

Major CAML files

Applies to: SharePoint 2016 | SharePoint Foundation 2013 | SharePoint Online | SharePoint Server 2013

Many critical files in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation use Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML) schemas to define how data is displayed and how HTML is rendered.

CAML files

The following table describes the major schema files that use CAML schemas for data definition or HTML rendering, and specifies their locations under %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\15.


With the exception of DocIcon.xml, Microsoft does not support modifying any of the built-in files that are installed with SharePoint Foundation. In most cases, you can supplement or override the effects of these files with files of your own. For details about modifying the effect of any specific file, see the SDK's documentation of the extensibility area to which the file belongs.

File name Location Description
Specifies the icons that represent specific types of documents in document libraries. For more information, see DocIcon.xml.
WebTemp.xml files
\TEMPLATE\LCID\XML folder, where LCID is the numeric ID of the language/culture
Itemizes the site definitions and their child configurations. Also, determines whether and how the configurations are available for selection by users in the SharePoint Foundation UI. For more information, see WebTemp.xml.
One in \TEMPLATE\GLOBAL\XML. Others in subfolders of \TEMPLATE\SiteTemplates.
Specifies the details of the configurations that constitute a site definition. For more information, see Onet.xml.
\TEMPLATE\FEATURES\ featurename, where featurename is the name of the parent feature of the list type.
Defines a specific type of list. For more information, see Schema.xml.
alerttemplates.xml and alerttemplates_SMS.xml
Defines the format, contents, and properties used to create alert email and SMS messages.
Defines the base view used in a site definition when creating new views.
Defines the styles for viewing list data that are available on the Create View page for the list.
Provides the schemas used in creating the Lists, Documents, and UserInfo tables in the database when a new site is provisioned.
\TEMPLATE\LCID\XML folder, where LCID is the numeric ID of the language/culture
Defines the message that is sent to the owner of a site to confirm site usage or to warn that the site will be automatically deleted.
Used during site or list creation to define how field types are rendered in the different modes for viewing list data. For more information, see FldTypes.xml.
\TEMPLATE\LCID\XML folder, where LCID is the numeric ID of the language/culture
Specifies the regional settings for currency, language, locale, and time zone.
Contains mapping instructions for directing a request to the URL for handling a request when the client computer does not have Microsoft Office installed.

See also