

Notifies the profiler that you are going to stop profiling on all applicable scripting engines. By using this method, you can obtain the complete call stack if JavaScript is running when you stop profiling.


HRESULT PrepareProfilerStop();  


The method does not take any parameters.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT. Possible values are as follows:

Return value Meaning
S_OK The method succeeded.
E_FAIL Profiling could not be started.
S_FALSE Profiling was stopped when a script was not running.
ACTIVPROF_E_PROFILER_ABSENT Profiling is not enabled.


Calling IActiveScriptProfilerControl2::PrepareProfilerStop ensures that events for functions in the call stack are sent. This method has to be called before you stop profiling on any scripting engine that is on the current tab. The method can be called for any scripting engine.

See also

IActiveScriptProfilerControl2 Interface