
How to View MED-V Settings and General Information

How to View MED-V Settings

To view MED-V settings

  1. In the notification area, right-click the MED-V icon.

  2. On the submenu, click Settings.

  3. In the Settings dialog box, select the Load MED-V after Windows logon check box to load MED-V on startup.

  4. Select the Start Workspace when MED-V starts check box to automatically start the MED-V workspace on startup.

  5. Configure the server properties described in the following table.

Server Settings

Property Description

Server address

The server's DNS name or IP address.

Server port

The server's port.

Encrypt connections (HTTPS)

Select this check box to use encrypted connections.


How to View MED-V General Information

To view MED-V general information

  1. In the notification area, right-click the MED-V icon.

  2. On the submenu, point to Help, and then click About.

    The About Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization screen appears.