

Applies To: Windows 8, Windows 8.1

Provides a standard COM enumeration method for enumerating a collection of IControlErrorInfo interfaces. When the library performs an operation such as start or update, it may not enable some providers, such as those that are not supported on the system. In that case, the library creates a list of IControlErrorInfo objects, each of which contains more detailed contextual error information that describes why the provider was not enabled. The client can query for this interface from IControlManager to determine whether any errors are listed.

  [id(1), helpstring("Next")] HRESULT Next
    ([in] ULONG celt,
    [out, size_is(celt), length_is(*pCeltFetched)] IControlErrorInfo** prgVar,
    [out] ULONG* pCeltFetched);
  [id(2), helpstring("Skip")] HRESULT Skip
    ([in] ULONG celt);
  [id(3), helpstring("Reset")] HRESULT Reset();
  [id(4), helpstring("Clone")] HRESULT Clone
    ([out] IEnumControlWarningInfo** ppEnum);


The following table describes the functions that this interface provides.

Function Description


Returns an array that contains the specified number of elements.


Indicates the number of elements to skip.


Resets the enumeration.


Creates a clone enumerator.

See Also

Other Resources
