

Key specifies the absolute hierarchical path to a key specified as part of the metadata for an image in a Windows image (.wim) file.

The following examples show how the Key and Value settings in the MetaData setting are combined to describe metadata information.

Sample .wim metadata output:

   <IMAGE INDEX="1">

The following table shows the Key and Value pairs that should be used to correspond to the metadata in the sample .wim file output.

Key Value







For more information about how the Key and Value settings are combined, see the MetaData setting.



Specifies the absolute hierarchical path to a key specified as part of the metadata for an image in a .wim file. Absolute_path_to_an_image is a string.

With ImageX, you can see the index, the name, and the flags associated with multiple images in a .wim file.

This string type does not support empty elements. Do not create an empty value for this setting.

Valid Passes


Parent Hierarchy

Microsoft-Windows-Setup | ImageInstall | OSImage | InstallFrom | MetaData | Key

Applies To

For the list of the supported Windows editions and architectures that this component supports, see Microsoft-Windows-Setup.

XML Example

The following XML output shows how to set the ImageInstall setting to install both an operating system image and a data image.

            <MetaData wcm:action="add">
    <DataImage wcm:action="add">
            <MetaData wcm:action="add">

See Also

