

DeclarativeAssociation Element

(SolutionManifestDeclarativeExtensions Schema)

Applies to: SharePoint 2016 | SharePoint Foundation 2013 | SharePoint Online | SharePoint Server 2013

The DeclarativeAssociation element derives from the Association element. In intermediate declarative Microsoft Outlook 2010 solutions, this element is used to describe an association of the external content type that the Outlook folder contains. Specifically, this element is used to set or get the Outlook property that maps to the entity instance reference of the association. If set, this is used by the External Item Picker functionality.

Namespace: http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/05/BusinessApplications/Manifest/DeclarativeExtensions

Schema: SolutionManifestDeclarativeExtensions

<Association  xsl:type="DeclarativeAssociation" xmlns:xsl=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"  DisplayNameOfficeItemPropertyName = "String" AssociationName = "String" EntityTypeNamespace = "String" EntityTypeName = "String" ReferenceOfficeItemPropertyName = "String" Name = "String" Description = "String"> </Association>

Elements and attributes

The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.


Attribute Description
DisplayNameOfficeItemPropertyName The display name of the Office Item Property Name from the Solution Manifest. Optional. Attribute type: String
AssociationName The name of the association from the BDC model. Required. Attribute type: String
EntityTypeNamespace The name of the entity namespace from the BDC model. Required. Attribute type: String
EntityTypeName The entity name from the BDC model. Required. Attribute type: String
ReferenceOfficeItemPropertyName The name of the Outlook property in which you want to store the entity instance reference of the association. Must match the name of an OfficeItemProperty in the Solution Manifest. Required. Attribute type: String
Name A name for the association. Required. Attribute type: String
Description A description for the association. Optional. Attribute type: String

Child elements


Parent elements
