
hpcpack mount


Applies To: Microsoft HPC Pack 2012, Microsoft HPC Pack 2012 R2

Mounts a VHD file as a drive on a Windows Azure node, or lists all currently mounted drives on that node.

The VHD is loaded from a Windows Azure storage account, and you can specify the account using the Windows Azure storage account name and its storage key or Shared Access Signature (SAS) token.


This subcommand supports mounting a VHD to Windows Azure worker nodes starting with HPC Pack 2008 R2 with Service Pack 4 (SP4) and is not supported in previous versions.


The VHD that you mount must be of fixed size. It cannot be dynamically sized, which is the default.


hpcpack mount <VHDname> /account:<storageAccountName> (/key:<storageKey>|/sas:<sasToken>)  
[/container:<containerName>] [/force|/snapshot] 

hpcpack mount /list

hpcpack mount {/? | /help}




<VHDname >

Specifies the name of the VHD file that you want to mount from the Windows Azure storage account.

For example: myDrive.vhd.


Specifies the public name of the Windows Azure storage account (the same storage name that you specify in the Windows Azure Node Template).

This is the value of <storageAccountName> in the public URL of the account: https:// <storageAccountName>.blob.core.windows.net.

If you specify /account, you must also specify /key.


Specifies the access key for the Windows Azure storage account.

If you specify /key, you must also specify /account.


Specifies the name of the container in the Windows Azure storage account that contains the VHD file.


Force mounts a VHD that is already mounted on another instance.


Specifies a Shared Access Signature (SAS) token.


This parameter was introduced in Microsoft® HPC Pack 2012 and is not supported in previous versions.


Mounts a snapshot of the specified VHD. This will mount the drive as read-only. Changes to the VHD in the storage account will not be visible to the Windows Azure node until the drive in unmounted and then mounted again.


Lists all of the currently mounted drives on the Windows Azure node.


Displays Help at the command prompt.


Displays Help at the command prompt.


To mount a read-only snapshot of myVHD.vhd from the specified storage account and container to the Windows Azure node:

hpcPack mount myVHD.vhd /account:accountName /key:storageKey /container:myVHDs /snapshot

To list the currently mounted drives on the Windows Azure node:

hpcPack mount /list