DiscoveryOperations Class


DO NOT instantiate this class directly.

Instead, you should access the following operations through


<xref:discovery> attribute.


DiscoveryOperations(*args, **kwargs)



Get auto complete options.


Browse entities by path or entity type.


Gets data using search.


Get search suggestions by query criteria.


Get auto complete options.

auto_complete(auto_complete_request: MutableMapping[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]


Name Description

An object specifying the autocomplete criteria.


Type Description

JSON object


Type Description


   # JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
   auto_complete_request = {
       "filter": {},  # Optional. The filter for the autocomplete request.
       "keywords": "str",  # Optional. The keywords applied to all fields that
         support autocomplete operation. It must be at least 1 character, and no more than
         100 characters.
       "limit": 0  # Optional. The number of autocomplete results we hope to return.
         The default value is 50. The value must be a number between 1 and 100.

   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == {
       "value": [
               "queryPlusText": "str",  # Optional. The completed search
                 query text.
               "text": "str"  # Optional. The completed term or phrase.


Browse entities by path or entity type.

browse(browse_request: MutableMapping[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]


Name Description

An object specifying the browse criteria.


Type Description

JSON object


Type Description


   # JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
   browse_request = {
       "entityType": "str",  # Optional. The entity type to browse as the root level
         entry point.
       "limit": 0,  # Optional. The number of browse items we hope to return. The
         maximum value is 10000.
       "offset": 0,  # Optional. The offset. The default value is 0. The maximum
         value is 100000.
       "path": "str"  # Optional. The path to browse the next level child entities.

   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == {
       "@search.count": 0,  # Optional. The total number of browse results.
       "value": [
               "entityType": "str",  # Optional. The type name of the
               "id": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
               "isLeaf": bool,  # Optional. If the record is a leaf entity.
               "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the record.
               "owner": [
                       "contactType": "str",  # Optional. The
                         contact type of the owner. The value will be Owner.
                       "displayName": "str",  # Optional. The
                         display name of the owner.
                       "id": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                       "mail": "str"  # Optional. The mail of the
               "path": "str",  # Optional. The path of the record.
               "qualifiedName": "str"  # Optional. The qualified name of the


Gets data using search.

query(search_request: MutableMapping[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]


Name Description

An object specifying the search criteria.


Type Description

JSON object


Type Description


   # JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
   search_request = {
       "facets": [
               "count": 0,  # Optional. The count of the facet item.
               "facet": "str",  # Optional. The name of the facet item.
               "sort": {}  # Optional. Any object.
       "filter": {},  # Optional. The filter for the search. See examples for the
         usage of supported filters.
       "keywords": "str",  # Optional. The keywords applied to all searchable
       "limit": 0,  # Optional. The limit of the number of the search result.
         default value is 50; maximum value is 1000.
       "offset": 0,  # Optional. The offset. The default value is 0. The maximum
         value is 100000.
       "taxonomySetting": {
           "assetTypes": [
               "str"  # Optional.
           "facet": {
               "count": 0,  # Optional. The count of the facet item.
               "facet": "str",  # Optional. The name of the facet item.
               "sort": {}  # Optional. Any object.

   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == {
       "@search.count": 0,  # Optional. The total number of search results (not the
         number of documents in a single page).
       "@search.facets": {
           "assetType": [
                   "count": 0,  # Optional. The count of the facet item.
                   "value": "str"  # Optional. The name of the facet
           "classification": [
                   "count": 0,  # Optional. The count of the facet item.
                   "value": "str"  # Optional. The name of the facet
           "classificationCategory": [
                   "count": 0,  # Optional. The count of the facet item.
                   "value": "str"  # Optional. The name of the facet
           "contactId": [
                   "count": 0,  # Optional. The count of the facet item.
                   "value": "str"  # Optional. The name of the facet
           "fileExtension": [
                   "count": 0,  # Optional. The count of the facet item.
                   "value": "str"  # Optional. The name of the facet
           "label": [
                   "count": 0,  # Optional. The count of the facet item.
                   "value": "str"  # Optional. The name of the facet
           "term": [
                   "count": 0,  # Optional. The count of the facet item.
                   "value": "str"  # Optional. The name of the facet
       "value": [
               "@search.highlights": {
                   "description": [
                       "str"  # Optional. A highlight list that
                         consists of index fields id ,qualifiedName, name, description,
                         entityType. When the keyword appears in those fields, the value
                         of the field, attached with emphasis mark, is returned as an
                         element of @search.highlights.
                   "entityType": [
                       "str"  # Optional. A highlight list that
                         consists of index fields id ,qualifiedName, name, description,
                         entityType. When the keyword appears in those fields, the value
                         of the field, attached with emphasis mark, is returned as an
                         element of @search.highlights.
                   "id": [
                       "str"  # Optional. A highlight list that
                         consists of index fields id ,qualifiedName, name, description,
                         entityType. When the keyword appears in those fields, the value
                         of the field, attached with emphasis mark, is returned as an
                         element of @search.highlights.
                   "name": [
                       "str"  # Optional. A highlight list that
                         consists of index fields id ,qualifiedName, name, description,
                         entityType. When the keyword appears in those fields, the value
                         of the field, attached with emphasis mark, is returned as an
                         element of @search.highlights.
                   "qualifiedName": [
                       "str"  # Optional. A highlight list that
                         consists of index fields id ,qualifiedName, name, description,
                         entityType. When the keyword appears in those fields, the value
                         of the field, attached with emphasis mark, is returned as an
                         element of @search.highlights.
               "@search.score": 0.0,  # Optional. The search score
                 calculated by the search engine. The results are ordered by search score
                 by default.
               "@search.text": "str",  # Optional. The target text that
                 contains the keyword as prefix. The keyword is wrapped with emphasis
               "assetType": [
                   "str"  # Optional. The asset types of the record.
               "classification": [
                   "str"  # Optional. The classifications of the record.
               "contact": [
                       "contactType": "str",  # Optional. The type
                         of the contact. It can be Expert or Owner for an entity. It can
                         be Expert or Steward for a glossary term.
                       "id": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                       "info": "str"  # Optional. The description of
                         the contact.
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
               "entityType": "str",  # Optional. The type name of the
               "id": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
               "label": [
                   "str"  # Optional. The labels of the record.
               "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the record.
               "owner": "str",  # Optional. The owner of the record. This is
                 an Atlas native attribute.
               "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of
                 the record.
               "term": [
                       "glossaryName": "str",  # Optional. The name
                         of the glossary which contains the term.
                       "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                       "name": "str"  # Optional. The name of the


Get search suggestions by query criteria.

suggest(suggest_request: MutableMapping[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]


Name Description

An object specifying the suggest criteria.


Type Description

JSON object


Type Description


   # JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
   suggest_request = {
       "filter": {},  # Optional. The filter for the search.
       "keywords": "str",  # Optional. The keywords applied to all fields that
         support suggest operation. It must be at least 1 character, and no more than 100
         characters. In the index schema we defined a default suggester which lists all
         the supported fields and specifies a search mode.
       "limit": 0  # Optional. The number of suggestions we hope to return. The
         default value is 5. The value must be a number between 1 and 100.

   # response body for status code(s): 200
   response.json() == {
       "value": [
               "@search.score": 0.0,  # Optional. The search score
                 calculated by the search engine. The results are ordered by search score
                 by default.
               "@search.text": "str",  # Optional. The target text that
                 contains the keyword as prefix. The keyword is wrapped with emphasis
               "assetType": [
                   "str"  # Optional. The asset types of the record.
               "classification": [
                   "str"  # Optional. The classifications of the record.
               "contact": [
                       "contactType": "str",  # Optional. The type
                         of the contact. It can be Expert or Owner for an entity. It can
                         be Expert or Steward for a glossary term.
                       "id": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                       "info": "str"  # Optional. The description of
                         the contact.
               "description": "str",  # Optional. The description of the
               "entityType": "str",  # Optional. The type name of the
               "id": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the record.
               "label": [
                   "str"  # Optional. The labels of the record.
               "name": "str",  # Optional. The name of the record.
               "owner": "str",  # Optional. The owner of the record. This is
                 an Atlas native attribute.
               "qualifiedName": "str",  # Optional. The qualified name of
                 the record.
               "term": [
                       "glossaryName": "str",  # Optional. The name
                         of the glossary which contains the term.
                       "guid": "str",  # Optional. The GUID of the
                       "name": "str"  # Optional. The name of the