
test viewrun


Applies To: Microsoft HPC Pack 2012, Microsoft HPC Pack 2012 R2

Displays information about the specified test run, including the following items:

  • The state and result for the test

  • The user who requested the test

  • The dates and times that the test was submitted, started, and ended

  • The result of the test on each node on which the test ran

For examples of how to use this command, see Examples.


test viewrun <run_identifer> [-detailed] [/server:<server_name>]

test viewrun {/? | /help}





Specifies the identifier of the test run for which you want to view information.


Displays more detailed information about the test run, including the following information about each of the stages of the test:

  • The identifier of the job for the stage of the test

  • The state of the job for the stage of the test

  • The start and end dates and times

  • The total number of tasks in the job

  • The number of tasks in the job that are running and finished


Specifies the host name or IP address of the server that hosts the HPC Diagnostics Service for the HPC cluster that ran the test for which you want to view information. The value must be a valid computer name or IP address. If you do not specify the /server parameter, this command uses the head node that the CCP_SCHEDULER environment variable specifies.


Displays Help at the command prompt.


Displays Help at the command prompt.


  • To view a list of test runs for the HPC cluster, use the test listruns command.

  • The view the results of a test run that are displayed on the Results tab for the test run in HPC Cluster Manager, use the test viewresult command.

  • You must be a cluster administrator to run this command successfully.


To display information for the test run with an identifier of 12, type:

test viewrun 12

To display detailed information for the test run with an identifier of 25, including information about each of the stages of that test run, type:

test viewrun 25 -detailed

Additional references