iothub_registry_manager Module
IoTHubRegistryManager |
A class to provide convenience APIs for IoTHub Registry Manager operations, based on top of the auto generated IotHub REST APIs Initializer for a Registry Manager Service client. Users should not call this directly. Rather, they should the from_connection_string() or from_token_credential() factory methods. After a successful creation the class has been authenticated with IoTHub and it is ready to call the member APIs to communicate with IoTHub. |
QueryResult |
The query result. :param type: The query result type. Possible values include: 'unknown', 'twin', 'deviceJob', 'jobResponse', 'raw', 'enrollment', 'enrollmentGroup', 'deviceRegistration' :type type: str or ~protocol.models.enum :param items: The query result items, as a collection. :type items: list[object] :param continuation_token: Request continuation token. :type continuation_token: str |