SortOrder 属性範例 (VB)
這個範例示範 Column 的 SortOrder 屬性,該屬性已附加至 Index的 Columns 集合。 程序代碼會將遞增索引附加至 Employees 數據表中的 Country 數據行,然後顯示記錄。 然後,程式代碼會將遞減索引附加至 [Employees] 數據表中的 [國家/地區] 數據行,然後再次顯示記錄。 顯示遞增和遞減索引之間的差異。
' BeginSortOrderVB
Sub Main()
On Error GoTo SortOrderXError
Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim catNorthwind As New ADOX.Catalog
Dim idxAscending As New ADOX.Index
Dim idxDescending As New ADOX.Index
Dim rstEmployees As New ADODB.Recordset
' Connect to the catalog.
cnn.Open "Provider='Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0';" & _
"Data Source='Northwind.mdb';"
Set catNorthwind.ActiveConnection = cnn
' Append Country column to new index.
idxAscending.Columns.Append "Country"
idxAscending.Columns("Country").SortOrder = adSortAscending
idxAscending.Name = "Ascending"
idxAscending.IndexNulls = adIndexNullsAllow
'Append new index to Employees table.
catNorthwind.Tables("Employees").Indexes.Append idxAscending
rstEmployees.Index = idxAscending.Name
rstEmployees.Open "Employees", cnn, adOpenKeyset, _
adLockOptimistic, adCmdTableDirect
With rstEmployees
Debug.Print "Index = " & .Index
Debug.Print " Country - Name"
' Enumerate the Recordset. The value of the
' IndexNulls property will determine if the newly
' added record appears in the output.
Do While Not .EOF
Debug.Print " " & !Country & " - " & _
!FirstName & " " & !LastName
End With
' Append Country column to new index.
idxDescending.Columns.Append "Country"
idxDescending.Columns("Country").SortOrder = adSortDescending
idxDescending.Name = "Descending"
idxDescending.IndexNulls = adIndexNullsAllow
'Append descending index to Employees table.
catNorthwind.Tables("Employees").Indexes.Append idxDescending
rstEmployees.Index = idxDescending.Name
rstEmployees.Open "Employees", cnn, adOpenKeyset, _
adLockOptimistic, adCmdTableDirect
With rstEmployees
Debug.Print "Index = " & .Index
Debug.Print " Country - Name"
' Enumerate the Recordset. The value of the
' IndexNulls property will determine if the newly
' added record appears in the output.
Do While Not .EOF
Debug.Print " " & !Country & " - " & _
!FirstName & " " & !LastName
End With
' Delete new indexes because this is a demonstration.
catNorthwind.Tables("Employees").Indexes.Delete idxAscending.Name
catNorthwind.Tables("Employees").Indexes.Delete idxDescending.Name
'Clean up
Set catNorthwind = Nothing
Set idxAscending = Nothing
Set idxDescending = Nothing
Set rstEmployees = Nothing
Set cnn = Nothing
Exit Sub
Set catNorthwind = Nothing
Set idxAscending = Nothing
Set idxDescending = Nothing
If Not rstEmployees Is Nothing Then
If rstEmployees.State = adStateOpen Then rstEmployees.Close
End If
Set rstEmployees = Nothing
If Not cnn Is Nothing Then
If cnn.State = adStateOpen Then cnn.Close
End If
Set cnn = Nothing
If Err <> 0 Then
MsgBox Err.Source & "-->" & Err.Description, , "Error"
End If
End Sub
' EndSortOrderVB
Column 物件 (ADOX)
Columns 集合 (ADOX)
Index 物件 (ADOX)
SortOrder 屬性 (ADOX)