
Using Alternative Input Devices (Xbox 360)

Discusses various controller subtypes and mappings for each of these controllers to the standard Xbox 360 gamepad.

  • Required and Optional Features
  • Alternate Guitar
  • Arcade Stick
  • Big Button Pad
  • Dance Pad
  • Drum Kit
  • Flight Stick
  • Gamepad
  • Guitar
  • Wheel

Required and Optional Features

Support for the following features is required from all controller subtypes:

  • The action buttons: A, B, X, and Y.
  • The Back, Start, and Xbox Guide buttons.
  • The directional pad (Up, Down, Left, and Right), the Ring of Light, and voice support.

Support for the following features is optional:

  • The serial port, which is part of the Expansion Port.
  • The Left/Right stick buttons (that is, thumbsticks).
  • The Left/Right triggers.
  • The Left/Right shoulder buttons (that is, bumpers).

Alternate Guitar

This controller consists of a guitar with a vertical orientation sensor and whammy bar.


In addition to the standard control set, the standard and alternate guitar controllers implement additional vendor-specific effects.

Game Function Gamepad Guitar (alternate)
Game Dependent Right Trigger Accelerometer
Game Dependent Left Trigger Accelerometer
Game Dependent/Menu Navigation Directional Pad (Up/Down/Left/Right) Strum Up, Strum Down, DPad Left, DPad Right
Game Dependent A, B, X, Y button Green (1st Neck button), Red (2nd Neck button), Blue (4th Neck button), Yellow (3rd Neck button)
Game Dependent Left Bumper Orange (5th Neck button)
Not used Right Bumper Optional Guitar Effect 3
Pause/Wakes controller from standby and then signals console to wake up. Start button Start button
Back Back button Back button
Opens Xbox 360 Console’s on screen menu. It wakes controller from standby and then signals console to wake up. Xbox Guide button Xbox Guide button
Not used Left Stick X-axis Not used
Not used Left Stick Y-axis Not used
Game Dependent Right Stick X-axis

Whammy Bar.

When the whammy bar is held out from the base of the controller, it is in an Out (or neutral) position and returns a full negative value (-32,768). When the whammy bar is held against the base of the controller, it is in an In position and registers a full positive value (32,767).

Game Dependent Right Stick Y-axis

Vertical Accelerometer

When the controller is held at an angle of +55º or more, the Y-axis of the right stick registers a full positive max value. Values less than 55º register a positive value between 0 and 32,767. When the controller is held at an angle of -55º or more, the X-axis of the right stick registers a full negative max value. Values less than -55º register a negative value between 0 and -32,768.

Not used Left and Right Stick buttons Not used

Arcade Stick

This controller consists of a digital joystick and buttons, which are commonly used for arcade and fighting games.

Game Function Gamepad Arcade Stick
Game Dependent Right Trigger RT button (optional)
Game Dependent Left Trigger LT button (optional)
Game Dependent/Menu Navigation Directional Pad (Up/Down/Left/Right) Arcade Stick (Up/Down/Left/Right)
Game Dependent A, B, X, Y button Green/Red/Blue/Yellow button
Game Dependent Left Bumper Optional
Game Dependent Right Bumper Optional
Pause/Wakes controller from standby and then signals console to wake up. Start button Start button
Back Back button Back button
Opens the on-screen Xbox 360 menu. It wakes controller from standby and then signals console to wake up. Xbox Guide button Xbox Guide button
Not used Left and Right Stick X-axis Not used
Not used Left and Right Stick Y-axis Not used

Big Button Pad

This controller consists of one big button and several other buttons.

Game Function Gamepad Big Button Pad
Game Dependent/Menu Navigation Directional Pad (Up/Down/Left/Right) Directional Pad (Up/Down/Left/Right)
Game Dependent A, B, X, Y button A, B, X, Y button
Pause/Wakes controller from standby and then signals console to wake up. Start button Start button
Back Back button Back button
Opens the on-screen Xbox 360 menu. It wakes controller from standby and then signals console to wake up. Xbox Guide button Xbox Guide button
Game Dependent Not applicable Big Button

Dance Pad

This controller consists of a floor mat, which is used exclusively with dance games. An optional headset extension cable might be bundled with the dance pad.

Game Function Gamepad Dance Pad
Not used Right Trigger Not used
Not used Left Trigger Not used
Game dependent Directional Pad (Up/Down/Left/Right) Top/North, Bottom/South, West/Left, East/Right pads
Game dependent A, B, X, Y button A Pad (North East), B Pad (North West), X Pad (South East), Y Pad (South West)
Not used Left Bumper Not used
Not used Right Bumper Not used
Pause/Wakes controller from standby and then signals console to wake up. Start button Start Button/Pad
Back Back button Back Button/Pad
Opens the on-screen Xbox 360 menu. Wakes controller from standby and then signals console to wake up. Xbox Guide button Xbox Guide Button/Pad
Not used Left Stick X and Y-axis Not used
Not used Right Stick X and Y-axis Not used
Not used Left and Right Stick buttons Not used

Drum Kit

This controller consists of a drum kit, which is used for music games. Bass drum control is implemented as a foot pedal with various drums represented by four (core kit) or seven (extended drum kit) pads.

Game Function Gamepad Drum Kit
Not used Right Trigger Not used
Not used Left Trigger Not used
Game Dependent/Menu Navigation Directional Pad (Up/Down/Left/Right) Directional Pad
Game Dependent A, B, X, Y button Green, Red, Blue, and Yellow pads.
Game Dependent Left Bumper Orange pedal
Game Dependent Right Bumper Extra Pad 3 (optional)
Pause/Wakes controller from standby and then signals console to wake up. Start button Start button
Back Back button Back button
Opens the on-screen Xbox 360 menu. Wakes controller from standby and then signals console to wake up. Xbox Guide button Xbox Guide button
Game Dependent Left Stick button Extra Pad 2 (optional)
Game Dependent Right Stick button Extra Pad 1 (optional)

Flight Stick

This controller consists of an aircraft joystick, which is used for flight simulation, air combat, and space combat games. The joystick’s position is mapped to the Left Stick’s X and Y-axes as on a Cartesian plane.


Game Function Gamepad Flight Stick
Throttle (Up/Down) Right Trigger Throttle Control (Forward/Backward)
Rudder (Left/Right) Left Trigger Twisting handle or rocker switch
Menu Navigation Directional Pad (Up/Down/Left/Right) Hat switch
Primary weapon, Secondary weapon, Action, Action A, B, X, Y button Joystick trigger, B, X, Y buttons
Optional Left Bumper Optional
Optional Right Bumper Optional
Pause/Wakes controller from standby and then signals console to wake up. Start button Start button
Back Back button Back button
Opens the on-screen Xbox 360 menu. Wakes controller from standby and then signals console to wake up. Xbox Guide button Xbox Guide button
Roll (Left/Right) Left Stick X-axis Joystick X-axis
Pitch (Up/Down) Left Stick Y-axis Joystick Y-axis
Point Of View Right Stick X and Y-axis Right Stick X and Y-axis
Optional Left and Right Stick buttons Optional


This is the standard Xbox 360 controller. It is suitable for emulating all other controller subtypes.

Game Function Gamepad
Game Dependent Right Trigger
Game Dependent Left Trigger
Game Dependent/Menu Navigation Directional Pad (Up/Down/Left/Right)
Game Dependent A, B, X, Y button
Game Dependent Left Bumper
Game Dependent Right Bumper
Pause/Wakes controller from standby and then signals console to wake up. Start button
Back Back button
Opens the on-screen Xbox 360 menu. Wakes controller from standby and then signals console to wake up. Xbox Guide button
Not used Left and Right Stick X-axis
Not used Left and Right Stick Y-axis


This controller consists of a guitar with a vertical orientation sensor and whammy bar. In addition, some controllers implement vendor-specific optional effects.

Game Function Gamepad Guitar
Game Dependent Right Trigger Optional Guitar Effect 2 (Right Effect Pedal)
Game Dependent Left Trigger Optional Guitar Effect 1 (Right Effect Pedal)
Game Dependent/Menu Navigation Directional Pad (Up/Down/Left/Right) Strum Up, Strum Down, DPad Left, DPad Right
Game Dependent A, B, X, Y button Green (1st Neck button), Red (2nd Neck button), Blue (4th Neck button), Yellow (3rd Neck button)
Game Dependent Left Stick button + A Left Stick button + A
Game Dependent Left Stick button + B Left Stick button + B
Game Dependent Left Stick button + X Left Stick button + X
Game Dependent Left Stick button + Y Left Stick button + Y
Game Dependent Left Bumper Orange (5th Neck button)
Game Dependent Lower Left Bumper Left Stick button + Left BUmper
Not used Right Bumper Optional Guitar Effect 3
Pause/Wakes controller from standby and then signals console to wake up. Start button Start button
Back Back button Back button
Opens Xbox 360 Console’s on screen menu. Wakes controller from standby and then signals console to wake up. Xbox Guide button Xbox Guide button
Not used Left Stick X-axis Not used
Not used Left Stick Y-axis Not used
Game Dependent Right Stick X-axis

Whammy Bar.

When the whammy bar is held out from the base of the controller, it is in an Out (or neutral) position and returns a full negative value (-32,768). When the whammy bar is held against the base of the controller, it is in an In position and registers a full positive value (32,767).

Game Dependent Right Stick Y-axis

Tilt Sensor

When the controller is held at an angle of +55º or more, the Y-axis of the right stick registers a full positive max value. Values less than 55º register a positive value between 0 and 32,767. When the controller is held at an angle of -55º or more, the X-axis of the right stick registers a full negative max value. Values less than -55º register a negative value between 0 and -32,768.

Not used Left and Right Stick buttons Not used


Several wheels (with associated pedals) are available for the Xbox 360 platform.

Game Function Gamepad Wheel
Accelerate Right Trigger Accelerator Pedal
Brake Left Trigger Brake Pedal
Game Dependent/Menu Navigation Directional Pad (Up/Down/Left/Right) Directional Pad (Up/Down/Left/Right)
Game Dependent A, B, Y, X button A, B, Y, X button
Gear Down Left Bumper Left Paddle/Shift Lever
Gear Up Right Bumper Right Paddle/Shift Lever
Pause/Wakes controller from standby and then signals console to wake up Start button Start button
Back Back button Back button
Opens Xbox 360 Console’s on-screen menu; wakes controller from standby and then signals console to wake up Xbox Guide button Xbox Guide button
Steering Left Stick X-axis Wheel Rotation
Not used Left Stick Y-axis Not used
Optional Right Stick X-axis Optional
Optional Right Stick Y-axis Optional

See Also


Responding to User Input