
Set printing resolution

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

To set printing resolution

To create a document, your printer applies tiny dots of ink to the paper. The more dots per inch (dpi) your printer sends, the crisper and better the results, or the higher its resolution. For most printers, selecting a higher printer resolution increases the time it takes for the file to print.

Printer resolution settings are not available if your printer does not support the ability to change the resolution. Also, you must have the Print permission, which is one of several printer permissions. For more information, click Related Topics.

  1. Open Printers and Faxes.

  2. Right-click the icon for the printer you are using, and then click Printing Preferences.

  3. Click Advanced, and under Graphic, click Print Quality.

  4. Click the resolution option you want.


  • To open Printers and Faxes, click Start, and then click Printers and Faxes.

  • In Windows, printer resolution is specified using two numbers. The first represents horizontal resolution and the second represents vertical resolution. For example, 240 X 144 specifies a resolution of 240 dots per inch across (horizontally) and 144 dots per inch down (vertically). Changing the resolution does not change the quality of the printed text unless you are using a LaserJet printer and printing TrueType fonts as graphics.

  • Any changes you make in Printing Preferences will alter the default document settings for the printer and will affect all documents you send to the printer. To change print settings for individual documents from within a program, click Page Setup (or Print Setup) on the program`s File menu, and then make selections.

  • To set the printing default for all users connected to the printer, see Set printing defaults.

Information about functional differences

  • Your server might function differently based on the version and edition of the operating system that is installed, your account permissions, and your menu settings. For more information, see Viewing Help on the Web.

See Also


To print TrueType fonts as graphics
Set printing defaults
Assigning printer permissions