
NTDS Site Settings Properties Sheet - Site Settings Tab

Applies To: Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012

Item Details

Change Schedule or View Schedule

The default schedule for intrasite replication. You should not change this schedule. Although intrasite replication occurs automatically when an update occurs, replication partners are also contacted once every hour to ensure that changes that might have been missed are replicated.

When you are logged on with an account that does not have sufficient credentials to change the schedule, the available option is View Schedule .

Intersite Topology Generator

The name of the single domain controller in the site that is responsible for creating connections from domain controllers in other sites. The combination of all the connections that are created by Intersite Topology Generators in all sites forms the intersite replication topology for the forest.

Universal Group Membership Caching

Enable Universal Group Membership Caching : Eliminates the need for a domain controller in this site to contact a global catalog server in a different site to check for universal group memberships during domain logons.

Refresh cache from : Lists the available sites in the forest. Use this list to specify a site from which to cache universal group memberships. <Default> uses the most efficient route to a site that has a global catalog server. If you specify a site, make sure that it contains a working global catalog server.

Additional references