistry| Failed to perform the operation in registry. SQL Server service account does not have permission to create the registry key.
3000 ErrorSuccess The AKV operation has succeeded.
3001 ErrorUnknown The AKV operation has failed with an unspecified error.
3002 ErrorHttpCreateHttpClientOutOfMemory Cannot create an HttpClient for AKV operation due to out of memory.
3003 ErrorHttpOpenSession Cannot open an Http session because of network error.
3004 ErrorHttpConnectSession Cannot connect an Http session because of network error.
3005 ErrorHttpAttemptConnect Cannot attempt a connect because of network error.
3006 ErrorHttpOpenRequest Cannot open a request due to network error.
3007 ErrorHttpAddRequestHeader Cannot add request header.
3008 ErrorHttpSendRequest Cannot send a request due to network error.
3009 ErrorHttpGetResponseCode Cannot get a response code due to network error.
3010 ErrorHttpResponseCodeUnauthorized Server responded 401 for the request.
3011 ErrorHttpResponseCodeThrottled Server has throttled the request.
3012 ErrorHttpResponseCodeClientError The request sent from the connector is invalid. This usually means the key name is invalid or contains invalid characters.
3013 ErrorHttpResponseCodeServerError Server responded a response code between 500 and 600.
3014 ErrorHttpQueryHeader Cannot query for response header.
3015 ErrorHttpQueryHeaderOutOfMemoryCopyHeader Cannot copy the response header due to out of memory.
3016 ErrorHttpQueryHeaderOutOfMemoryReallocBuffer Cannot query the response header due to out of memory when reallocating a buffer.
3017 ErrorHttpQueryHeaderNotFound Cannot find the query header in the response.
3018 ErrorHttpQueryHeaderUpdateBufferLength Cannot update the buffer length when querying the response header.
3019 ErrorHttpReadData Cannot read response data due to network error.
3076 ErrorHttpResourceNotFound The server responded 404, because the key name was not found. Make sure the key name exists in your vault.
3077 ErrorHttpOperationForbidden The server responded 403, because the user doesn't have proper permission to perform the action. Make sure you have the permission for the specified operation. At minimum, the connector requires 'get, list, wrapKey, unwrapKey' permissions to function properly.
3100 ErrorHttpCreateHttpClientOutOfMemory Cannot create a HttpClient for AKV operation due to out of memory.
3101 ErrorHttpOpenSession Cannot open a Http session due to network error.
3102 ErrorHttpConnectSession Cannot connect a Http session due to network error.
3103 ErrorHttpAttemptConnect Cannot attempt a connect due to network error.
3104 ErrorHttpOpenRequest Cannot open a request due to network error.
3105 ErrorHttpAddRequestHeader Cannot add request header.
3106 ErrorHttpSendRequest Cannot send a request due to network error.
3107 ErrorHttpGetResponseCode Cannot get a response code due to network error.
3108 ErrorHttpResponseCodeUnauthorized Server responded 401 for the request. Make sure the client Id and secret are correct, and the credential string is a concatenation of AAD client Id and secret without hyphens.
3109 ErrorHttpResponseCodeThrottled Server has throttled the request.
3110 ErrorHttpResponseCodeClientError The request is invalid. This usually means the key name is invalid or contains invalid characters.
3111 ErrorHttpResponseCodeServerError Server responded a response code between 500 and 600.
3112 ErrorHttpResourceNotFound The server responded 404, because the key name was not found. Please make sure the key name exists in your vault.
3113 ErrorHttpOperationForbidden The server responded 403, because the user does not have proper permission to perform the action. Please make sure you have the permission for the specified operation. At minimum,'get, wrapKey, unwrapKey' permissions are required.
3114 ErrorHttpQueryHeader Cannot query for response header.
3115 ErrorHttpQueryHeaderOutOfMemoryCopyHeader Cannot copy the response header due to out of memory.
3116 ErrorHttpQueryHeaderOutOfMemoryReallocBuffer Cannot query the response header due to out of memory when reallocating a buffer.
3117 ErrorHttpQueryHeaderNotFound Cannot find the query header in the response.
3118 ErrorHttpQueryHeaderUpdateBufferLength Cannot update the buffer length when querying the response header.
3119 ErrorHttpReadData Cannot read response data due to network error.
3120 ErrorHttpGetResponseOutOfMemoryCreateTempBuffer Cannot get response body due to out of memory when creating a temp buffer.
3121 ErrorHttpGetResponseOutOfMemoryGetResultString Cannot get response body due to out of memory when get result string.
3122 ErrorHttpGetResponseOutOfMemoryAppendResponse Cannot get response body due to out of memory when appending response.
3200 ErrorGetAADValuesOutOfMemoryConcatPath Cannot get Azure Active Directory challenge header values due to out of memory when concatenating the path.
3201 ErrorGetAADDomainUrlStartPosition Cannot find the starting position for Azure Active Directory domain Url in malformatted response challenge header.
3202 ErrorGetAADDomainUrlStopPosition Cannot find the ending position for Azure Active Directory domain Url in malformatted response challenge header.
3203 ErrorGetAADDomainUrlMalformatted The Azure Active Directory response challenge header is malformatted and doesn't contain the AAD domain Url.
3204 ErrorGetAADDomainUrlOutOfMemoryAlloc Out of memory when allocating buffer for Azure Active Directory domain Url.
3205 ErrorGetAADTenantIdOutOfMemoryAlloc Out of memory when allocating buffer for Azure Active Directory tenantId.
3206 ErrorGetAKVResourceUrlStartPosition Cannot find the starting position for Azure Key Vault resource Url in malformatted response challenge header.
3207 ErrorGetAKVResourceUrlStopPosition Cannot find the ending position for Azure Key Vault resource Url in malformatted response challenge header.
3208 ErrorGetAKVResourceUrlOutOfMemoryAlloc Out of memory when allocating buffer for Azure Key Vault resource Url.
3300 ErrorGetTokenOutOfMemoryConcatPath Cannot get token due to out of memory when concatenating the request path.
3301 ErrorGetTokenOutOfMemoryConcatBody Cannot get token due to out of memory when concatenating the response body.
3302 ErrorGetTokenOutOfMemoryConvertResponseString Cannot get token due to out of memory when converting the response string.
3303 ErrorGetTokenBadCredentials Cannot get token due to incorrect credentials. Make sure the credential string or certificate is valid.
3304 ErrorGetTokenFailedToGetToken While the credentials are correct, the operation still failed to get a valid token.
3305 ErrorGetTokenRejected The token is valid but is rejected by server.
3306 ErrorGetTokenNotFound Cannot find the token in response.
3307 ErrorGetTokenJsonParser Cannot parse the JSON response of server.
3308 ErrorGetTokenExtractToken Cannot extract the token from the JSON response.
3400 ErrorGetKeyByNameOutOfMemoryConvertResponseString Cannot get the key by name due to out of memory converting the response string.
3401 ErrorGetKeyByNameOutOfMemoryConcatPath Cannot get the key by name due to out of memory when concatenating the path.
3402 ErrorGetKeyByNameOutOfMemoryConcatHeader Cannot get the key by name due to out of memory when concatenating the header.
3403 ErrorGetKeyByNameNoResponse Cannot get the key by name due to no response from server.
3404 ErrorGetKeyByNameJsonParser Cannot get the key by name due to failed to parse the JSON response.
3405 ErrorGetKeyByNameExtractKeyNode Cannot get the key by name due to failed to extract the key node from the response.
3406 ErrorGetKeyByNameExtractKeyId Cannot get the key by name due to failed to extract the key Id from the response.
3407 ErrorGetKeyByNameExtractKeyType Cannot get the key by name due to failed to extract the key type from the response.
3408 ErrorGetKeyByNameExtractKeyN Cannot get the key by name due to failed to extract the key N from the response.
3409 ErrorGetKeyByNameBase64DecodeN Cannot get the key by name due to failed to Base64 decode the N.
3410 ErrorGetKeyByNameExtractKeyE Cannot get the key by name due to failed to extract the key E from the response.
3411 ErrorGetKeyByNameBase64DecodeE Cannot get the key by name due to failed to Base64 decode the E.
3412 ErrorGetKeyByNameExtractKeyUri Cannot extract the key Uri from the response.
3500 ErrorBackupKeyOutOfMemoryConvertResponseString Cannot back up key due to out of memory when converting the response string.
3501 ErrorBackupKeyOutOfMemoryConcatPath Cannot back up key due to out of memory when concatenating the path.
3502 ErrorBackupKeyOutOfMemoryConcatHeader Cannot back up key due to out of memory when concatenating the request header.
3503 ErrorBackupKeyNoResponse Cannot back up key due to no response from server.
3504 ErrorBackupKeyJsonParser Cannot back up key due to failed to parse the JSON response.
3505 ErrorBackupKeyExtractValue Cannot back up key due to failed to extract the value from JSON response.
3506 ErrorBackupKeyBase64DecodeValue Cannot back up key due to failed to Base64 decode the value field.
3600 ErrorWrapKeyOutOfMemoryConvertResponseString Cannot wrap key due to out of memory when converting response string.
3601 ErrorWrapKeyOutOfMemoryConcatPath Cannot wrap key due to out of memory when concatenating the path.
3602 ErrorWrapKeyOutOfMemoryConcatHeader Cannot wrap key due to out of memory when concatenating the header.
3603 ErrorWrapKeyOutOfMemoryConcatBody Cannot wrap key due to out of memory when concatenating the body.
3604 ErrorWrapKeyOutOfMemoryConvertEncodedBody Cannot wrap key due to out of memory when converting the encoded body.
3605 ErrorWrapKeyBase64EncodeKey Cannot wrap key due to failed to Base64 encode the key.
3606 ErrorWrapKeyBase64DecodeValue Cannot wrap key due to failed to Base64 decode the response value.
3607 ErrorWrapKeyJsonParser Cannot wrap key due to failed to parse the JSON response.
3608 ErrorWrapKeyExtractValue Cannot wrap key due to failed to extract value from response.
3609 ErrorWrapKeyNoResponse Cannot wrap key due to no response from server.
3700 ErrorUnwrapKeyOutOfMemoryConvertResponseString Cannot unwrap key due to out of memory when converting response string.
3701 ErrorUnwrapKeyOutOfMemoryConcatPath Cannot unwrap key due to out of memory when concatenating the path.
3702 ErrorUnwrapKeyOutOfMemoryConcatHeader Cannot unwrap key due to out of memory when concatenating the header.
3703 ErrorUnwrapKeyOutOfMemoryConcatBody Cannot unwrap key due to out of memory when concatenating the body.
3704 ErrorUnwrapKeyOutOfMemoryConvertEncodedBody Cannot unwrap key due to out of memory when converting the encoded body.
3705 ErrorUnwrapKeyBase64EncodeKey Cannot unwrap key due to failed to Base64 encode the key.
3706 ErrorUnwrapKeyBase64DecodeValue Cannot unwrap key due to failed to Base64 decode the response value.
3707 ErrorUnwrapKeyJsonParser Cannot unwrap key due to failed to extract value from response.
3708 ErrorUnwrapKeyExtractValue Cannot unwrap key due to failed to extract value from response.
3709 ErrorUnwrapKeyNoResponse Cannot unwrap key due to no response from server.
3800 ErrorSecretAuthParamsGetRequestBody Error creating request body using AAD clientId and secret.
3801 ErrorJWTTokenCreateHeader Error creating JWT token header for authentication with AAD.
3802 ErrorJWTTokenCreatePayloadGUID Error creating GUID for JWT token payload for authentication with AAD.
3803 ErrorJWTTokenCreatePayload Error creating JWT token payload for authentication with AAD.
3804 ErrorJWTTokenCreateSignature Error creating JWT token signature for authentication with AAD.
3805 ErrorJWTTokenSignatureHashAlg Error getting SHA256 hash algorithm for authentication with AAD.
3806 ErrorJWTTokenSignatureHash Error creating SHA256 hash for JWT token authentication with AAD.
3807 ErrorJWTTokenSignatureSignHash Error signing JWT token hash for authentication with AAD.
3808 ErrorJWTTokenCreateToken Error creating JWT token for authentication with AAD.
3809 ErrorPfxCertAuthParamsImportPfx Error importing Pfx certificate for authentication with AAD.
3810 ErrorPfxCertAuthParamsGetThumbprint Error getting thumbprint from Pfx certificate for authentication with AAD.
3811 ErrorPfxCertAuthParamsGetPrivateKey Error getting private key from Pfx certificate for authentication with AAD.
3812 ErrorPfxCertAuthParamsSignAlg Error getting RSA signing algorithm for Pfx certificate authentication with AAD.
3813 ErrorPfxCertAuthParamsImportForSign Error importing Pfx private key for RSA signing for authentication with AAD.
3814 ErrorPfxCertAuthParamsCreateRequestBody Error creating request body from Pfx certificate for authentication with AAD.
3815 ErrorPEMCertAuthParamsGetThumbprint Error Base64 decoding Thumbprint for authentication with AAD.
3816 ErrorPEMCertAuthParamsGetPrivateKey Error getting RSA private key from PEM for authentication with AAD.
3817 ErrorPEMCertAuthParamsSignAlg Error getting RSA signing algorithm for PEM private key authentication with AAD.
3818 ErrorPEMCertAuthParamsImportForSign Error importing PEM private key for RSA signing for authentication with AAD.
3819 ErrorPEMCertAuthParamsCreateRequestBody Error creating request body from PEM private key for authentication with AAD.
3820 ErrorLegacyPrivateKeyAuthParamsSignAlg Error getting RSA signing algorithm for Legacy private key authentication with AAD.
3821 ErrorLegacyPrivateKeyAuthParamsImportForSign Error importing Legacy private key for RSA signing for authentication with AAD.
3822 ErrorLegacyPrivateKeyAuthParamsCreateRequestBody Error creating request body from Legacy private key for authentication with AAD.
3900 ErrorAKVDoesNotExist Error internet name not resolved. This typically indicates the Azure Key Vault is deleted.
4000 ErrorCreateKeyVaultRetryManagerOutOfMemory Cannot create a RetryManager for AKV operation due to out of memory.


  • 您可能沒有因特網存取權,而且無法存取您的 Azure Key Vault。 請檢查網際網路連線。

  • Azure Key Vault 服務可能會關閉。 檢閱 azure.status.microsoft。 請在其他時間再試一次。

  • 您可能已經從 Azure Key Vault 或 SQL Server 刪除非對稱密鑰。 請還原金鑰。

  • 如果收到「無法載入程式庫」錯誤,請確定您已根據所執行之 SQL Server 版本安裝正確版本的 Visual Studio C++ 可轉散發套件。 下表指定要從下載中心Microsoft安裝的版本。

Windows 事件記錄檔也會記錄與 SQL Server 連接器相關聯的錯誤,這可以協助提供錯誤實際發生原因的額外內容。 Windows 應用程式事件記錄檔中的來源將會是「適用於 Microsoft Azure Key Vault 的 SQL Server 連接器」。

適用於 SQL Server 連接器 的 C++ 執行階段程式庫

SQL Server 版本 使用 SQL Server 連接器 時可轉散發的安裝連結
2008、2008 R2、2012、2014 適用於 Visual Studio 2013 的 Visual C++ 可轉散發套件
2016、2017、2019 適用於 Visual Studio 2015 的 Visual C++ 可轉散發套件

適用於 SQL Server 連接器 的 C++ 執行階段程式庫

SQL Server 版本 使用 SQL Server 連接器 時可轉散發的安裝連結
2008、2008 R2、2012、2014、2016、2017、2019 適用於 Visual Studio 2013 的 Visual C++ 可轉散發套件



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