
Fine-Tuning Change Notification Values

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2

Replication within a site occurs as a response to changes elsewhere in the site. Replication across sites occurs based on the replication schedule and interval. It is also possible to enable change notifications across sites.

When a change occurs on a domain controller, two configurable intervals determine the delay between the following events:

  • Notification to the first partner.

  • Notification to each subsequent partner.

The above two intervals serve to:

  • Stagger network traffic caused by replication.

  • Spreads out the load of responding to replication requests from its partners.

The following table lists the default notification delays:


Operating system



Windows 2000

Windows Server 2003



Windows 2000

Windows Server 2003 (either upgraded from Windows 2000 or a clean install)



Windows Server 2003

The following table lists the storage location of notification delay values for each operating system.

Operating system



Windows 2000 Server


  • Replicator notify pause after modify (secs)

  • Replicator notify pause between Directory System Agent (DSAs) (secs)

Windows Server 2003

Cross-reference object for each directory partition in the configuration partition.

  • msDS-Replication-Notify-First-DSA-Delay

  • msDS-Replication-Notify-Subsequent-DSA-Delay

Repadmin /notifyopt could be used to view or change the notification timing settings of a specified directory partition in Windows Server 2003.


repadmin /notifyopt <DC_LIST> <NamingContext> [/first: Value] [/subs: Value]




Specifies the host name of a domain controller, or a list of domain controllers separated by a space. For details about <DC_LIST>, see repadmin /listhelp.


Specifies the distinguished name of the directory partition on the source domain controller.


The number of seconds after a change is made before the domain controller notifies its first replication partner that there is a change.


Once the first replication partner is notified of a change, the subs parameter specifies the number of seconds to wait before notifying the next replication partner.

Example 1: Displaying the default notification delay on the ForestDnsZones partition

Repadmin /notifyopt

Example 2: Changing the defaults to 300/30 on the ForestDnsZones

Repadmin /notifyopt


In order to make this change, you have to run /notifyopt against the Domain Naming Master. See the highlighted text in figure 3.8.2.