適用於 Python 的 Azure 認知服務模組Azure Cognitive Services modules for Python

使用適用於 Python 的 Azure 認知服務模組新增影像和臉部辨識、語言分析並搜尋您的 Python 應用程式、網站和工具。Add image and face recognition, language analysis, and search to your Python apps, websites, and tools using the Azure Cognitive Services modules for Python.

願景視覺Vision modules

電腦視覺Computer Vision

傳回在影像中找到的視覺化內容資訊:Returns information about visual content found in an image:

  • 使用標籤、描述及網域特定模型,自信從容地識別內容並加上標籤。Use tagging, descriptions, and domain-specific models to identify content and label it with confidence.
  • 套用成人/猥瑣設定,以啟用自動限制成人內容。Apply adult/racy settings to enable automated restriction of adult content.
  • 識別圖片中的影像類型及色彩配置。Identify image types and color schemes in pictures.

在您的瀏覽器中免費試用電腦視覺Try Computer Vision for free in your browser.

取得內含 pip 的 Python 模組:Get the Python module with pip:

pip install azure-cognitiveservices-vision-computervision

進一步了解電腦視覺 API 相關資訊,並參考電腦視覺 API Python 快速入門開始使用。Learn more about the Computer Vision API and get started with the Computer Vision API Python quickstart.

內容仲裁Content Moderator

由機器協助進行文字、影片及影像審核,並透過人工審核工具加強。Machine-assisted moderation of text, video and images, augmented with human review tools.

取得內含 pip 的 Python 模組:Get the Python module with pip:

pip install azure-cognitiveservices-vision-contentmoderator

深入了解 Content Moderator API。Learn more about the Content Moderator service.

自訂辨識服務Custom Vision Service

上傳影像,為特殊使用案例定型和自訂電腦視覺模型。Upload images to train and customize a computer vision model for your specific use case. 一旦模型已定型,您可以使用 API 來標記使用模型的影像,並評估結果以改善您的分類器。Once the model is trained, you can use the API to tag images using the model and evaluate the results to improve your classifier.

取得內含 pip 的 Python 模組:Get the Python module with pip:

pip install azure-cognitiveservices-vision-customvision

進一步了解自訂視覺服務,並參考自訂視覺 Python 教學課程開始使用Learn more about the Custom Vision service and get started with the Custom Vision Python tutorial

人臉識別 APIFace API

偵測、識別、分析、組織和標記相片中的臉孔。Detect, identify, analyze, organize, and tag faces in photos.

在瀏覽器中試用臉部 APITry the Face API in your browser.

取得內含 pip 的 Python 模組:Get the Python module with pip:

pip install cognitive-face

進一步了解臉部 API,並參考臉部 API Python 快速入門開始使用。Learn more about the Face API and get started with the Face API Python quickstart.

搜尋模組Search modules

擷取由 Bing 網路搜尋 API 編製索引的網路文件,並透過結果類型、新鮮度等等,縮小結果範圍。Retrieve web documents indexed by the Bing Web Search API and narrow down the results by result type, freshness and more.

在瀏覽器中試用 Web 搜尋 APITry the Web Search API in your browser.

取得內含 pip 的 Python 模組:Get the Python module with pip:

pip install azure-cognitiveservices-search-websearch

進一步了解 Bing Web 搜尋 API,並參考 Web 搜尋 API Python 快速入門開始使用。Learn more about the Bing Web Search API and get started with the Web Search API Python quickstart.

搜尋影像並在結果中取得縮圖、完整的影像 URL、影像中繼資料等資訊。Search for images and get thumbnails, full image URLs, image metadata and more in your results.

在瀏覽器中試用影像搜尋 APITry the Image Search API in your browser.

取得內含 pip 的 Python 模組:Get the Python module with pip:

pip install azure-cognitiveservices-search-imagesearch

進一步了解 Bing 影像搜尋 API,並參考影像搜尋 API Python 快速入門開始使用。Learn more about the Bing Image Search API and get started with the Image Search API Python quickstart.

針對給定的搜尋字詞或位置,搜尋最相關的實體 (位置、個人或事物) 動作。Search for the most relevant entity (place, person, or thing) for a given search term or location.

在瀏覽器中試用實體搜尋 APITry the Entity Search API in your browser.

取得內含 pip 的 Python 模組:Get the Python module with pip:

pip install azure-cognitiveservices-search-entitysearch

進一步了解 Bing 實體搜尋 API,並參考實體搜尋 API Python 快速入門開始使用。Learn more about the Bing Entity Search API and get started with the Entity Search API Python quickstart.

建置符合特定搜尋範圍的自訂 Web 搜尋。Build and a custom web search that meets your specific search domain.

取得內含 pip 的 Python 模組:Get the Python module with pip:

pip install azure-cognitiveservices-search-customsearch

進一步了解 Bing 自訂搜尋服務,並參考自訂搜尋 API Python 快速入門從 Python 查詢您的自訂搜尋。Learn more about the Bing Custom Search service and get started with querying your custom search from Python with the Custom Search API Python quickstart.

在網路上尋找影片,並取得建立者、編碼、長度和檢視計數中繼資料等結果。Find videos across the web and get results with creator, encoding, length, and view count metadata.

在瀏覽器中試用影片搜尋 APITry the Video Search API in your browser.

取得內含 pip 的 Python 模組:Get the Python module with pip:

pip install azure-cognitiveservices-search-videosearch

進一步了解 Bing 影片搜尋服務,並參考影片搜尋 API Python 快速入門開始使用。Learn more about the Bing Video Search service and get started with the Video Search API Python quickstart.

搜尋網站上的新聞文章,並與文章、相關的新聞、影像和提供者資訊中繼資料搭配使用。Search the web for news articles and work with article, related news, images, and provider info metadata.

在瀏覽器中試用新聞搜尋 APITry the News Search API in your browser.

取得內含 pip 的 Python 模組:Get the Python module with pip:

pip install azure-cognitiveservices-search-newssearch

進一步了解 Bing 新聞搜尋服務,並參考新聞搜尋 API Python 快速入門開始使用。Learn more about the Bing News Search service and get started with the News Search API Python quickstart.

語言模組Language modules

文字分析Text Analytics

文字分析 API 是雲端式服務,對未經處理的文字提供自然語言處理。The Text Analytics API is a cloud-based service that provides natural language processing over raw text. 此 API 包含三項主要功能:The API includes three main functions:

  • 情感分析Sentiment analysis
  • 關鍵片語擷取Key phrase extraction
  • 語言偵測Language detection

在瀏覽器中試用文字分析 APITry the Text Analytics API in your browser.

取得內含 pip 的 Python 模組:Get the Python module with pip:

pip install azure-cognitiveservices-language-textanalytics

進一步了解文字分析 API,並參考 文字分析 API Python 快速入門開始使用。Learn more about the Text Analytics API and get started with the Text Analytics API Python quickstart.

拼字檢查Spell Check

透過 Bing 拼字檢查 API 執行內容相關的文法與拼字檢查。Perform contextual grammar and spell checking with the Bing Spell Check API.

在瀏覽器中試用拼字檢查 APITry the Spell Check API in your browser.

取得內含 pip 的 Python 模組:Get the Python module with pip:

pip install azure-cognitiveservices-language-spellcheck

進一步了解拼字檢查 API,並參考拼字檢查 API Python 快速入門開始使用。Learn more about the Spell Check API and get started with the Spell Check API Python quickstart.