


Applies To: Microsoft HPC Pack 2012, Microsoft HPC Pack 2012 R2

Provides subcommands for managing jobs.




job add

Creates a new task and adds it to the specified job.

job cancel

Cancels a specified running or pending job.

job clone

Creates a new job by copying an existing job.

job finish

Finishes a specified running job.


This subcommand was introduced in Microsoft® HPC Pack 2008 R2. It is not supported in previous versions.

job list

Lists information about the jobs that match the specified criteria.

job listtasks

Lists information about the tasks that belong to the specified job.

job modify

Sets the properties of the specified job.

job new

Creates a new job with the specified settings on an HPC cluster.

job requeue

Requeues the specified job if the job has a state of Running, Canceled, or Failed.

job submit

Submits the specified job to run on an HPC cluster.

job view

Displays information about the specified job, and optionally includes a detailed list of property values or historical information.

job /?

Displays Help at the command prompt.

job /help

Displays Help at the command prompt.