


Applies To: Microsoft HPC Pack 2012, Microsoft HPC Pack 2012 R2

Provides subcommands for viewing and changing the configuration of the HPC Job Scheduler Service.




cluscfg createcert

Enrolls the user in a certificate and places the certificate in the user's store.


This subcommand is deprecated as of Microsoft® HPC Pack 2012. Use hpccred getcreds instead.

cluscfg delcreds

Deletes the cached credentials for a specified user that the HPC Job Scheduler Service uses to submit jobs.


This subcommand is deprecated as of HPC Pack 2012. Use hpccred delcreds instead.

clusfig getcreds

Gets the soft card credential of the user


This subcommand is deprecated as of HPC Pack 2012. Use hpccred getcreds instead.

cluscfg listenvs

Displays the values of the cluster-wide environment variables.

cluscfg listparams

Displays the values of the cluster-wide parameters.

cluscfg mailcred

Sets the credentials for the account that is used to send email notifications about jobs.


This subcommand was introduced in Microsoft® HPC Pack 2008 R2 and is not supported in previous versions. This subcommand is deprecated as of HPC Pack 2012. Use hpccred mailcred instead.

cluscfg setcreds

Sets the credentials to use for the specified user when submitting jobs, and stores the credentials in the credential cache.


This subcommand is deprecated as of HPC Pack 2012. Use cluscfg setcreds instead.

cluscfg setenvs

Sets the values of one or more specified cluster-wide environment variables.

cluscfg setparams

Sets the values of one or more specified cluster-wide parameters.

cluscfg view

Displays statistics for the specified HPC cluster, including the name of the cluster; version of the HPC Pack that is installed on the cluster; and the number of nodes, cores, jobs, and tasks in various states.

cluscfg /?

Displays Help at the command prompt.

cluscfg /help

Displays Help at the command prompt.

See Also
