

適用於 Python 的 Azure DevTest Labs 程式庫Azure DevTest Labs libraries for python

管理 APIManagement API

pip install azure-mgmt-devtestlabs

建立管理用戶端Create the management client

下列程式碼會建立管理用戶端的執行個體。The following code creates an instance of the management client.

您必須提供您的 subscription_id (可從訂用帳戶清單來擷取)。You will need to provide your subscription_id which can be retrieved from your subscription list.

請參閱資源管理驗證,以深入了解如何使用 Python SDK 來處理 Azure Active Directory 驗證,以及如何建立 Credentials 執行個體。See Resource Management Authentication for details on handling Azure Active Directory authentication with the Python SDK, and creating a Credentials instance.

from azure.mgmt.devtestlabs import DevTestLabsClient
from azure.common.credentials import UserPassCredentials

# Replace this with your subscription id
subscription_id = '33333333-3333-3333-3333-333333333333'

# See above for details on creating different types of AAD credentials
credentials = UserPassCredentials(
    'user@domain.com',  # Your user
    'my_password',      # Your password

devtestlabs_client = DevTestLabsClient(

建立實驗室Create lab

async_lab = self.client.lab.create_or_update_resource(
    {'location': 'westus'}
lab = async_lab.result() # Blocking wait