適用於 Python 的 Azure 資源庫Azure Resources libraries for Python
在資源群組中管理 Azure 資源。Manage Azure resources in resource groups.
PackagePackage | 說明Description |
azure.mgmt.resource.featuresazure.mgmt.resource.features | Azure 功能控制項 (AFEC) 提供一種機制,讓資源提供者可控制要向使用者曝光的功能。Azure Feature Exposure Control (AFEC) provides a mechanism for the resource providers to control feature exposure to users. |
azure.mgmt.resource.linksazure.mgmt.resource.links | 可將 Azure 資源連結在一起來構成邏輯關聯性。Azure resources can be linked together to form logical relationships. 您可以在屬於不同資源群組的資源之間建立連結。You can establish links between resources belonging to different resource groups. |
azure.mgmt.resource.locksazure.mgmt.resource.locks | 可以鎖定 Azure 資源來防止貴組織中的其他使用者刪除或修改資源。Azure resources can be locked to prevent other users in your organization from deleting or modifying resources. |
azure.mgmt.resource.managedapplicationsazure.mgmt.resource.managedapplications | Azure 受控應用程式 (設備)。ARM managed applications (appliances). |
azure.mgmt.resource.policyazure.mgmt.resource.policy | 若要管理和控制資源的存取權,您可以定義自訂的原則,並在範圍內將它們加以指派。To manage and control access to your resources, you can define customized policies and assign them at a scope. |
azure.mgmt.resource.resourcesazure.mgmt.resource.resources | 提供使用資源與資源群組的作業。Provides operations for working with resources and resource groups. |
azure.mgmt.resource.subscriptionsazure.mgmt.resource.subscriptions | 所有資源群組和資源都在訂用帳戶內。All resource groups and resources exist within subscriptions. 這些作業可讓您取得訂用帳戶和租用戶的相關資訊。These operation enable you get information about your subscriptions and tenants. |
安裝程式庫Install the libraries
pip install azure-mgmt-resource
下列範例說明如何建立資源群組。The following is an example of how to create a resource group.
from azure.mgmt.resource import ResourceManagementClient
client = ResourceManagementClient(credentials, subscription_id)
client.resource_groups.create(RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, {'location':'eastus'})
深入探索可在應用程式中使用的 Python 程式碼範例。Explore more sample Python code you can use in your apps.