
Map Clustered MS DTC Resources

Applies To: Windows Server 2008

You can use the Msdtc.exe command-line tool to map a Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) resource to an application that uses failover clusters.

Membership in Administrators, or equivalent, is the minimum required to use this command-line tool. Review details about using the appropriate accounts and group memberships at Local and Domain Default Groups (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=83477).


msdtc -tmMappingSet -name "<MappingName>" [ [-exe "<FullExecutableName>"] | [-service "<ServiceName>"] | [-complusAppId <"ID">]] [-local | -clusterResourceName "<ResourceName>"]
msdtc.exe -tmMappingView [* | -name "<MappingName>"]
msdtc.exe -tmMappingClear [* | -name "<MappingName>"]


Parameter Description


Specifies that you want to set an MS DTC mapping between an executable application and a service.


Specifies that you want to view an existing MS DTC mapping.


Specifies that you want to clear an existing MS DTC mapping.

-name "<MappingName>"

Specifies the name of the MS DTC mapping to set, view, or clear. The context depends on which of the three mapping options is used (tmMappingSet, tmMappingView, tmMappingClear). You can specify the wildcard (*) character when you view or clear mappings. If you view mappings, all existing MS DTC mappings are returned as the result. If you clear mappings, all existing mappings are cleared.

You can specify the following value for this parameter:

  • MappingName

    Specifies the name of the mapping.

-service "<ServiceName>"

Specifies the name of the Windows service to associate with this mapping.

You can specify the following values for this parameter:

  • ServiceName

    Specifies the name of the Windows service.


Specifies the COM+ application identifier to associate with this mapping.

You can specify the following values for this parameter:

  • ID

    Specifies the ID value for a COM+ application.


Specifies that the local DTC is used when you create a mapping.

-clusterResourceName "<ResourceName>"

Specifies a cluster MS DTC resource to associate with this mapping.

You can specify the following values for this parameter:

  • ResourceName

    Specifies the name of a clustered MS DTC resource.