exceptions Module
AutoLockRenewFailed |
An attempt to renew a lock on a message or session in the background has failed. |
AutoLockRenewTimeout |
The time allocated to renew the message or session lock has elapsed. |
MessageAlreadySettled |
Failed to settle the message. An attempt was made to complete an operation on a message that has already been settled (completed, abandoned, dead-lettered or deferred). |
MessageLockLostError |
The lock on the message is lost. Callers should call attempt to receive and process the message again. |
MessageNotFoundError |
The requested message was not found. Attempt to receive a message with a particular sequence number. This message isn't found. Make sure the message hasn't been received already. Check the deadletter queue to see if the message has been deadlettered. |
MessageSizeExceededError |
Message content is larger than the service bus frame size. |
MessagingEntityAlreadyExistsError |
An entity with the same name exists under the same namespace. |
MessagingEntityDisabledError |
The Messaging Entity is disabled. Enable the entity again using Portal. |
MessagingEntityNotFoundError |
A Service Bus resource cannot be found by the Service Bus service. Entity associated with the operation doesn't exist or it has been deleted. Please make sure the entity exists. |
OperationTimeoutError |
Operation timed out. |
ServiceBusAuthenticationError |
An error occurred when authenticate the connection. |
ServiceBusAuthorizationError |
An error occurred when authorizing the connection. |
ServiceBusCommunicationError |
There was a general communications error encountered when interacting with the Azure Service Bus service. Client isn't able to establish a connection to Service Bus. Make sure the supplied host name is correct and the host is reachable. If your code runs in an environment with a firewall/proxy, ensure that the traffic to the Service Bus domain/IP address and ports isn't blocked. |
ServiceBusConnectionError |
An error occurred in the connection. |
ServiceBusError |
Base exception for all Service Bus errors which can be used for default error handling. |
ServiceBusQuotaExceededError |
The quota applied to a Service Bus resource has been exceeded while interacting with the Azure Service Bus service. The messaging entity has reached its maximum allowable size, or the maximum number of connections to a namespace has been exceeded. Create space in the entity by receiving messages from the entity or its subqueues. |
ServiceBusServerBusyError |
The Azure Service Bus service reports that it is busy in response to a client request to perform an operation. Service isn't able to process the request at this time. Client can wait for a period of time, then retry the operation. |
SessionCannotBeLockedError |
The requested session cannot be locked. Attempt to connect to a session with a specific session ID, but the session is currently locked by another client. Make sure the session is unlocked by other clients. |
SessionLockLostError |
The lock on the session has expired. Callers should request the session again. All unsettled messages that have been received can no longer be settled. |