
Use the Search Providers page in the IEAK 11 Wizard


Update: The retired, out-of-support Internet Explorer 11 desktop application has been permanently disabled through a Microsoft Edge update on certain versions of Windows 10. For more information, see Internet Explorer 11 desktop app retirement FAQ.

The Search Providers page of the Internet Explorer Customization Wizard 11 lets you add a default search provider (typically, Bing®) and additional providers to your custom version of IE.

The Internet Explorer Customization Wizard 11 offers improved and extended search settings. However, you can still optionally include support for Search Suggestions and Favicons, as well as Accelerator previews by using an .ins file from a previous version of IEAK.

To use the Search Providers page

  1. Click Import to automatically import your existing search providers from your current version of IE into this list.

  2. Click Add to add more providers.

    The Search Provider box appears.

  3. In the Display Name box, type the text that appears in the Search Options menu for the search provider.

  4. In the URL box, type the full URL to the search provider, including the https:// prefix.

  5. In the Favicon URL box, type the full URL to any icon to associate with your provider.

  6. In the Suggestions URL (XML) box, type the associated search suggestions in XML format.

  7. In the Suggestions URL (JSON) box, type the associated search suggestions in JavaScript Object Notation format.

  8. In the Accelerator Preview URL box, type the associated Accelerator preview URL for each provider, if it’s necessary.

  9. Check the Display Search Suggestions for this provider box to turn on search suggestions for the provider, and then click OK.

  10. Check the Search Guide URL Customization box if you’re going to add your search providers to a custom webpage for your employees. Then, type the URL to the custom webpage in the text box.

  11. Click Edit to change your search provider information, click Set Default to make a search provider the default for your employees, or Remove to delete a search provider.

  12. Click Next to go to the Important URLs - Home Page and Support page or Back to go to the Browser User Interface page.