
Overview of Remote Desktops Snap-in

Applies To: Windows Server 2008

The Remote Desktops snap-in lets you manage Remote Desktop connections to terminal servers and to other computers. By using the snap-in, you can administer multiple computers from a single remote location.

By default, when you add a connection, the Remote Desktops snap-in connects you to a session on the remote computer that is used for administrative purposes. In this case, the Remote Desktop connection is started with the /admin option. For more information about the /admin option, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=91122. To run a specific program when you connect, you can modify the connection and specify the program name.

Any user account that has rights to log on to the server can be used to complete most of the procedures. However, to connect to a remote computer through Remote Desktop, membership in the Remote Desktop Users group on the remote computer is the minimum required. If you connect to a session by using the /admin option, membership in the Administrators group on the remote computer is the minimum required. Note that if your computer is connected to the network, network policy settings may prevent you from completing a given procedure.

Additional references

Start the Remote Desktops Snap-in

Add a New Connection

Start a Session

Disconnect from a Session

Modify an Existing Connection

Specify a Program to Start When You Connect

Delete a Connection