
Authorization Manager delegation

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

Authorization Manager delegation

Using delegation, you can assign responsibility to someone else. Delegation helps balance workloads, and it can help with security by assuring that individuals do not have more rights than they need.

Authorization stores that are stored in Active Directory support delegation.

XML-based authorization stores do not support delegation at any level. The XML file is secured as a whole by its NTFS file system access control entries (ACEs).

A scope within an authorization store that is stored in Active Directory cannot be delegated if the scope contains task definitions that include authorization rules, or role definitions that include authorization rules.

For more information about delegating authorization stores, see Delegate an authorization store. For more information about delegating applications, see Delegate an application. For more information about delegating a scope, see Delegate a scope.

For more information about delegation, see Delegating administration.