
Internet Explorer Compatibility Test Tool

Applies To: Windows 7, Windows Vista

The Internet Explorer® Compatibility Test Tool (IECTT) collects your Web-based issues from Windows® Internet Explorer 7 and Windows Internet Explorer 8, uploads the data to the ACT Log Processing Service, and shows your results in real time. The results include:

  • Details about discovered compatibility issues

  • Links for more information about each compatibility issue

In This Section

Topic Name Description

Using the Internet Explorer Compatibility Test Tool

Includes detailed information and step-by-step instructions about the Internet Explorer Compatibility Test (IECTT) tool, including details about how to view the potential compatibility issues for your Web sites and Web applications, how to filter your results, and how to upload all data to your ACT database.

See Also


Development Tools
Internet Explorer Reports
Known Internet Explorer Security Feature Issues
Internet Explorer Compatibility Test Tool Technical Reference

Other Resources

Testing and Mitigating Issues by Using the Development Tools