ADO 事件具現化:Visual Basic
若要在 Visual Basic 中處理 ADO 事件,您必須使用 WithEvents 關鍵字宣告模組層級變數。 變數只能宣告為類別模組的一部分,而且必須在模組層級宣告。 不過,這並沒有看起來那麼嚴格,因為 Visual Basic Form 物件也是類別。 處理 ADO 事件最簡單的方式是使用 WithEvents 宣告變數。 下列範例會處理 Connection 物件的 ConnectComplete 事件:
' BeginEventExampleVB02
Dim WithEvents connEvent As Connection
Attribute connEvent.VB_VarHelpID = -1
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim strConn As String
' Create a new object with event
' handling enabled.
strConn = "Provider=sqloledb;" & _
"Data Source=MyServer;" & _
"Initial Catalog=Northwind;" & _
"Integrated Security=SSPI;"
Set connEvent = New ADODB.Connection
connEvent.Open strConn
End Sub
Private Sub connEvent_ConnectComplete(ByVal pError As ADODB.Error, _
adStatus As ADODB.EventStatusEnum, _
ByVal pConnection As ADODB.Connection)
Dim strMsg As String
If adStatus = adStatusErrorsOccurred Then
Select Case pError.Number
Case adErrOperationCancelled
' The operation was cancelled in the
' Will event. Notify the user and exit.
strMsg = "I'm sorry you can't connect right now." & vbCrLf
strMsg = strMsg & "Click OK to exit."
Unload Me
Case Else
strMsg = "Error " & Format(pError.Number) & vbCrLf
strMsg = strMsg & pError.Description
strMsg = strMsg & "Click OK to exit."
Unload Me
End Select
End If
frmWait.btnOK.Enabled = True
End Sub
' EndEventExampleVB02
Connection 物件是使用 WithEvents 關鍵字在 Form 層級宣告,以啟用事件處理。 Form_Load 事件處理常式實際上會藉由將新的 Connection 物件指派給 connEvent 來建立物件,然後開啟連接。 當然,實際應用程式會在 Form_Load 事件處理常式中執行更多處理,而非僅限於此處所展示。