Azure AI Projects client library for Python - version 1.0.0b7
Use the AI Projects client library (in preview) to:
- Enumerate connections in your Azure AI Foundry project and get connection properties. For example, get the inference endpoint URL and credentials associated with your Azure OpenAI connection.
- Get an authenticated Inference client to do chat completions, for the default Azure OpenAI or AI Services connections in your Azure AI Foundry project. Supports the AzureOpenAI client from the
package, or clients from theazure-ai-inference
package. - Develop Agents using the Azure AI Agent Service, leveraging an extensive ecosystem of models, tools, and capabilities from OpenAI, Microsoft, and other LLM providers. The Azure AI Agent Service enables the building of Agents for a wide range of generative AI use cases. The package is currently in preview.
- Run Evaluations to assess the performance of generative AI applications using various evaluators and metrics. It includes built-in evaluators for quality, risk, and safety, and allows custom evaluators for specific needs.
- Enable OpenTelemetry tracing.
Product documentation | Samples | API reference documentation | Package (PyPI) | SDK source code | AI Starter Template
Reporting issues
To report an issue with the client library, or request additional features, please open a GitHub issue here. Mention the package name "azure-ai-projects" in the title or content.
Table of contents
- Getting started
- Key concepts
- Examples
- Enumerate connections
- Get an authenticated ChatCompletionsClient
- Get an authenticated AzureOpenAI client
- Agents (Preview)
- Evaluation
- Tracing
- Troubleshooting
- Next steps
- Contributing
Getting started
- Python 3.8 or later.
- An Azure subscription.
- A project in Azure AI Foundry.
- The project connection string. It can be found in your Azure AI Foundry project overview page, under "Project details". Below we will assume the environment variable
was defined to hold this value. - Entra ID is needed to authenticate the client. Your application needs an object that implements the TokenCredential interface. Code samples here use DefaultAzureCredential. To get that working, you will need:
- An appropriate role assignment. see Role-based access control in Azure AI Foundry portal. Role assigned can be done via the "Access Control (IAM)" tab of your Azure AI Project resource in the Azure portal.
- Azure CLI installed.
- You are logged into your Azure account by running
az login
. - Note that if you have multiple Azure subscriptions, the subscription that contains your Azure AI Project resource must be your default subscription. Run
az account list --output table
to list all your subscription and see which one is the default. Runaz account set --subscription "Your Subscription ID or Name"
to change your default subscription.
Install the package
pip install azure-ai-projects
Key concepts
Create and authenticate the client
The class factory method from_connection_string
is used to construct the client. To construct a synchronous client:
import os
from import AIProjectClient
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
project_client = AIProjectClient.from_connection_string(
To construct an asynchronous client, Install the additional package aiohttp:
pip install aiohttp
and update the code above to import asyncio
, and import AIProjectClient
from the
import os
import asyncio
from import AIProjectClient
from azure.core.credentials import AzureKeyCredential
project_client = AIProjectClient.from_connection_string(
Enumerate connections
Your Azure AI Foundry project has a "Management center". When you enter it, you will see a tab named "Connected resources" under your project. The .connections
operations on the client allow you to enumerate the connections and get connection properties. Connection properties include the resource URL and authentication credentials, among other things.
Below are code examples of the connection operations. Full samples can be found under the "connetions" folder in the package samples.
Get properties of all connections
To list the properties of all the connections in the Azure AI Foundry project:
connections = project_client.connections.list()
for connection in connections:
Get properties of all connections of a particular type
To list the properties of connections of a certain type (here Azure OpenAI):
connections = project_client.connections.list(
for connection in connections:
Get properties of a default connection
To get the properties of the default connection of a certain type (here Azure OpenAI), with its authentication credentials:
connection = project_client.connections.get_default(
include_credentials=True, # Optional. Defaults to "False".
If the call was made with include_credentials=True
, depending on the value of connection.authentication_type
, either connection.key
or connection.token_credential
will be populated. Otherwise both will be None
Get properties of a connection by its connection name
To get the connection properties of a connection named connection_name
connection = project_client.connections.get(
include_credentials=True # Optional. Defaults to "False"
Get an authenticated ChatCompletionsClient
Your Azure AI Foundry project may have one or more AI models deployed that support chat completions. These could be OpenAI models, Microsoft models, or models from other providers. Use the code below to get an already authenticated ChatCompletionsClient from the azure-ai-inference package, and execute a chat completions call.
First, install the package:
pip install azure-ai-inference
Then run this code (replace "gpt-4o" with your model deployment name):
inference_client = project_client.inference.get_chat_completions_client()
response = inference_client.complete(
model="gpt-4o", # Model deployment name
messages=[UserMessage(content="How many feet are in a mile?")]
See the "inference" folder in the package samples for additional samples, including getting an authenticated EmbeddingsClient and ImageEmbeddingsClient.
Get an authenticated AzureOpenAI client
Your Azure AI Foundry project may have one or more OpenAI models deployed that support chat completions. Use the code below to get an already authenticated AzureOpenAI from the openai package, and execute a chat completions call.
First, install the package:
pip install openai
Then run the code below. Replace gpt-4o
with your model deployment name, and update the api_version
value with one found in the "Data plane - inference" row in this table.
aoai_client = project_client.inference.get_azure_openai_client(api_version="2024-06-01")
response =
model="gpt-4o", # Model deployment name
"role": "user",
"content": "How many feet are in a mile?",
See the "inference" folder in the package samples for additional samples.
Agents (Preview)
Agents in the Azure AI Projects client library are designed to facilitate various interactions and operations within your AI projects. They serve as the core components that manage and execute tasks, leveraging different tools and resources to achieve specific goals. The following steps outline the typical sequence for interacting with Agents. See the "agents" folder in the package samples for additional Agent samples.
Create Agent
Before creating an Agent, you need to set up Azure resources to deploy your model. Create a New Agent Quickstart details selecting and deploying your Agent Setup.
Here is an example of how to create an Agent:
agent = project_client.agents.create_agent(
instructions="You are helpful assistant",
To allow Agents to access your resources or custom functions, you need tools. You can pass tools to create_agent
by either toolset
or combination of tools
and tool_resources
Here is an example of toolset
functions = FunctionTool(user_functions)
code_interpreter = CodeInterpreterTool()
toolset = ToolSet()
agent = project_client.agents.create_agent(
instructions="You are a helpful assistant",
Also notices that if you use asynchronous client, you use AsyncToolSet
instead. Additional information related to AsyncFunctionTool
be discussed in the later sections.
Here is an example to use tools
and tool_resources
file_search_tool = FileSearchTool(vector_store_ids=[])
# Notices that FileSearchTool as tool and tool_resources must be added or the assistant unable to search the file
agent = project_client.agents.create_agent(
instructions="You are helpful assistant",
In the following sections, we show you sample code in either toolset
or combination of tools
and tool_resources
Create Agent with File Search
To perform file search by an Agent, we first need to upload a file, create a vector store, and associate the file to the vector store. Here is an example:
file = project_client.agents.upload_file_and_poll(file_path="", purpose="assistants")
print(f"Uploaded file, file ID: {}")
vector_store = project_client.agents.create_vector_store_and_poll(file_ids=[], name="my_vectorstore")
print(f"Created vector store, vector store ID: {}")
# Create file search tool with resources followed by creating agent
file_search = FileSearchTool(vector_store_ids=[])
agent = project_client.agents.create_agent(
instructions="Hello, you are helpful assistant and can search information from uploaded files",
Create Agent with Enterprise File Search
We can upload file to Azure as it is shown in the example, or use the existing Azure blob storage. In the code below we demonstrate how this can be achieved. First we upload file to azure and create VectorStoreDataSource
, which then is used to create vector store. This vector store is then given to the FileSearchTool
# We will upload the local file to Azure and will use it for vector store creation.
_, asset_uri = project_client.upload_file("./")
# Create a vector store with no file and wait for it to be processed
ds = VectorStoreDataSource(asset_identifier=asset_uri, asset_type=VectorStoreDataSourceAssetType.URI_ASSET)
vector_store = project_client.agents.create_vector_store_and_poll(data_sources=[ds], name="sample_vector_store")
print(f"Created vector store, vector store ID: {}")
# Create a file search tool
file_search_tool = FileSearchTool(vector_store_ids=[])
# Notices that FileSearchTool as tool and tool_resources must be added or the assistant unable to search the file
agent = project_client.agents.create_agent(
instructions="You are helpful assistant",
We also can attach files to the existing vector store. In the code snippet below, we first create an empty vector store and add file to it.
# Create a vector store with no file and wait for it to be processed
vector_store = project_client.agents.create_vector_store_and_poll(data_sources=[], name="sample_vector_store")
print(f"Created vector store, vector store ID: {}")
ds = VectorStoreDataSource(asset_identifier=asset_uri, asset_type=VectorStoreDataSourceAssetType.URI_ASSET)
# Add the file to the vector store or you can supply data sources in the vector store creation
vector_store_file_batch = project_client.agents.create_vector_store_file_batch_and_poll(, data_sources=[ds]
print(f"Created vector store file batch, vector store file batch ID: {}")
# Create a file search tool
file_search_tool = FileSearchTool(vector_store_ids=[])
Create Agent with Code Interpreter
Here is an example to upload a file and use it for code interpreter by an Agent:
file = project_client.agents.upload_file_and_poll(
file_path="nifty_500_quarterly_results.csv", purpose=FilePurpose.AGENTS
print(f"Uploaded file, file ID: {}")
code_interpreter = CodeInterpreterTool(file_ids=[])
# Create agent with code interpreter tool and tools_resources
agent = project_client.agents.create_agent(
instructions="You are helpful assistant",
Create Agent with Bing Grounding
To enable your Agent to perform search through Bing search API, you use BingGroundingTool
along with a connection.
Here is an example:
bing_connection = project_client.connections.get(connection_name=os.environ["BING_CONNECTION_NAME"])
conn_id =
# Initialize agent bing tool and add the connection id
bing = BingGroundingTool(connection_id=conn_id)
# Create agent with the bing tool and process assistant run
with project_client:
agent = project_client.agents.create_agent(
instructions="You are a helpful assistant",
headers={"x-ms-enable-preview": "true"},
Create Agent with Azure AI Search
Azure AI Search is an enterprise search system for high-performance applications. It integrates with Azure OpenAI Service and Azure Machine Learning, offering advanced search technologies like vector search and full-text search. Ideal for knowledge base insights, information discovery, and automation. Creating an Agent with Azure AI Search requires an existing Azure AI Search Index. For more information and setup guides, see Azure AI Search Tool Guide.
Here is an example to integrate Azure AI Search:
conn_list = project_client.connections.list()
conn_id = ""
for conn in conn_list:
if conn.connection_type == ConnectionType.AZURE_AI_SEARCH:
conn_id =
# Initialize agent AI search tool and add the search index connection id
ai_search = AzureAISearchTool(index_connection_id=conn_id, index_name="myindexname")
# Create agent with AI search tool and process assistant run
with project_client:
agent = project_client.agents.create_agent(
instructions="You are a helpful assistant",
Create Agent with Function Call
You can enhance your Agents by defining callback functions as function tools. These can be provided to create_agent
via either the toolset
parameter or the combination of tools
and tool_resources
. Here are the distinctions:
: When using thetoolset
parameter, you provide not only the function definitions and descriptions but also their implementations. The SDK will execute these functions withincreate_and_run_process
. These functions will be invoked based on their
: When using thetools
parameters, only the function definitions and descriptions are provided tocreate_agent
, without the implementations. TheRun
orevent handler of stream
will raise arequires_action
status based on the function definitions. Your code must handle this status and call the appropriate functions.
For more details about calling functions by code, refer to
For more details about requirements and specification of functions, refer to Function Tool Specifications
Here is an example to use user functions in toolset
functions = FunctionTool(user_functions)
toolset = ToolSet()
agent = project_client.agents.create_agent(
instructions="You are a helpful assistant",
For asynchronous functions, you must import AIProjectClient
and use AsyncFunctionTool
. Here is an example using asynchronous user functions:
from import AIProjectClient
functions = AsyncFunctionTool(user_async_functions)
toolset = AsyncToolSet()
agent = await project_client.agents.create_agent(
instructions="You are a helpful assistant",
Create Agent With Azure Function Call
The AI agent leverages Azure Functions triggered asynchronously via Azure Storage Queues. To enable the agent to perform Azure Function calls, you must set up the corresponding AzureFunctionTool
, specifying input and output queues as well as parameter definitions.
Example Python snippet illustrating how you create an agent utilizing the Azure Function Tool:
storage_service_endpoint = "https://<your-storage>"
azure_function_tool = AzureFunctionTool(
description="Get weather information using Azure Function",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"location": {"type": "string", "description": "The location of the weather."},
"required": ["location"],
agent = project_client.agents.create_agent(
instructions="You are a helpful assistant",
Currently, the Azure Function integration for the AI Agent has the following limitations:
- Azure Functions integration is available only for non-streaming scenarios.
- Supported trigger for Azure Function is currently limited to Queue triggers only.
HTTP or other trigger types and streaming responses are not supported at this time.
Create and Deploy Azure Function
Before you can use the agent with AzureFunctionTool, you need to create and deploy Azure Function.
Below is an example Python Azure Function responding to queue-triggered messages and placing responses on the output queue:
import azure.functions as func
import logging
import json
app = func.FunctionApp()
def get_weather(inputQueue: func.QueueMessage, outputQueue: func.Out[str]):
messagepayload = json.loads(inputQueue.get_body().decode("utf-8"))
location = messagepayload["location"]
weather_result = f"Weather is 82 degrees and sunny in {location}."
response_message = {
"Value": weather_result,
"CorrelationId": messagepayload["CorrelationId"]
outputQueue.set(json.dumps(response_message))"Sent message to output queue with message {response_message}")
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error processing message: {e}")
Important: Both input and output payloads must contain the
, which must match in request and response.
Azure Function Project Creation and Deployment
To deploy your function to Azure properly, follow Microsoft's official documentation step by step:
Azure Functions Python Developer Guide
Summary of required steps:
- Use the Azure CLI or Azure Portal to create an Azure Function App.
- Enable System Managed Identity for your Azure Function App.
- Assign appropriate permissions to your Azure Function App identity as outlined in the Role Assignments section below
- Create input and output queues in Azure Storage.
- Deploy your Function code.
Verification and Testing Azure Function
To ensure that your Azure Function deployment functions correctly:
- Place the following style message manually into the input queue (
{ "location": "Seattle", "CorrelationId": "42" }
Check the output queue (output
) and validate the structured message response:
{ "Value": "The weather in Seattle is sunny and warm.", "CorrelationId": "42" }
Required Role Assignments (IAM Configuration)
Clearly assign the following Azure IAM roles to ensure correct permissions:
Azure Function App's identity:
- Enable system managed identity through Azure Function App > Settings > Identity.
- Add permission to storage account:
- Go to Storage Account > Access control (IAM) and add role assignment:
Storage Queue Data Contributor
assigned to Azure Function managed identity
- Go to Storage Account > Access control (IAM) and add role assignment:
Azure AI Project Identity:
Ensure your Azure AI Project identity has the following storage account permissions:
Storage Account Contributor
Storage Blob Data Contributor
Storage File Data Privileged Contributor
Storage Queue Data Contributor
Storage Table Data Contributor
Additional Important Configuration Notes
- The Azure Function configured above uses the
connection string for queue connectivity. You may alternatively use managed identity-based connections as described in the official Azure Functions Managed Identity documentation. - Storage queues you specify (
) should already exist in the storage account before the Function deployment or invocation, created manually via Azure portal or CLI. - When using Azure storage account connection strings, make sure the account has enabled storage account key access (
Storage Account > Settings > Configuration
With the above steps complete, your Azure Function integration with your AI Agent is ready for use.
Create Agent With Logic Apps
Logic Apps allow HTTP requests to trigger actions. For more information, refer to the guide Logic App Workflows for Function Calling.
Your Logic App must be in the same resource group as your Azure AI Project, shown in the Azure Portal. Agents SDK accesses Logic Apps through Workflow URLs, which are fetched and called as requests in functions.
Below is an example of how to create an Azure Logic App utility tool and register a function with it.
# Create the project client
project_client = AIProjectClient.from_connection_string(
# Extract subscription and resource group from the project scope
subscription_id = project_client.scope["subscription_id"]
resource_group = project_client.scope["resource_group_name"]
# Logic App details
logic_app_name = "<LOGIC_APP_NAME>"
trigger_name = "<TRIGGER_NAME>"
# Create and initialize AzureLogicAppTool utility
logic_app_tool = AzureLogicAppTool(subscription_id, resource_group)
logic_app_tool.register_logic_app(logic_app_name, trigger_name)
print(f"Registered logic app '{logic_app_name}' with trigger '{trigger_name}'.")
# Create the specialized "send_email_via_logic_app" function for your agent tools
send_email_func = create_send_email_function(logic_app_tool, logic_app_name)
# Prepare the function tools for the agent
functions_to_use: Set = {
send_email_func, # This references the AzureLogicAppTool instance via closure
After this the functions can be incorporated normally into code using FunctionTool
Create Agent With OpenAPI
OpenAPI specifications describe REST operations against a specific endpoint. Agents SDK can read an OpenAPI spec, create a function from it, and call that function against the REST endpoint without additional client-side execution.
Here is an example creating an OpenAPI tool (using anonymous authentication):
with open("./weather_openapi.json", "r") as f:
openapi_weather = jsonref.loads(
with open("./countries.json", "r") as f:
openapi_countries = jsonref.loads(
# Create Auth object for the OpenApiTool (note that connection or managed identity auth setup requires additional setup in Azure)
auth = OpenApiAnonymousAuthDetails()
# Initialize agent OpenApi tool using the read in OpenAPI spec
openapi_tool = OpenApiTool(
name="get_weather", spec=openapi_weather, description="Retrieve weather information for a location", auth=auth
name="get_countries", spec=openapi_countries, description="Retrieve a list of countries", auth=auth
# Create agent with OpenApi tool and process assistant run
with project_client:
agent = project_client.agents.create_agent(
instructions="You are a helpful assistant",
Create Thread
For each session or conversation, a thread is required. Here is an example:
thread = project_client.agents.create_thread()
Create Thread with Tool Resource
In some scenarios, you might need to assign specific resources to individual threads. To achieve this, you provide the tool_resources
argument to create_thread
. In the following example, you create a vector store and upload a file, enable an Agent for file search using the tools
argument, and then associate the file with the thread using the tool_resources
file = project_client.agents.upload_file_and_poll(file_path="", purpose="assistants")
print(f"Uploaded file, file ID: {}")
vector_store = project_client.agents.create_vector_store_and_poll(file_ids=[], name="my_vectorstore")
print(f"Created vector store, vector store ID: {}")
# Create file search tool with resources followed by creating agent
file_search = FileSearchTool(vector_store_ids=[])
agent = project_client.agents.create_agent(
instructions="Hello, you are helpful assistant and can search information from uploaded files",
print(f"Created agent, ID: {}")
# Create thread with file resources.
# If the agent has multiple threads, only this thread can search this file.
thread = project_client.agents.create_thread(tool_resources=file_search.resources)
Create Message
To create a message for assistant to process, you pass user
as role
and a question as content
message = project_client.agents.create_message(, role="user", content="Hello, tell me a joke")
Create Message with File Search Attachment
To attach a file to a message for content searching, you use MessageAttachment
and FileSearchTool
attachment = MessageAttachment(, tools=FileSearchTool().definitions)
message = project_client.agents.create_message(, role="user", content="What feature does Smart Eyewear offer?", attachments=[attachment]
Create Message with Code Interpreter Attachment
To attach a file to a message for data analysis, use MessageAttachment
and CodeInterpreterTool
classes. You must pass CodeInterpreterTool
as tools
or toolset
in create_agent
call or the file attachment cannot be opened for code interpreter.
Here is an example to pass CodeInterpreterTool
as tool:
# Notice that CodeInterpreter must be enabled in the agent creation,
# otherwise the agent will not be able to see the file attachment for code interpretation
agent = project_client.agents.create_agent(
instructions="You are helpful assistant",
print(f"Created agent, agent ID: {}")
thread = project_client.agents.create_thread()
print(f"Created thread, thread ID: {}")
# Create an attachment
attachment = MessageAttachment(, tools=CodeInterpreterTool().definitions)
# Create a message
message = project_client.agents.create_message(,
content="Could you please create bar chart in TRANSPORTATION sector for the operating profit from the uploaded csv file and provide file to me?",
Azure blob storage can be used as a message attachment. In this case, use VectorStoreDataSource
as a data source:
# We will upload the local file to Azure and will use it for vector store creation.
_, asset_uri = project_client.upload_file("./")
ds = VectorStoreDataSource(asset_identifier=asset_uri, asset_type=VectorStoreDataSourceAssetType.URI_ASSET)
# Create a message with the attachment
attachment = MessageAttachment(data_source=ds, tools=code_interpreter.definitions)
message = project_client.agents.create_message(, role="user", content="What does the attachment say?", attachments=[attachment]
Create Run, Run_and_Process, or Stream
To process your message, you can use create_run
, create_and_process_run
, or create_stream
requests the Agent to process the message without polling for the result. If you are using function tools
regardless as toolset
or not, your code is responsible for polling for the result and acknowledging the status of Run
. When the status is requires_action
, your code is responsible for calling the function tools. For a code sample, visit
Here is an example of create_run
and poll until the run is completed:
run = project_client.agents.create_run(,
# Poll the run as long as run status is queued or in progress
while run.status in ["queued", "in_progress", "requires_action"]:
# Wait for a second
run = project_client.agents.get_run(,
To have the SDK poll on your behalf and call function tools
, use the create_and_process_run
method. Note that function tools
will only be invoked if they are provided as toolset
during the create_agent
Here is an example:
run = project_client.agents.create_and_process_run(,
With streaming, polling need not be considered. If function tools
are provided as toolset
during the create_agent
call, they will be invoked by the SDK.
Here is an example of streaming:
with project_client.agents.create_stream(, as stream:
for event_type, event_data, _ in stream:
if isinstance(event_data, MessageDeltaChunk):
print(f"Text delta received: {event_data.text}")
elif isinstance(event_data, ThreadMessage):
print(f"ThreadMessage created. ID: {}, Status: {event_data.status}")
elif isinstance(event_data, ThreadRun):
print(f"ThreadRun status: {event_data.status}")
elif isinstance(event_data, RunStep):
print(f"RunStep type: {event_data.type}, Status: {event_data.status}")
elif event_type == AgentStreamEvent.ERROR:
print(f"An error occurred. Data: {event_data}")
elif event_type == AgentStreamEvent.DONE:
print("Stream completed.")
print(f"Unhandled Event Type: {event_type}, Data: {event_data}")
In the code above, because an event_handler
object is not passed to the create_stream
function, the SDK will instantiate AgentEventHandler
or AsyncAgentEventHandler
as the default event handler and produce an iterable object with event_type
and event_data
. AgentEventHandler
and AsyncAgentEventHandler
are overridable. Here is an example:
# With AgentEventHandler[str], the return type for each event functions is optional string.
class MyEventHandler(AgentEventHandler[str]):
def on_message_delta(self, delta: "MessageDeltaChunk") -> Optional[str]:
return f"Text delta received: {delta.text}"
def on_thread_message(self, message: "ThreadMessage") -> Optional[str]:
return f"ThreadMessage created. ID: {}, Status: {message.status}"
def on_thread_run(self, run: "ThreadRun") -> Optional[str]:
return f"ThreadRun status: {run.status}"
def on_run_step(self, step: "RunStep") -> Optional[str]:
return f"RunStep type: {step.type}, Status: {step.status}"
def on_error(self, data: str) -> Optional[str]:
return f"An error occurred. Data: {data}"
def on_done(self) -> Optional[str]:
return "Stream completed."
def on_unhandled_event(self, event_type: str, event_data: Any) -> Optional[str]:
return f"Unhandled Event Type: {event_type}, Data: {event_data}"
with project_client.agents.create_stream(,, event_handler=MyEventHandler()
) as stream:
for event_type, event_data, func_return in stream:
print(f"Received data.")
print(f"Streaming receive Event Type: {event_type}")
print(f"Event Data: {str(event_data)[:100]}...")
print(f"Event Function return: {func_return}\n")
As you can see, this SDK parses the events and produces various event types similar to OpenAI assistants. In your use case, you might not be interested in handling all these types and may decide to parse the events on your own. To achieve this, please refer to override base event handler.
Note: Multiple streaming processes may be chained behind the scenes.
When the SDK receives a `ThreadRun` event with the status `requires_action`, the next event will be `Done`, followed by termination. The SDK will submit the tool calls using the same event handler. The event handler will then chain the main stream with the tool stream.
Consequently, when you iterate over the streaming using a for loop similar to the example above, the for loop will receive events from the main stream followed by events from the tool stream.
Retrieve Message
To retrieve messages from agents, use the following example:
messages = project_client.agents.list_messages(
# The messages are following in the reverse order,
# we will iterate them and output only text contents.
for data_point in reversed(
last_message_content = data_point.content[-1]
if isinstance(last_message_content, MessageTextContent):
print(f"{data_point.role}: {last_message_content.text.value}")
In addition, messages
offer helper properties such as text_messages
, image_contents
, file_citation_annotations
, and file_path_annotations
to quickly retrieve content from one message or all messages.
Retrieve File
Files uploaded by Agents cannot be retrieved back. If your use case need to access the file content uploaded by the Agents, you are advised to keep an additional copy accessible by your application. However, files generated by Agents are retrievable by save_file
or get_file_content
Here is an example retrieving file ids from messages and save to the local drive:
messages = project_client.agents.list_messages(
print(f"Messages: {messages}")
for image_content in messages.image_contents:
file_id = image_content.image_file.file_id
print(f"Image File ID: {file_id}")
file_name = f"{file_id}_image_file.png"
project_client.agents.save_file(file_id=file_id, file_name=file_name)
print(f"Saved image file to: {Path.cwd() / file_name}")
for file_path_annotation in messages.file_path_annotations:
print(f"File Paths:")
print(f"Type: {file_path_annotation.type}")
print(f"Text: {file_path_annotation.text}")
print(f"File ID: {file_path_annotation.file_path.file_id}")
print(f"Start Index: {file_path_annotation.start_index}")
print(f"End Index: {file_path_annotation.end_index}")
Here is an example to use get_file_content
from pathlib import Path
async def save_file_content(client, file_id: str, file_name: str, target_dir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None):
# Determine the target directory
path = Path(target_dir).expanduser().resolve() if target_dir else Path.cwd()
path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Retrieve the file content
file_content_stream = await client.get_file_content(file_id)
if not file_content_stream:
raise RuntimeError(f"No content retrievable for file ID '{file_id}'.")
# Collect all chunks asynchronously
chunks = []
async for chunk in file_content_stream:
if isinstance(chunk, (bytes, bytearray)):
raise TypeError(f"Expected bytes or bytearray, got {type(chunk).__name__}")
target_file_path = path / file_name
# Write the collected content to the file synchronously
with open(target_file_path, "wb") as file:
for chunk in chunks:
To remove resources after completing tasks, use the following functions:
# Delete the file when done
print("Deleted vector store")
print("Deleted file")
# Delete the agent when done
print("Deleted agent")
Evaluation in Azure AI Project client library is designed to assess the performance of generative AI applications in the cloud. The output of Generative AI application is quantitively measured with mathematical based metrics, AI-assisted quality and safety metrics. Metrics are defined as evaluators. Built-in or custom evaluators can provide comprehensive insights into the application's capabilities and limitations.
Evaluators are custom or prebuilt classes or functions that are designed to measure the quality of the outputs from language models or generative AI applications.
Evaluators are made available via azure-ai-evaluation SDK for local experience and also in Evaluator Library in Azure AI Foundry for using them in the cloud.
More details on built-in and custom evaluators can be found here.
Run Evaluation in the cloud
To run evaluation in the cloud the following are needed:
- Evaluators
- Data to be evaluated
- [Optional] Azure Open AI model.
For running evaluator in the cloud, evaluator ID
is needed. To get it via code you use azure-ai-evaluation
# pip install azure-ai-evaluation
from import RelevanceEvaluator
evaluator_id =
Data to be evaluated
Evaluation in the cloud supports data in form of jsonl
file. Data can be uploaded via the helper method upload_file
on the project client.
# Upload data for evaluation and get dataset id
data_id, _ = project_client.upload_file("<data_file.jsonl>")
[Optional] Azure OpenAI Model
Azure AI Foundry project comes with a default Azure Open AI endpoint which can be easily accessed using following code. This gives you the endpoint details for you Azure OpenAI endpoint. Some of the evaluators need model that supports chat completion.
default_connection = project_client.connections.get_default(connection_type=ConnectionType.AZURE_OPEN_AI)
Example Remote Evaluation
import os
from import AIProjectClient
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
from import Evaluation, Dataset, EvaluatorConfiguration, ConnectionType
from import F1ScoreEvaluator, RelevanceEvaluator, HateUnfairnessEvaluator
# Create project client
project_client = AIProjectClient.from_connection_string(
# Upload data for evaluation and get dataset id
data_id, _ = project_client.upload_file("<data_file.jsonl>")
deployment_name = "<deployment_name>"
api_version = "<api_version>"
# Create an evaluation
evaluation = Evaluation(
display_name="Remote Evaluation",
description="Evaluation of dataset",
"f1_score": EvaluatorConfiguration(,
"relevance": EvaluatorConfiguration(,
"model_config": default_connection.to_evaluator_model_config(
deployment_name=deployment_name, api_version=api_version
"violence": EvaluatorConfiguration(,
init_params={"azure_ai_project": project_client.scope},
evaluation_response = project_client.evaluations.create(
# Get evaluation
get_evaluation_response = project_client.evaluations.get(
print("Created evaluation, evaluation ID: ",
print("Evaluation status: ", get_evaluation_response.status)
if isinstance(, dict):
print("AI Foundry URI: ",["AiStudioEvaluationUri"])
NOTE: For running evaluators locally refer to Evaluate with the Azure AI Evaluation SDK.
You can add an Application Insights Azure resource to your Azure AI Foundry project. See the Tracing tab in your AI Foundry project. If one was enabled, you can get the Application Insights connection string, configure your Agents, and observe the full execution path through Azure Monitor. Typically, you might want to start tracing before you create an Agent.
Make sure to install OpenTelemetry and the Azure SDK tracing plugin via
pip install opentelemetry
pip install azure-ai-projects azure-identity opentelemetry-sdk azure-core-tracing-opentelemetry
You will also need an exporter to send telemetry to your observability backend. You can print traces to the console or use a local viewer such as Aspire Dashboard.
To connect to Aspire Dashboard or another OpenTelemetry compatible backend, install OTLP exporter:
pip install opentelemetry-exporter-otlp
How to enable tracing
Here is a code sample that shows how to enable Azure Monitor tracing:
from opentelemetry import trace
from azure.monitor.opentelemetry import configure_azure_monitor
# Enable Azure Monitor tracing
application_insights_connection_string = project_client.telemetry.get_connection_string()
if not application_insights_connection_string:
print("Application Insights was not enabled for this project.")
print("Enable it via the 'Tracing' tab in your AI Foundry project page.")
scenario = os.path.basename(__file__)
tracer = trace.get_tracer(__name__)
with tracer.start_as_current_span(scenario):
with project_client:
In addition, you might find helpful to see the tracing logs in console. You can achieve by the following code:
How to trace your own functions
The decorator trace_function
is provided for tracing your own function calls using OpenTelemetry. By default the function name is used as the name for the span. Alternatively you can provide the name for the span as a parameter to the decorator.
This decorator handles various data types for function parameters and return values, and records them as attributes in the trace span. The supported data types include:
- Basic data types: str, int, float, bool
- Collections: list, dict, tuple, set
- Special handling for collections:
- If a collection (list, dict, tuple, set) contains nested collections, the entire collection is converted to a string before being recorded as an attribute.
- Sets and dictionaries are always converted to strings to ensure compatibility with span attributes.
- Special handling for collections:
Object types are omitted, and the corresponding parameter is not traced.
The parameters are recorded in attributes code.function.parameter.<parameter_name>
and the return value is recorder in attribute code.function.return.value
Client methods that make service calls raise an HttpResponseError exception for a non-success HTTP status code response from the service. The exception's status_code
will hold the HTTP response status code (with reason
showing the friendly name). The exception's error.message
contains a detailed message that may be helpful in diagnosing the issue:
from azure.core.exceptions import HttpResponseError
result = project_client.connections.list()
except HttpResponseError as e:
print(f"Status code: {e.status_code} ({e.reason})")
For example, when you provide wrong credentials:
Status code: 401 (Unauthorized)
Operation returned an invalid status 'Unauthorized'
The client uses the standard Python logging library. The SDK logs HTTP request and response details, which may be useful in troubleshooting. To log to stdout, add the following:
import sys
import logging
# Acquire the logger for this client library. Use 'azure' to affect both
# 'azure.core` and `' libraries.
logger = logging.getLogger("azure")
# Set the desired logging level. logging.INFO or logging.DEBUG are good options.
# Direct logging output to stdout:
handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)
# Or direct logging output to a file:
# handler = logging.FileHandler(filename="sample.log")
# Optional: change the default logging format. Here we add a timestamp.
#formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s")
By default logs redact the values of URL query strings, the values of some HTTP request and response headers (including Authorization
which holds the key or token), and the request and response payloads. To create logs without redaction, add logging_enable = True
to the client constructor:
project_client = AIProjectClient.from_connection_string(
logging_enable = True
Note that the log level must be set to logging.DEBUG
(see above code). Logs will be redacted with any other log level.
Be sure to protect non redacted logs to avoid compromising security.
For more information, see Configure logging in the Azure libraries for Python
Reporting issues
To report an issue with the client library, or request additional features, please open a GitHub issue here. Mention the package name "azure-ai-projects" in the title or content.
Next steps
Have a look at the Samples folder, containing fully runnable Python code for synchronous and asynchronous clients.
Explore the AI Starter Template. This template creates an Azure AI Foundry hub, project and connected resources including Azure OpenAI Service, AI Search and more. It also deploys a simple chat application to Azure Container Apps.
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