
CopyRecord、CopyTo 和 SaveToFile 方法範例 (VB)

此範例示範如何使用 StreamRecord 物件來建立檔案的複本。 一個複本會複製到用於因特網發佈的 Web 資料夾。 顯示的其他屬性與方法包括 資料流類型OpenLoadFromFileRecord Open

' This sample requires that "C:\checkmrk.wmf" and  
' "https://MyServer/mywmf.wmf" exist.  
Option Explicit  
Private Sub Form_Load()  
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler  
    ' Declare variables  
    Dim strPicturePath, strStreamPath, strStream2Path, _  
        strRecordPath, strStreamURL, strRecordURL As String  
    Dim objStream, objStream2 As Stream  
    Dim objRecord As Record  
    Dim objField As Field  
    ' Instantiate objects  
    Set objStream = New Stream  
    Set objStream2 = New Stream  
    Set objRecord = New Record  
    ' Initialize path and URL strings  
    strPicturePath = "C:\checkmrk.wmf"  
    strStreamPath = "C:\mywmf.wmf"  
    strStreamURL = "URL=https://MyServer/mywmf.wmf"  
    strStream2Path = "C:\checkmrk2.wmf"  
    strRecordPath = "C:\mywmf.wmf"  
    strRecordURL = "https://MyServer/mywmf2.wmf"  
    ' Load the file into the stream  
    objStream.Type = adTypeBinary  
    objStream.LoadFromFile (strPicturePath)  
    ' Save the stream to a new path and filename  
    objStream.SaveToFile strStreamPath, adSaveCreateOverWrite  
    ' Copy the contents of the first stream to a second stream  
    objStream2.Type = adTypeBinary  
    objStream.CopyTo objStream2  
    ' Save the second stream to a different path  
    objStream2.SaveToFile strStream2Path, adSaveCreateOverWrite  
    ' Because strStreamPath is a Web Folder, open a Record on the URL  
    objRecord.Open "", strStreamURL  
    ' Display the Fields of the record  
    For Each objField In objRecord.Fields  
        Debug.Print objField.Name & ": " & objField.Value  
    ' Copy the record to a new URL  
    objRecord.CopyRecord "", strRecordURL, , , adCopyOverWrite  
    ' Load each copy of the graphic into Image controls for viewing  
    Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(strPicturePath)  
    Image2.Picture = LoadPicture(strStreamPath)  
    Image3.Picture = LoadPicture(strStream2Path)  
    Image4.Picture = LoadPicture(strRecordPath)  
    ' clean up  
    Set objStream = Nothing  
    Set objStream2 = Nothing  
    Set objRecord = Nothing  
    Exit Sub  
    ' clean up  
    If Not objStream Is Nothing Then  
        If objStream.State = adStateOpen Then objStream.Close  
    End If  
    Set objStream = Nothing  
    If Not objStream2 Is Nothing Then  
        If objStream2.State = adStateOpen Then objStream2.Close  
    End If  
    Set objStream2 = Nothing  
    If Not objRecord Is Nothing Then  
        If objRecord.State = adStateOpen Then objRecord.Close  
    End If  
    Set objRecord = Nothing  
    If Err <> 0 Then  
        MsgBox Err.Source & "-->" & Err.Description, , "Error"  
    End If  
End Sub  


CopyRecord 方法 (ADO)
CopyTo 方法 (ADO)
LoadFromFile 方法 (ADO)
Open 方法 (ADO 記錄)
Open 方法 (ADO 資料流)
Record 物件 (ADO)
SaveToFile 方法
Stream 物件 (ADO)
Type 屬性 (ADO Stream)