
Security Considerations for Designating HPC Cluster Users and Administrators

Applies To: Windows HPC Server 2008

This section describes the roles that you can designate in a cluster running Windows HPC Server 2008. The roles are as follows:

  • HPC cluster users (listed in HPC Cluster Manager as Users): HPC cluster users only have permissions to manage tasks and jobs that they have submitted to the cluster. They can also view limited information about jobs that have been submitted by others, but cannot cancel or resubmit those jobs.

  • HPC cluster administrators (listed in HPC Cluster Manager as Administrators): HPC cluster administrators have permissions to manage all aspects of Windows HPC Server 2008 and can also submit and manage jobs, tasks, and job templates.

The following topics in this section provide more information about the roles of HPC cluster users and HPC cluster administrators:

The following topic in this section provides information about troubleshooting when cluster users cannot run jobs because logon rights have been restricted in the domain:

Additional references