
Viewing Quick Reports

Applies To: Windows 7, Windows Vista

This section provides step-by-step instructions for viewing your compatibility reports, which can be based on your specific applications, computers, devices, Web sites, or Windows® updates. This section also includes information about how to change what types of reports appear in the Quick Reports pane, and how to include and exclude report columns.

In This Section

Topic Name Description

Customizing Your Report Views

Includes detailed information about changing the types of reports that appear in your Quick Reports pane, in addition to how to include and exclude report columns.

Operating System Reports

Includes detailed information about viewing and using reports based on operating systems.

Internet Explorer Reports

Includes detailed information about viewing and using reports based on Web sites.

Update Impact Reports

Includes detailed information about viewing and using reports based on Windows updates.

See Also


Filtering and Organizing Your Compatibility Data
Sending and Receiving Compatibility Data