

PartnerId specifies the identity of participants in the Microsoft Operations Services IT (OSIT) Sell Keys Partner Portal System. Origianl equipment manufacturers (OEMs) specify a partner ID for all computers that they manufacture and are enabled for the Windows Anytime Upgrade program.

When a user enters the partner ID on a computer enabled for Windows Anytime Upgrade, a Microsoft redirection service uses the partner ID to:

  • Route the user to a merchant Web page that is either specified by or agreed to by the OEM.
  • Route the user to a Microsoft-specified Web page with a list of vendors, when one or more of the following conditions is met:
    • The merchant of record is no longer in business.
    • The Microsoft contract of the merchant of record has been terminated.
    • The Windows Anytime Upgrade service is not available when the Windows Vista operating system is released.
    • The site of the merchant of record is not ready when Windows Vista is released.
    • A partner ID has not been preinstalled on the computer.


Merchants that are not OEMs can negotiate with system builders and OEMs to have their partner IDs installed on computers.

Merchants with a technical services department in their retail store can replace the OEM's partner ID with their own partner ID on computers that they sell if the user has explicitly authorized the merchant either to install hardware or software or to perform a Windows Anytime Upgrade or Full Packaged Products (FPP) upgrade.



Specifies the identity of participants in the Microsoft Operations Services IT (OSIT) Sell Keys Partner Portal System. PartnerID is a string. The default value is null.

This string type supports empty elements.

Valid Passes




Parent Hierarchy

Microsoft-Windows-Security-Licensing-SLCC | PartnerId

Applies To

For the list of the supported Windows editions and architectures that this component supports, see Microsoft-Windows-Security-Licensing-SLCC

XML Example

The following XML output shows how to set the Windows Anytime Upgrade program.


See Also

