
Step 9: Deploy iSCSI Boot Nodes


Applies To: Microsoft HPC Pack 2012, Microsoft HPC Pack 2012 R2

The final step in the iSCSI deployment process is to deploy the iSCSI boot nodes that you added to your HPC cluster in Step 4: Add Nodes for iSCSI Deployment, earlier in this guide. To accomplish this, you apply to the iSCSI boot nodes the node template that you created for iSCSI deployment, by using the Deploy iSCSI Boot Node Wizard.


  • Before following this procedure, ensure that the computers that you added to your HPC cluster as iSCSI boot nodes are turned on.

  • For performance reasons, if you have a large number of iSCSI boot nodes that are booting from a single storage array, it is recommended that you turn on and deploy batches of approximately 128 iSCSI boot nodes at one time.

To add iSCSI boot nodes

  1. In HPC Cluster Manager, in Configuration, in the Navigation Pane, click iSCSI Deployment.

  2. In the Required iSCSI Deployment Tasks list, under iSCSI boot node deployment, click Deploy iSCSI boot nodes. The Deploy iSCSI Boot Node Wizard appears.

  3. On the Welcome page, click Next.

  4. On the Assign a Node Template page, select the node template that you created for iSCSI deployment in Step 8: Create a Node Template for the iSCSI Boot Nodes, earlier in this guide. Then select the iSCSI boot nodes from the list of nodes. Click Next to continue.


    The nodes that you select can include the base node that was used previously to create a base node image.

  5. On the Initiate Deployment page, if you want to track deployment progress, select the Go to Node Management to track progress check box. Then click Deploy.

See Also

Steps for Deploying iSCSI Boot Nodes with Microsoft HPC Pack