
Select Task Page (Learn More)

Use the Select Task page to modify an existing virtual application package. For more information about modifying an existing virtual application package, see How to Modify an Existing Virtual Application Package (App-V 4.6 SP1).

This page contains the following elements:

Update Application in Existing Package Select this option to apply an update to an application or program that is part of an existing virtual application package. If you select this option, you should have the associated installation files saved locally to the computer running the App-V Sequencer. You must also have access to the location where the package that contains the application or program that you want to modify is saved.

Edit Package Select this option to modify the properties associated with an existing virtual application package. To edit a package, you must have access to the location where the virtual application package is saved. The following list displays the package properties that can be updated if you select Edit Package:

  • View package properties.

  • View package change history.

  • View associated package files.

  • Edit registry settings.

  • Review additional package settings (except operating system file properties).

  • Create associated Windows Installer.

  • Modify OSD file.

  • Compress and uncompress package.

  • Add file type associations.

  • Rename shortcuts.

  • Set virtualized registry key state (override / merge).

  • Set virtualized folder state.

  • Edit virtual file system mappings.

Add New Application Select this option to add a new application or program to an existing virtual application package. For example, you can add Microsoft Excel to an existing Microsoft Office virtual application package. To add a new application, you must have access to the location where the virtual application package is saved. You can also edit file type associations associated with an existing package.

Open Package Wizard (AppV 4.6 SP1)