
Cluster group

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

Cluster group

The cluster group command is used to create a new cluster group or administer an existing group. Used without parameters, cluster group defaults to the /status command-line option and displays the status for a group.


cluster [[/cluster:]ClusterName] group GroupName **/**Option

  • ****/node:NodeName
    Specifies the node that owns the group.
  • /stat[us]
    Displays the status of a group (online, offline, or Partially Online).
  • /create
    Creates a new group.
  • /delete
    Deletes a group.
  • /ren[ame]:NewGroupName
    Renames a group.
  • /move[to][:NodeName] [/wait**[**:Timeout_in_Seconds]]
    Moves a group to another node.
  • /on[line][:NodeName] [/wait**[**:Timeout_in_Seconds]]
    Brings a group online.
  • /off[line][:NodeName] [/wait**[**:Timeout_in_Seconds]]
    Takes a group offline.
  • /prop[erties] [PropertyList]
    Views or sets the group common properties.
  • /priv[properties] [PropertyList]
    Views or sets the group private properties.
  • /listowners
    Displays a list of preferred owners.
  • ****/setowners:NodeName[,NodeName ...]
    Specifies a preferred owner.
  • /?
    Displays help at the command prompt.
  • Using the cluster group command

    The cluster name is optional. If the name of your cluster is also a cluster command or its abbreviation, such as "cluster" or "group," use /cluster: to explicitly specify the cluster name. For a list of all the cluster commands, see Related Topics.

    With /move[to], /online, and /offline, the command-line option /wait[**:**Timeout_in_Seconds] specifies how long Cluster.exe waits before canceling the command if it does not successfully complete. If you do not use the /wait option with the /move[to] command, Cluster.exe waits 20 seconds. If you do not use the /wait option with the /offline or /online commands, Cluster.exe waits 10 seconds. For the /move[to], /online, or /offline commands, if you use /wait without specifying a time-out period, Cluster.exe waits indefinitely or until the group state changes.

    If a node name is not specified, the Cluster service will automatically select a node following the move and failover logic described in Determining failover and move policies for groups.

  • Using the /stat[us] command-line option

    The group name is optional. If you do not provide a group name, status for all groups is displayed.

  • Using the /prop[erties] [PropertyList] command-line option

    The group name is optional. Properties for all groups are displayed if group name is not provided. For more information on property lists, see Related Topics.

  • Using the /priv[properties] [PropertyList] command-line option

    The group name is optional. Private properties for all groups are displayed if you do not provide a group name. For more information on property lists, see Related Topics.

  • Using cluster group common property names

    The following table describes the common cluster group property names, their uses, and valid settings:

    Common property names Use


    Name of the cluster group object.


    Describes a group.


    Describes the last known persistent state of a group (1, (true) means online; 0 (false) means offline).


    Specifies the number of times the Cluster service attempts to failover a group before it concludes that the group cannot be brought online anywhere in the cluster.


    Specifies the interval (in hours) over which the Cluster service attempts to fail over a group.


    Set to ClusterGroupPreventFailback (0) to prevent failback. Set to ClusterGroupAllowFailback (1) to allow failback.


    Specifies the start time (on a 24-clock) for failback of a group to its preferred node. These values must be between 0 (midnight) and 23 (11:00 p.m.) in local time. For immediate failback, set to -1.


    Specifies the end time (on a 24-hour clock) for failback of a group to its preferred node. These values must be between 0 (midnight) and 23 (11:00 p.m.) in local time. For immediate failback, set to -1.


    Specifies a name for a class of groups that should not be hosted on the same cluster node. This property (a string of alphanumeric characters) can be used to configure N+I server clusters. For more information on N+I server clusters, see Cluster deployment and operation options. For more information on using this property, see article Q296799, "How to Configure Windows Clustering Groups for Hot Spare Support," in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.


    This property is not used at this time by the Cluster service, but is reserved for future use.

  • Using Cluster group private property names

    By default, there are no private properties for cluster group. Software vendors can add private properties to extend cluster functionality.


To move a group called Disk Group 1 on the OpsClus1 cluster from OpsNode1 to OpsNode2, type:

cluster opsclust group "disk group 1" /moveto:opsnode2

To specify that the Cluster service not place groups "disk group 1" and "disk group 2" together on the same node, supply the same string "SEP1" for groups "disk group 1" and "disk group 2". Similarly, to specify that the Cluster service not place groups "disk group 1" and "file share 1" together on the same node, supply the same string "SEP2" for groups "disk group 1" and "file share 1". That is, type:

cluster opsclust group "disk group 1" /prop AntiAffinityClassNames="SEP1","SEP2"

cluster opsclust group "disk group 2" /prop AntiAffinityClassNames="SEP1"

cluster opsclust group "file share 1" /prop AntiAffinityClassNames="SEP2"

Formatting legend

Format Meaning


Information that the user must supply


Elements that the user must type exactly as shown

Ellipsis (...)

Parameter that can be repeated several times in a command line

Between brackets ([])

Optional items

Between braces ({}); choices separated by pipe (|). Example: {even|odd}

Set of choices from which the user must choose only one

Courier font

Code or program output

See Also


Command-line reference A-Z
Command shell overview
Property lists

Other Resources

Cluster commands overview